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Everything posted by Skipalongcassidy

  1. I'll bet that I can put it in neutral and push it... all automatic transmission cars have a release button near the shift lever... sometimes it is under the boot that covers the shifter... but it is there.
  2. And the rest of the story... while congress continues to waste taxpayer dollars... the precedent was set by the demoncratic party and their failed pursuit of two impeachment tries... talk about wasted millions.
  3. Brits cannot solve their own problems but all of them on this forum have all the answers for the USA
  4. Since you didn't bother to read or comprehend the OP...However, the economic impact of immigration extends beyond mere growth figures. While immigrants contribute to federal tax revenue, they also place strains on state and local governments' resources, particularly in areas such as public education and social welfare programs. While immigrants may not qualify for certain social welfare benefits, they still impose costs on state and local governments, leading to a net negative impact on their budgets
  5. There is no such thing as one way traffic in Thailand.
  6. The fact that you think kamala is sane and decent is hilarious in and of itself... simple choices are for the simple minded
  7. Don't be such an ass... your mother obviously didn't love you...555
  8. I just renewed my extension based on marriage at CM IO... they asked what my monthly income was even though I too use the $400 bank balance method... no big deal.. I just told them the deposit figure on the bank statement/letter and reflected on the copies of my bank book... and they moved on... nothing contentious about it. They require 4 photos... front door... front of house with house number showing... kitchen... and living room... was instructed that they cannot be selfies... again no big deal.
  9. That is on the agenda right below teaching millions of visitors to behave civilly when visiting Thailand...
  10. Hopefully you are a man of your word... goodbye... you won't be happy in Mexico either... 555555
  11. hat when she is returned to her homeland that they restrict her movements every 28 days for the safety of the general population... maybe send her to the front lines every 28th day... look out ukraine
  12. See... I told you all that they refuse to acknowledge the current polling that shows joe's ratings are all time lowest of any in the history of taking polls.
  13. Honey... the world was built under spurious practices... so your solution in order to reduce spurious practices is to just let everybody work without any control or direction... hahaha... humans cannot help themselves if allowed to operate on an honor system.
  14. Here you go again... the airlines could do better for everyone... that we agree on... but at the end of the day they do a very good job considering all the special interest demands... according to you they should take out 12 seats in the front of the aircraft to accommodate 4 wheelchair bound handicapped persons... that only makes sense to someone who also believes in the tooth fairy.
  15. OK... you definition of "BUY" is yours... not the real worlds.
  16. WTF is wrong with you? You opened a half assed OP and get upset that I do not know what you meant... the answer stands... know matter what... YOU CANNOT BUY LAND IN THAILAND IF YOU ARE A FOREIGNER.
  17. What point? By definition you miss used the term "buy" Buy Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster in order to negate my post that as a foreigner you cannot buy land in Thailand... a foreigner can only "pay" for land... they CANNOT buy land.
  18. Unlike you... I am on no bandwagon... I firmly believe that time will reveal the truth in all matters... I have NO fondness for trump... nor do I have any fondness for joe... that said... my trust or distrust in polling comes from the very nature of the beast... who designed the questions being asked and i what manner were they asked... a good example of this is the recent Google AI debacle... garbage in- garbage out...
  19. All the haters will jump on the bandwagon and support this poll as factual and accurate... while at the same time poo poo other more accurate and reliable poles that show that joe is failing the American people... gotta love it
  20. It's not racist... unlike the western world where everything has become about race with their small minds... What Does 'Farang' Mean in Thai & Should I Be Offended? (thethailandlife.com) Maybe it's your small minded lack of respect that's the issue.
  21. What a loser argument... if your stats teacher gave an F it explains why you cannot do the math... 1+1=2 in the real world.
  22. Then you CANNOT buy land by definition... you can PAY for it however... not the same if you want to split hairs.
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