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Everything posted by Skipalongcassidy

  1. Depends on whether or not it is a "special" POA or a "general" POA
  2. Entering Thailand for a USA citizen "visa exempt" as of "right now" it is set at 30 days... in December it may well be reset to 45 days but no one knows
  3. So you admit your failure... why can't young people today write a coherent sentence or spell and punctuate properly?
  4. most likely weed and meth... but I beg the question why this woman thinks that it is ok to rent out her villa in a residential housing area as a daily rental for parties... I hope that it gets completely trashed one day
  5. With all their waiing and bahting it seems that violence is the only thing they are learning...
  6. Meanwhile teachers in other parts of the world are indoctrinating the children to transition rather than teaching the ABC's and Math
  7. I would rather have an aspiring unlicensed teacher with good ideas on proper education than the crop of teachers being foisted upon the public school system around the world today.
  8. Why should they... you are a small cog in the wheel and they want 10 copies on paper of everything that involves you... but not to worry... two things will happen... the Thai general public won't use the system because it is too innovative to understand... the system will eventually fail because the paper guild will sabotage it.
  9. Exactly how does one dress up as a tourist? Another runner caught but never the big guy supplier
  10. This is the current behavior pattern for young people today who are so immersed in social media that they have no social skills... neither of them.
  11. You hear that from nomads who do not think that they should have to honor their lease agreement and have limited understanding about what damages entail... lost rent on a lease that is not fulfilled is "damage" not just physical damage to the property.
  12. As a landlord I can tell you that honest reliable renters are the minority here in the LOS... I have not had one renter who has fulfilled their lease agreement... they just take off in the middle of the night.
  13. I have never said that... not that it should matter except as a schoolyard excuse used so often by the democrats when caught out... but, but, but look art so and so
  14. You are right... when dems get caught out they immediately go into the "I'm sorry mode"... I'm sorry that I got caught out that is.
  15. You mean like Antifa and BLM being just "normal thinking humans"... get real
  16. Let me ask you renters/lessees what do you think the overall reason that landlords do not return deposits... could it be because their tenants do not fulfill their lease agreement? Or is the sinister landlord? Keeping deposits is not profitable... keeping good tenants is.
  17. You are an exception to the rule... most renters do not respect leases which has led to landlords keeping deposits... which came first... the chicken or the egg.
  18. You are precisely the reason that more and more deposits are held back... there are more renters "stiffing" landlords than there are landlords keeping deposits...
  19. As usual, the likely suspects on this thread have completely missed the boat as to this song and why it is so popular right now... they have to attack it because if they don't they lose their high and mighty ground of being "woked" or "woker" or whatever.
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