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Everything posted by Skipalongcassidy

  1. Parking on the right of way is standard in Thailand... so is three up on a scooter built for one (maybe 2) with face masks but no helmets.
  2. Now... instead of shutting down facebook, send a message to scammers and criminals by sending him to jail for life.
  3. Begs the question... is it facebook or the scammers who should be taken down... as usual in Thailand it's the inanimate object not the person who is at fault.
  4. Thai law makes it criminal for a driver to ride thru a puddle and splash a person... so there's that.
  5. Hey maybe this is all false... after all who are we to expect the president of the United States to know what's going on... especially in his own family.
  6. This is NOT about Trump... this is about Biden... you just can't get Trump out of your head can you... FOCUS
  7. In 1968 when I was returning home from Vietnam, I found $600 on the floor at the airport in Manila... picked it up and looked around... no one was desperately searching about so I pocketed it. When I got to the ticket agent I told her what happened and gave her the money and my name and address in the states and told her that if no one claimed it in a reasonable amount of time, please send it to me... about a month after I got home I got an envelope in the mail with $600 in it... amazing... but honesty and a strong belief in Karma does pay dividends.
  8. Yes... in America there are gun shops... but there are rules concerning legally purchasing... there are also criminals like Hunter who lie and purchase illegally...
  9. True... then the euros stopped and said good riddance to the idea, but being generous in nature many Americans still tip as do I... it's the decent thing to do. That said, I will say that in Thailand it is just giving money to the less fortunate workers... it does nothing to improve on there service to the customer... they just don't understand.
  10. I see that you could not either read it again or comprehend what is there to read. So in typical liberal behavior... you laugh... 555
  11. No... reread the article and if you can comprehend what you read you will see the difference.
  12. Trapper has worn the badge of being liberal left wing proudly... he admits to it... it is not labeling it is identifying.
  13. Context is important... you missed it. When Biden was first interviewed Trapper gave Biden the benefit of the doubt... now Trapper says that he now believes that Biden was lying...
  14. pomchop... let's beat all the drums... I haven't lost sight of the Trump corruption at all... when will you ever gain sight of the Biden corruption or is your head buried too far??? They are two separate issues and one is not excused because of the other.
  15. This is about an influential liberal left wing reporter for the liberal left wing CNN now admitting that Biden lied during the debates... it's got nothing to do about Trump or his lies, but trust a lefty liberal to twist it around... 555
  16. https://www.foxnews.com/media/jake-tapper-admits-trump-right-biden-wrong-hunter-biden-2020-presidential-debate#:~:text=Jake Tapper admits,derail a conversation."
  17. Just ask them... they are made here in Thailand... then shipped to Pakistan or somewhere else... don't know why... then shipped to me here in Thailand... twice no duties... once with duties... again don't know why. Register on the site and put your bill to address as it pertains to how you are going to pay for them... my billing address is in USA... then put your ship to address as requested... mine here in Thailand worked no problem.
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