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  1. I am looking for group cover for a school for employees and students. Is this something medical companies offer? I know they offer it for staff but not sure if you can also get group cover for students (besides accident insurance). Thanks in advance.
  2. Ok sorry for misunderstanding. How many days in advance did you come to Thailand before the start of your working contract (when you arrived on your non-immigrant B working visa) can you recall?
  3. Agreed but in my experience they are very slow at responding or sometimes don't respond depending on the question.
  4. I would but I would have to leave the country to do that. I will ask CM immigration tomorrow to see if they know.
  5. This is for the first non-B working visa not a renewal.
  6. Sorry I should have been more specific, I see that now. This is for the first non-B working visa that is issued to an individual by them obtaining it outside Thailand. They will then proceed to Thailand an apply for their first work permit. Apologies for not being more specific. I cannot change the original post or heading now sadly.
  7. Does anyone know how far in advance a visa can be issued prior to the working date start as stated in the employment contract. I read "around 60 days" but can't see this anywhere officially.
  8. Currently have a volunteer visa - was my post not clear on that? The shared threads do not cover this specific circumstance as they are both paid positions not a mix of volunteer and paid. I think it's going to be a question for the immigration volunteers on Monday.... I also want to know if he can change from a volunteer visa to a working visa within Thailand, I am guessing not.
  9. I am going to immigration on Monday so I will ask one of the English speaking volunteers.
  10. I think so, logically to me that makes sense but will they still allow him to vounteer if he's on a working visa. This is THAILAND!!! The land of the illogical and confusion!
  11. Thanks for sharing but my friend's circumstances aren't the same which is why I started a new thread. It's not an additional paid job. The existing one is voluntary supported by a volunteer's visa and work permit. He also, wants to take up a paid part-time role. I know two work permits arr required and that's not an issue, but I am unsure of the visa situation that is needed. I will go to immigration this week if nobody on here knows. Thanks for your reply.
  12. He currently has a voluntary visa and work permit for that volunteer visa.
  13. I am posting for a friend.... 555 where have we heard that one before! He is currently on a voluntary visa and is teaching voluntarily for a foundation - unpaid. He also has a work permit for this organisation. Now, he has been offered some part-time work for a school which will be paid. He will obviously, need to secure a separate work permit since they are specific to the workplace. However, what about his visa? If, as I suspect he must change it to a working visa, will he still be authorised to continue working for the foundation as an unpaid volunteer? Surely, he won't need two visas! Thanks in advance.
  14. Exactly!
  15. Any recommendations on a decent motorbike mechanic who can deal with things like cleaning transmissions and resolving issues. I was not impressed with the Yamaha main dealer and prefer a mechanic who knows his stuff and works for themselves as I find them to be more attentive. Should be able to hand manual and automatic scooters. Does anyone have any good experiences? If so, perhaps you could share the location and contact details. Thanks in advance.
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