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No matter the qualifications of the Yale University research Team that conducted the study, no amount of evidence presented will convince somebody who is in denial about the now confirmed post-vaccination syndrome. Here two 'time-wasters' > The heads of the Research Team explaining the study they conducted and its findings > https://news.yale.edu/2025/02/19/immune-markers-post-vaccination-syndrome-indicate-future-research-directions And here the link to the study > https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2025.02.18.25322379v1.full.pdf
And here straight from the horse's mouth > as published 19 February on YaleNews https://news.yale.edu/2025/02/19/immune-markers-post-vaccination-syndrome-indicate-future-research-directions Quotes from the article: “It’s clear that some individuals are experiencing significant challenges after vaccination. Our responsibility as scientists and clinicians is to listen to their experiences, rigorously investigate the underlying causes, and seek ways to help,” said Harlan Krumholz, the Harold H. Hines, Jr. Professor of Medicine (Cardiology) at YSM and co-senior author of the study. “We’re only just starting to make headway in understanding PVS,” said Krumholz. “Every medical intervention carries some risk, and it’s important to acknowledge that adverse events can occur with vaccines. Our focus must remain on understanding what these people are experiencing through rigorous science and addressing the needs of those affected with compassion and an open mind.”
Yep, but referred to as 'PVS' ! 'Post-vaccine syndrome' sounds less terrifying... > While the researchers stopped short of using the term VAIDS, they confirmed that patients with PVS have vaccine-acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Quoted from > https://slaynews.com/news/yale-scientists-confirm-covid-vaccines-cause-vaids/
They called us crazy, but... > In 2021, when employees at a Texas hospital sued over a Covid vaccine mandate, Dr. Akiko Iwasaki, former president of the American Association of Immunologists, called their concerns "absurd." But now even she is showing that there was more to the question than met her eye in those days. Dr. Iwasaki is co-chair of Yale University's LISTEN (Listen to Immune, Symptom and Treatment Experiences Now) study, which looks at people both with vaccine injuries as well as broader issues like autoimmune disorders connected with the shots. They've just released a preprint of their findings. It's a small study, and it will need to be broadened and systematized, but it's raising questions, because it found in some recipients of the shots (1) T-cell "exhaustion" and (2) prolonged spike protein production -- even two years after the shots. CD4 T-cells are crucial for coordinating immune responses, so the reduction being reported in the patients studied in LISTEN would make those people potentially more vulnerable to infections or less able to mount robust immune responses. Likewise, the increase in TNFα+ CD8 T-cells observed in the study indicates a heightened inflammatory state, which can contribute to chronic inflammation or immune dysregulation. Alex Berenson's post about this got two million views in seven hours. "People are worried," he says, "and they’re right to be. If I’d taken the jabs (I didn’t) and had a nasty reaction -- even years ago -- and now had a flu (for example) that I couldn’t shake…I’d want answers." He wonders if Moderna and Pfizer have the numbers on T-cell counts before and after the shots. Now that's a good question. Source: Tom Woods free daily Newsletter
Yale Just Proved COVID Vaccine Injury Exists and Spike Production Persists for Years Inside The Body Source: https://www.midwesterndoctor.com/p/yale-proved-covid-vax-injury-exists = = = In this lengthy deep-dive article by a Midwestern Doctor, he summarizes and reviews the consequences of the now pre-published multi-year watershed study by YALE scientists and researchers. Here the link to that study > https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2025.02.18.25322379v1.full.pdf It's very noteworthy that in the earlier version of this immunological landmark-study the Team that conducted it, strongly endorsed vaccination and that it came from Yale, a very pro-vaccine institution. But when re-assessing their data for accuracy the Team had the intellectual honesty and decency to change their stance in view of what the data showed. And the two main conclusions from the study are that: #1 - Covid vaccine injuries are real, and #2 - Toxic spike production persists for years inside the body of the mRNA Covid-vaccinated. Both of these conclusions throw cold water on the initial assertions of the 'safe and effective' Covid-shots whose 'spike production will cease quickly'. As a Midwestern Doctor wrote: > In that light, this study is extremely important as it provides objective proof the vaccine is indeed doing something harmful and abnormal, and that it is occurring long after vaccination. As such, when this topic is broached with a skeptical doctor (or academic) you can now say “did you know a multi-year Yale study recently discovered that the vaccine does chronically damage the immune system of certain recipients and cause a variety of persistent and debilitating symptoms?” = = =
This lengthy article by Australian Prof Ian BRIGHTROPE comes straight from his heart and is no more or less than a 'cry in the dark' against the horror of mRNA 'vaccins'. Source: https://ianbrighthope.substack.com/p/pharmas-vilest-betrayal-of-humanity === As a retired physician with over 50 years of service in clinic and teaching, writing this piece has been a most excruciating endeavour—a gut-wrenching collision between the healer/teacher I’ve been and the truth. For decades, I trusted, with much reservation, the medical establishment, my heart buoyed by its promise to do no harm. The ovary’s quiet miracles, the babies, is now under siege in ways I never foresaw. To pen this essay is to unravel the fabric of that trust, thread by agonising thread, as I confront the possibility that tools like mRNA vaccines could poison the wellspring of life I spent my career protecting. Each word feels like a betrayal of the system I served. The science is complex, the data incomplete, and my mind wrestles with uncertainty, but my mind aches with the weight of what I’ve seen: the hushed stories of infertility, the miscarriages, reports of prematurity, the dismissed cries of menstrual chaos, the damned authorities’ refusal to look where I fear and know the answers lie. After half a century of fighting for health, I’m forced to question whether I’ve unwittingly been complicit in harm because of failure to change the rotten system; and that reckoning cuts deeper than any scalpel ever could. This piece isn’t just an article—it’s a lament, a plea for the truth to dominate, and a desperate hope. The above is his intro to a factual overview of why he considers the mRNA Pharma-cashcow absolute evil... Read the full article here > https://ianbrighthope.substack.com/p/pharmas-vilest-betrayal-of-humanity
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There is a growing push to rip these shots off the market with new legislation on the table. Source: https://vigilantfox.news/p/the-covid-vaccines-were-a-mistake = = = Testifying before the Idaho Senate Health and Welfare Committee on Monday, renowned internist and cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough declared, “There’s a global recognition that the COVID-19 vaccines were a MISTAKE.” McCullough’s statement came in support of Senate Bill 1036 (S1036), which seeks to establish a moratorium on the use of mRNA-based vaccines until comprehensive safety evaluations are conducted and reviewed by the Idaho legislature. The proposed legislation, known as the “Doug Cameron Act,” is named after an Idaho rancher who reportedly experienced severe side effects from an mRNA vaccine and is currently under review by the Senate Health and Welfare Committee. If passed, the legislation could set a precedent for more states to start banning mRNA jabs. Dr. McCullough warned, “Last year, our CDC recorded 823 more deaths due to the vaccines. People took them, and they didn’t know. So it’s of public health importance for this group to understand that safety comes first.” He added, “What we’ve learned is that the messenger RNA gene technology transfer platform used for Moderna and Pfizer unfortunately is not safe, and it’s been linked to many, many problems after COVID-19 vaccination.” “They [mRNA jabs] should be halted from clinical use, and then anybody who takes any one of these messenger RNA products or any animal that is going to take one of these products should be done in a research protocol. They’re not ready for public use,” Dr. McCullough concluded. WATCH: You can watch the short 2'14" video-clip when clicking it on the web-page > https://vigilantfox.news/p/the-covid-vaccines-were-a-mistake
> The “conspiracy theorists” were right again. Source: https://vigilantnews.com/post/dr-deborah-birx-makes-two-shocking-covid-admissions = = = The narrative surrounding the COVID crisis is crumbling, and now Dr. Deborah Birx is admitting what the “conspiracy theorists” knew all along in an apparent effort to save her own skin. Dr. Birx, who served as White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator under President Trump, admitted during a recent appearance on Piers Morgan Uncensored that the government botched the COVID response by overlooking early treatment. “What I witnessed was a lot of undiagnosed disease that could have been treated early that then resulted in COVID deaths,” Birx lamented. Birx literally echoed what dissident doctors had been saying from day one: Early treatment saves lives. Instead of listening, they silenced those doctors, threatened to take away their licenses and let people die. In a 2022 exchange with Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), Birx was cornered into admitting that the Biden administration’s claims about the jab’s efficacy were based on “hope,” not science. JORDAN: “When the government told us the vaccinated couldn’t transmit it [COVID], was that a lie or a guess?” BIRX: “I think it was hope that the vaccine would work in that way.” Now, Birx is throwing more health officials under the bus, claiming the vaccine rollout also ignored the science. She stated that the mRNA jab was developed to target those at high risk of severe illness, not specifically the general population. “The messenger RNA vaccine should have been rolled out for the people that were at risk for severe disease because that’s what the vaccine was developed for,” Birx said. She also confessed the COVID shot was never “designed” to prevent infection: “That is not what the COVID vaccine was designed to do. It wasn’t designed against infection.” Now she tells us. This goes against the narrative we were all fed—that everyone needed to get vaccinated to “protect grandma.” People lost their jobs because of this lie. Four years later, they’re reluctantly admitting that young people were never the intended primary target for the jab—and that it wasn’t even designed to prevent infection. You can read the full article with links to the video-clips in which she made those statements here > https://vigilantnews.com/post/dr-deborah-birx-makes-two-shocking-covid-admissions = = =
https://thedaviddeclaration.org/ The weight of scientific evidence, specifically in regard to confirmed DNA contamination in COVID-19 mRNA 'vaccine' vials administered to Australians and high rates of excess mortality and severe vaccine injuries, can no longer be ignored. Pursuant to letters dated 20 September and 25 September 2024 from Mr Russell Broadbent MP to the Prime Minister of Australia, we the undersigned, in our capacity as qualified professionals in our fields demand: The immediate cessation of further mRNA injections pending an urgent investigation. Free and open scientific discourse into how these injections passed Australia’s regulatory requirements. You can read and sign the declaration on this dedicated website > https://thedaviddeclaration.org/
Bill to ban mRNA vaccines passes out of House committee
Red Phoenix replied to Red Phoenix's topic in Covid/Vaccine
You obviously didn't read my clarification response, so I post it here again: Yes, you had to actually read the article to understand that the bill to ban the use of mRNA vaccines was proposed to the MONTANA House. I thought that it was pretty obvious that it referred to a US State, instead of the USA as a whole. If the latter would have been the case, that would have been front-page news on all media. But it would be absolutely awesome when the Bill would pass in Montana, creating a precedent for other US states and initiating a domino effect until all stones have fallen. Florida is of course already on the brink, with its Surgeon General Joe Ladapo, using every occasion to state the official Florida stance that uptake of mRNA vaccines is not encouraged. Banning them at this moment would probably be a step too early, as Florida also endorses its citizens 'right of choice'. Let the mRNA vax-enthusiasts boost themselves to an early grave if that is their choice... -
Bill to ban mRNA vaccines passes out of House committee
Red Phoenix replied to Red Phoenix's topic in Covid/Vaccine
You might be interested in the thread I just posted on this subforum: https://aseannow.com/topic/1351931-prof-ian-brightrope-mrna-vaccines-hailed-as-the-future/ where Prof Ian Brightrope throws some ice-cold water on the mRNA vaccine promise.... -
Prof Ian Brightrope > mRNA vaccines hailed as the future!
Red Phoenix replied to Red Phoenix's topic in Covid/Vaccine
You can read Prof Ian Brightrope's impressive curriculum here. > https://wchaustralia.substack.com/p/introducing-world-council-for-health-54c Re him 'not being qualified' in medical matters > In 1969 he entered medical school at the University of New South Wales and following three pre-clinical years, completed his clinical studies at Monash University in Victoria, graduating with a Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery in 1974. -
mRNA vaccines hailed as the future! And the politicians and corporations ride on the back of this farcical disease causing deadly technology. Source: https://ianbrighthope.substack.com/p/mrna-vaccines-hailed-as-the-future = = = Imminent Australian Prof Ian BRIGHTROPE just posted this interesting 'wake-up call' article on his Substack. The article starts with all the Hallelujah statements by politicians and corporations claiming that Australia has significantly ‘advanced’ its biotechnology sector by establishing mRNA vaccine manufacturing facilities, ensuring local production capabilities and bolstering pandemic preparedness. Brightrope then looks at reality and the actual truth. And his fact-based conclusion is devastating for that bio-tech pipe-dream > mRNA is a dangerous technology and should be outlawed.