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ignore it

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Everything posted by ignore it

  1. Man reports ghost spirit possessed his car and overpowered his amulet. Pondering legal action against temple where car was blessed.
  2. Is the RTP linking this man to his murderous dead friend to discredit him and deflecting criticism? Nah, there going to form a committee to reform themselves.
  3. The recent revelations of traffic police extortion activities may have temporarily upset the established procedure. However, for minor infractions you should still have an envelope at hand. More egregious violations may require presenting the business card and making a call to a RTP or political VIP. If drunk, refuse breathalyzer and feign stroke or heart attack.
  4. Setting aside visa issues, corruption suspicions, and possible gray business activities, the Thai Barbers Union issued a statement denying responsibility for Yu-Chi-xi's haircut.
  5. RTP issues statement opposing 4:00 AM bar closings. "4AM closings will negatively affect our extortion activities and sleep schedules. Staying up that late will cause disruptions to our afternoon nap time."
  6. Wai...NOT !!
  7. Additional subjects were covered in the program including: how to answer nature's call in the field (traditional squat method), how to use chopsticks, and riding motorcycles 3 up.
  8. In a society and culture where appearance can have more value than fact, the ability to present one's self as educated by possessing a degree is common. Learning how to obtain a degree by cheating, plagiarizing, purchase, payment, or from a diploma mill is perhaps the actual goal of a Thai education. The skills required to graduate, as noted above, are life skills that can be invaluable in Thai society. (NB Also common in other Asian counties.)
  9. "Ratchada Thanadirek said the delay in implementation of the law was because more time was needed to train officials and procure the equipment" Are they going to train the officials on different torture techniques or how to pose?
  10. Foreign Scofflaw; Since 20 Aug 2019 there's a law prohibiting smoking at home according to the 2019 Family Development and Protection Act and it was published in the Royal Gazette. (better?)
  11. In an unrelated follow up story, The temple that reported a troop of missing monkeys reported the monkeys are still missing
  12. Yeah, so now she looks like a 45 year old. Lady please don't get drunk and have your eyebrows tattooed!
  13. "Necrotising Fasciitis Awareness Day is on May 31st." Will immigration be open?
  14. The lesson; Don't show up at her house a couple of days after Valentine's Day and make an emergency run to the 7/11. Remember: Shop early Put your clothes on before a quick trip to the 7/11.
  15. In related news King Power has submitted an unsolicited proposal for concession rights to the proposed spaceport.
  16. Really, how is he supposed to know his nephew had a bus rental business?
  17. 6 hours from posting and on page 5, got to be close to a record. With internet news on this kind of thing even the invincible 20 something kids are aware. I have no sympathy for this kind of stupid. Riding a motorcycle in Thailand is like Russian roulette with a automatic handgun.
  18. Another graduate of the "Grab" and "Food Panda" drivers education course.
  19. Education Minister Treenuch Thienthong will be proposing a special long term visa to allow elderly rich Chinese (who may contribute to his bank account) to volunteer.
  20. Hey, I thought clinically depressed guys beat the poop out of innocent security guards?
  21. Well, you can't fix stupid, but apparently you can tattoo it.
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