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Everything posted by newbee2022

  1. What do you mean by that? You call me a muppet? Tell me if you dare
  2. The decision to pay taxes is not in your hands, God sake🤗🤣🙏
  3. Up to you. I was referring to cocaine
  4. 🤗😳👏 Good joke indeed. Having read my dozens of replies and comments here in MY thread, yes, you have a 12 months bank statement for 2024. (Not necessary to print it monthly. Just go to your bank and ask for the statement for 2024.) With this up you go. Oh, I forgot. Usually you have to pay for the statement 200 Baht. Can you afford that?🤗. Or shall we start a "go fund me" action for you😄😍😁
  5. If you read carefully my post (why you can't do it?), I was referring to cocaine only. "No, if you get health issues, the community has to pay. And if you commit crimes under the influence of drugs you will cause troubles for the community. So the state has to protect their citizens and ban drugs as it is described in the thread." As you can(?) see, my comment is about community who has to pay for you (as a "druggie"). Not personally meant.
  6. Good question. At the end everybody has to make his/her own decisions. To be on the safe side I went early this year to the tax office. With bank statement, passport, copies, marriage cert. And cert that my pension is a "state" pension (I went there twice actually. First just to check what they want to see). Surprising for me was there are only 2 pensions in Thailand farang related: state and private. So it should for most of us easy to enter the office with a smile: here I am and here are my documents. The officers are well trained and know what they do. Far from being stupid as some AN members suspect. And don't go alone (have a witness, just in case. And keep your bank statement 2024)
  7. You want to express that "who was first" got more rights? Or power?
  8. Thank you, everything got it's time. I understand you very well🙏
  9. Our clairvoyant is speaking 👏🤗
  10. That's my words(🤗) when I startet the thread a week ago.😄
  11. A document from the tax office stating that you have been taxed, for extension of stay? At present (I started this thread) I don't pay taxes nor got a TIN. Not required said the office (state pension) Subsequently no document. Maybe in years to come...or never🤗
  12. You were envious not being invited?
  13. No, if you get health issues, the community has to pay. And if you commit crimes under the influence of drugs you will cause troubles for the community. So the state has to protect their citizens and ban drugs as it is described in the thread.
  14. Yeah, but you're benefitting from that gift. So it's not a gift anymore. But you can buy for her earrings eg🤗
  15. No, you can use it even for fridges, power plants, car and maritime engines and others
  16. Some flaws in your comment🤗 If you got access to your gift and benefitting from your gift..... it's again taxable ❗
  17. Are you doing that as punishment??🤗
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