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Everything posted by newbee2022

  1. No, my family would have urged me to provide a proper insurance.
  2. It's just an assumption but could be true
  3. Exactly. Right view, right answer.👍
  4. Reminds me of the story about Irak. Probably people forgot it already?
  5. You know the family?
  6. It's a tragic story. However, why fundraising?
  7. Yes, I strongly feel being stalked, bullied and harassed. Thank you for your advice.
  8. Well, let him do this 24/7. It's a full time job.
  9. And I'm not so sure who will win. Tariffs alone doesn't say enough. It will have to specify all those exceptions. Otherwise US people might be hit by higher prices but no alternatives. I suppose Trump's advisers told him this.
  10. No, from week to week I get less Baht for my AUD, USD or Euro.
  11. I know what you are talking of. Similar experience. Those, whoever it is (!), using emojis don't have anything to say. Most are cowards and like hiding as "somebody". How pathetic.
  12. Emojis are for those who have nothing to say
  13. The mainstream wokeness will grant her a share I reckon
  14. Happened in a similar ways many years ago concerning kidneys in Eastern Europe.
  15. Well, that says it all about big mouth Trump
  16. ...the ant is speaking 🤗
  17. Of you honestly want to know look here: https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/statistics-explained/index.php?title=USA-EU_-_international_trade_in_goods_statistics
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