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Everything posted by newbee2022

  1. That's sounds twisted. You won't care about the other half of America for the next almost 4 years?
  2. For everybody who wants to know if it's working or not, check here: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cloud_seeding#:~:text=Cloud seeding chemicals may be,the inflow of a cloud.
  3. I thought you can do better. But if I follow your comparison then there are seldom personal animosities or brawls between the players after the match. But in this case with Maga hats the coach is not representing the whole team but only half. So to humiliate and beat them by force is what he's famous for. If you wear that hat you agree with atrocities, offences, crimes, lies, wierdom. Am I right? But I leave you with your hat and your fake news on Truth Social
  4. Well, to compare a football team with a nation? Are you sure that's the right comparison?
  5. That's right, but it's about a special hat. And to wear this sign as a kind of mental retardation is embarrassing. For the hatter in particular.
  6. Unfortunately it's not mentioned what kind of antisemitic sentiments have been seen. Or is it as many times a mixed up by media not to see the difference between antisemitic and Anti-Israel???😳
  7. in the country of the blind the one-eyed man is king🤗
  8. Read my thread #tax files. It's all there
  9. If you can't find by yourself read this: Feel free to ask me for further help. https://bbc.com/news/articles/clyezjwnx5ko
  10. Don't trust him. He's a professional liar 🤣
  11. Inform yourself about USAID first, then think, then answer. Is that ok for you?🤗
  12. This is a true statement, indeed.🤣🤣🤣
  13. Thank you for the description of an average Brit's CV.
  14. You're right. Why to give some bread crumbs from your plate to the poorest? Let them starve or die. Then nobody would cross the border illegally. Is this the Rep's morality?? Disgusting and humiliating.😵‍💫
  15. I guess in the case with the car you both can use it? But if you read my post carefully "The officer in the Revenue department,"".
  16. Easy to change
  17. The officer in the Revenue department clarified it for me: if I as a giver could benefit from the gift in any way then it's not a gift. If I buy earrings = gift If I buy a car = no gift
  18. Carl Turner said on a webinar what I posted above. If you buy earrings or necklaces it's ok. Because normally you would not wear it, would you? So you're not benefitting. In case you give her money you could benefit. So it's not acknowledged as a gift. It was confirmed by an officer in the Revenue Department.
  19. Dubai's full of Russians. So no business for her. Therefore Thailand again. Obviously not the brightest candle since she was expelled before. Detention will teach her a lesson.
  20. Not every male has to see a proctologist in their life. Maybe you mean an urologist who will test your prostate. This procedure is obsolet actually because only 30 percent of malfunction will be detected. Therefore the test of PSA is done delivering presise readings.
  21. If you buy earrings or necklaces it's ok. Because normally you would not wear it, would you? So you're not benefitting. In case you give her money you could benefit. So it's not acknowledged as a gift.
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