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Everything posted by newbee2022

  1. Unforeseen in Thailand?🤗, 🤗 🤗. You're joking. Indeed
  2. Is he a qualified Physio therapist? It would be an upgrade. However, not permitted
  3. Yeah, your truth or Social Truth?🤗
  4. Do you have often a crisis?
  5. Sorry, either you're drunk or stoned. Enjoy it please alone but don't send such confused posts. Please.
  6. I decide what is my business. Definitely not you!
  7. This is a good example. Thank you.
  8. I'll give you here the help line number: phone 1323 Bangkok. I'm convinced you need it.
  9. GoFundMe can help if you're in an unavoidable situation. But here it's diametral different
  10. And it's not your business to tell me what i have to think or to do. Ridiculous
  11. Why you post it then?
  12. GoFundMe is terrible
  13. If you think so you would agree that a GoFundMe action is "not ok"?
  14. unemployed but got enough money for Thailand? Bad joke
  15. Yeah, they are relying on other people, just beggars.
  16. Sure, but why start begging?
  17. I agree 100 %. Therefore I wouldn't give any cent for fundraising unless it's for an urn.
  18. Why the insurance shouldn't pay?
  19. Bank? Loan? or as urn?
  20. Yes, "going to visit". He obviously didn't meet them. Because he got different plans?
  21. Yes, a lot cheaper, no fundraising necessary, unless...
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