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Red Phoenix

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Everything posted by Red Phoenix

  1. I fully agree that exposing the rabble is a first necessary step in the right direction. Unfortunately the large majority of people that now have been 'red-pilled' about the harms of the Covid-jabs, and would not take them anymore, are STILL believers of virus-dangers and vaccine benefits. With enough fear propaganda most of them they would once again roll up their sleeves to get shot for a 'new but very dangerous' virus-threat when the 'usual experts' claim that 'science has progressed again' and that the new jabs are now 'totally safe and effective'. Most certainly, mRNA is NOT the 'future of medicine' as it is based on the faulty premise that we need to trick and by-pass our natural God-given defence-mechanisms against toxic substances, without taking into account that tampering with our incredibly complex 'human registry' invariably results in unforeseen and harmful effects on the whole.
  2. by dr Mark TROZZI Nov 18, 2024 Source: https://www.drtrozzi.news/p/revealing-the-truth-a-look-into-the = = = > As a physician and researcher who has fought tirelessly for truth, I am compelled to share the staggering revelations that recently emerged from the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) archives. These documents shed light on the covert political and scientific maneuvers behind the global COVID-19 response. The evidence is damning and confirms what many have suspected: much of the "pandemic" narrative was built on lies. The short article summarizes and exposes the lies about the Covid-pandemic from the very start throughout all stages of roll-out of 'mitigation' measures. A horrible tale of political pressure to suppress all scientific evidence that consistently did NOT support any of the Covid narrative. > https://www.drtrozzi.news/p/revealing-the-truth-a-look-into-the
  3. Note that the study is two years old, but was pulled from Lancet and another Elsevier Journal at the last minute! This was unprecedented in scientific publishing, but if finally got published now. It's a landmark study based on 325 AUTOPSIES of recently COVID-19 Vaccinated people who "DIED SUDDENLY". And key findings of the study are: "mean time from vaccination to DEATH was 14.3 days" "73.9% of deaths were independently adjudicated as directly due to or significantly contributed to by COVID-19 Vaccination." Source: https://publichealthpolicyjournal.com/a-systematic-review-of-autopsy-findings-in-deaths-after-covid-19-vaccination/
  4. DETROIT — A jury awarded more than $12 million Friday to a woman who lost her job at a Michigan insurance company after declining to get a COVID-19 vaccination. Much of the award - $10 million - is for punitive damages against Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, according to the verdict form. Lisa Domski, who worked at Blue Cross for more than 30 years, said she was a victim of religious discrimination. The company in 2021 did not grant an exemption from its vaccine policy, despite her insistence that it clashed with her Catholic beliefs. Domski’s attorney, Jon Marko, said she worked 100% remotely as an IT specialist during the pandemic; 75% before COVID-19 hit in 2020. Even without the vaccine, “she wasn’t a danger to anybody,” Marko said in an interview after the trial. Besides punitive damages, the jury in Detroit federal court awarded Domski about $1.7 million in lost pay and $1 million in noneconomic damages. Blue Cross denied any discrimination. In a court filing earlier in the case, the insurer said Domski lacked a sincerely held religious belief. An appeal is possible. Blue Cross released a statement but didn’t make anyone available for comment. “While Blue Cross respects the jury process and thanks the individual jurors for their service, we are disappointed in the verdict,” the health insurer said. “Blue Cross is reviewing its legal options and will determine its path forward in the coming days.” Source: https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2024/nov/8/lisa-domski-fired-refusing-get-covid-19-vaccine-aw/
  5. Stellar Argentinian President Javier Milei - described as a “far-right” “climate denier” in the UK Guardian report rendered below - performed a fantastic public service today by ordering his country’s 85-member delegation to the COP29 conference to withdraw and return home. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/nov/13/argentina-withdraws-negotiators-from-cop29-summit Not only does Milei’s action save the Argentinian taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars in travel, meal, and wine costs, it also sends a clear message to the globalist elites gathered in Azerbaijan for this year’s UN-sponsored climate cult exercise.
  6. Santa Clara county (California) is still at it... Steve Kirsch provided the following comment under that picture: It doesn’t get any clearer than this. They are promoting masks and COVID vaccination on their website rather than admitting to the public that they got it wrong on both and THEIR OWN DATA (wastewater, infected % vaccinated, and case fatality rate) proves it. But they believe the CDC and anyone who challenges the CDC is not worth responding to. Are we clear? We should all be very grateful that there are people like Steve Kirsch that are keeping the feet of these Public Health (dis)service departments to the fire. And note that Steve's substack has +1 million followers and is entirely dedicated to getting the Truth out. Do read the article and his e-mail correspondence with the condescending arrogant Public Health bureaucrats of that county. Also the many comments on that article are spot-on. Source: https://kirschsubstack.com/p/my-latest-email-to-santa-clara-county
  7. Sickening...
  8. Bud Light can also still be found, but the head of the DEI department at Budweiser is not to be found there anymore...
  9. Even from before the 2024 election, DEI was not 'popular' anymore in many corporations that experienced the downside of preferring candidates that ticked the right woke boxes over competent and qualified ones. And common sense management that values performance over faux political correctness, has been slashing DEI departments and scrapping their woke policies, as the demoralization effect of the DEI stupidity chased real talent out of the company. The writing is on the wall > DEI is dying, and those companies that still endorse it will go down with it.
  10. “RIP DEI. This is what comes next.” In the wake of Trump’s election, the president of a DEI consulting firm said she’s decided to pull the plug, close up shop, shut it down. Source: https://www.coffeeandcovid.com/p/rising-stars-wednesday-november-13 The CEO, Amber Cabral, began like this: “It may seem extreme to decide to close my company mere hours after an election result, but let me paint the picture for you.” The colors red and orange featured prominently in Amber’s verbal portrait. “Since late Fall of 2022,” Amber explained, “my industry has been in a major decline.” In other words, things were already headed downhill even before Trump was re-elected. Corporate America was already shifting away from DEI, cutting teams, budgets, and most importantly, outside consultants. The optics were getting really bad. Amber noted that, “a lot of DEI practitioners either didn’t have support or flat-out did not know what they were doing.” (Thank you, Matt Walsh.) Then a couple months ago, Amber’s corporate clients put all pending DEI training sessions on hold. When she asked them why, she got two answers. First, they wanted to wait till “after the election.” Second, they worried that conservative filmmaker Robby Starbuck start tweeting about their DEI activities. And now that Trump is President, Amber expects those clients to “soon shift from postponed to canceled.” She isn’t waiting for the body-positive lady to sing. Amber blames Americans who voted for Trump, who “don’t want to listen or be accountable or move through disconnection,” whatever that means. But she admitted that the DEI approach already wasn’t working. “The ‘let me drown you in the data so you feel guilty enough to change’ approach has been failing.” Her sad conclusion: “It’s beyond time to put the current model to rest and with it, the clinical definitions, and the constant desire to describe and explain what our preferred diversity, equity, and inclusion acronym means and why it’s the right one. None of this is working.” “I’m okay,” Amber rhetorically sobbed, grappling with her strong emotions, “with letting DEI rest in peace.” RIP, DEI. To be clear, the failure of Amber’s DEI-training business was not the good news. As a fellow entrepreneur, I sympathize with Amber, and would encourage her to move on to her next venture quickly. It will be even more successful, and probably a lot more productive, than the last one. But if DEI consultancies are starting to close, if cowardly corporations are finally jettisoning the profoundly racist and counterproductive ideology in favor of getting back to basics, then we are even closer to winning than we thought. = = =
  11. Yes, you used the correct expression 'I believe' , but the actual track record of mandated public health measures is absolutely horrendous as the covid-debacle has shown us now without dispute. Business closures, face masks, asocial distancing, mandating dangerous, useless and unnecessary jabs were all stuffed down our throats 'for the common good''. And several billion $ of propaganda was needed to convince the non-thinking into believing that crap.
  12. And here the jist of the study in a few bullet-points: ... the authors of the study found a horrifying increased risk of BRAIN CLOTS following COVID-19 injection. • The study found brain clots are 112,000% more likely after COVID-19 vaccination than flu vaccination. • Moreover, when compared to all vaccines combined, COVID shots are 20,700% more likely to cause brain clots. As such, the study’s authors and other health experts demand: • “An immediate global moratorium” on the use of COVID-19 vaccines. • “Absolute contraindication” for women of reproductive age. • A full investigation into the alarming breach of safety thresholds. • Accountability from regulators and manufacturers for ignoring these risks. = = =
  13. Here the Summary and alarming conclusions of this just published peer-reviewed study: Introduction: This population-based retrospective cohort study assesses rates of adverse events (AEs) involving cerebral thromboembolism (CTE) after COVID-19 vaccines. Methods: Data were collected from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database from January 1, 1990 to December 31, 2023. CTE AEs after COVID-19 vaccines were compared to those after influenza vaccines and after all other vaccines using proportional reporting ratio (PRR) analysis by time. Results: There are 5137 cerebral thromboembolism AEs reported in the 3 years (36 months) after COVID-19 vaccines compared to 52 AEs for the influenza vaccines over the past 34 years (408 months) and 282 AEs for all other vaccines (excluding COVID-19) over the past 34 years (408 months). The PRR’s are significant when comparing AEs by time from COVID-19 vaccines to that of the influenza vaccines (p < 0.0001) or to that of all other vaccines (p < 0.0001). The CTE AEs PRR by time (95% confidence intervals) for the COVID-19 vaccine AEs vs influenza AEs is 1120 (95% confidence interval (723-1730), p < 0.0001) and for COVID-19 vaccines vs all others is 207 (95% confidence interval (144-296), p < 0.0001). Cerebral venous thromboembolism AEs are female predominant with a female/male odds ratio of 1.63 (95% confidence interval (1.52-1.74), p < 0.0001). Conversely, cerebral arterial thromboembolism has a nonsignificant male preponderance. Cerebral venous thromboembolism is far more common than cerebral arterial thromboembolism over 36 months with an odds ratio (OR) of 14.8 (95% confidence interval 14.0-15.5, p < 0.0001). Atrial fibrillation, the most common identifiable cause of cerebral arterial thromboembolism, occurs far more commonly after the COVID-19 as compared to all other vaccines with a PRR of 123 (95% CI 88.3-172, p < 0.0001). Conclusions: There is an alarming breach in the safety signal threshold concerning cerebral thrombosis AEs after COVID-19 vaccines compared to that of the influenza vaccines and even when compared to that of all other vaccines. An immediate global moratorium on the use of COVID-19 vaccines is necessary with an absolute contraindication in women of reproductive age. Source: https://ijirms.in/index.php/ijirms/article/view/1982
  14. I just completed this quiz. My Score 30/100 My Time 128 seconds  
  15. What an Idiotic comment! This is not about being afraid of jabs, but about being well aware of the harmful effects of these dangerous, ineffective and unnecessary Big Pharma cash-cows inoculations. O well, I suppose ignorance is bliss...
  16. Well, I hope for you that it stays that way. Being unjabbed - not only for Covid but I didn't take ANY jab for over 50 years now - I am also feeling fine. And for what's it worth, I didn't catch Covid (and if I did, I didn't even notice it). Needless to say that I didn't 'respect or adhere to' asocial distancing, face masks or any other mitigation measure against this rebranded flu....
  17. You mean Red Phoenix is talking scientific <deleted>??? (Again) Who would have thought it #1 - "Individuals infected by SARS-CoV-2 also exhibited significantly higher heart disease risk than those uninfected (adjusted HR, 3.56; 95% CI, 1.15-11.04)." > How is this relevant re mRNA vaccine-harm? It doesn't show the breakdown jabbed/not-jabbed of those infected by SARS-COV-2. And note that there are plenty of studies that show that the risk of getting Covid is actually HIGHER for the jabbed than for those who didn't. #2 - "The results revealed higher heart disease risk in individuals receiving mRNA vaccines than other types (adjusted HR, 1.48; 95% CI, 1.35-1.62)."
  18. Source: https://hatchardreport.com/korean-study-confirms-elevated-risk-of-heart-disease/ = = = The article provides links to 3 studies based on official government data (1 from Korea, and 2 from New Zealand, where the author lives). The last 2 paragraphs urge for a change of policy which is long overdue but as we all know will unfortunately not take place in the short run, although it is inevitable in the long run when literally EVERYBODY will have personal experience or friends and loved ones harmed by the jabs. Quote: As the evidence of harms from mRNA vaccines has accumulated, the theory that mRNA vaccines are safe and effective is no longer tenable, but the authorities are stuck in a do or die mode. Having gone so far down one road, they appear unable to turn back or even contemplate that a mistake has been made. They are psychologically dependent on a theory that has been disproved. = = =
  19. I just completed this quiz. My Score 60/100 My Time 88 seconds  
  20. Note that - although I posted the article above - I do not agree with dr Prasad's opinion piece, as imo the whole science of vaccinology is based on a wrong premisse. But it would be a giant step forward when dr Prasad's 9 points would be implemented. And as I am for Freedom of Choice in these matters, I have no problem with people putting these substances into their body, as long as they don't mandate them for me and my loved ones.
  21. Vaccines are like drugs: Some are safe, some are effective, and some have benefits > harms, but not all We need evidence, not virtue signalling. Source: https://www.drvinayprasad.com/p/vaccines-are-like-drugs-some-are = = = Recently, I saw a professor of medicine say something naive. Some are, but not all of them. This isn’t hard. Of course, there incorrect information about vaccines from both sides. One side has, at times, wrongfully linked specific products to specific safety concerns, but the other side, has dismissed important safety concerns, and says trite things like the above. Vaccines are just like drugs. Some vaccines are safe, some are effective, and some have benefits that exceed harms, but not all. Some vaccines work for some people, but not others. No one thinks Shingles vaccination would benefit a healthy 25 year old, and the CDC was wrong about COVID19 boosters. They were harmful, on balance, to young men. Even dose 2 and beyond was net harmful. Vaccinating someone who recently had COVID— was also harmful. Adding COVID-19 vaccines to the childhood immunization schedule was a mistake. Why can’t we talk about vaccines like we talk about drugs? The right drug for the right patient at the right time is beneficial, but not all drugs are safe and effective. Vaccines are just the same. When I posted on this recently, I got a response that also contained errors Well, many drugs are given to the healthy. Many drugs are given to people with prior reactions. Many drugs are not compared against true placebos. There are long term studies of vaccines, but they could be a lot better. I disagreed with COVID19 vaccine mandates, and I have repeatedly said manufacturers should not be shielded from liability. Vaccine proponents and opponents should moderate their positions and join my platform: When vaccines are approved we need to measure meaningful endpoints, and not virus related endpoints. I.e. no hospitalization from RSV, but rather hospitalization for any reason, or any lower respiratory tract reason— a clinical category. Some portion of these RCTs should remain blinded for longer follow up. Despite this, we will always need phase IV surveillance. This should be made much better, and safety investigated by independent teams. All data should be publicly available. Much of this should be active and not passive (like VAERS). Vaccines should be subject to cost effectiveness analysis Mandates should never be used for vaccines that don’t have third party benefit Manufacturers should not be shielded from legal liability Third parties who mandate— i.e. colleges— should be able to be sued FDA officials should not be able to turn around and work for Pharma We need bigger, simpler, and better RCTs for drugs and vaccines. Vaccines are just like drugs. The more we think of them that way, the better we will be. Of course, I am more disappointed in professors in medicine choosing to virtue signal than random people on the internet engaging in conspiracy theories, but that is just me: I expect better from people who completed medical training. = = =
  22. Intellectual Freedom Award: Stanford doctor recognized for challenging Covid lockdown Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, a professor of medicine at Stanford University who received death threats and was blacklisted by social media for challenging the feds’ narrative on the Covid lockdown, has been awarded the American Academy of Sciences and Letters’ top intellectual freedom award. Dr. Jay Bhattacharya The academy presents its annual Robert J. Zimmer Medal for Intellectual Freedom to a scholar “who displays extraordinary courage in the exercise of intellectual freedom,” according to its website. After first speaking out in an op-ed which pushed back against the government’s handling of the pandemic, Bhattacharya said he “wasn’t prepared” for the response he received. He “got death threats” and attacks came from Stanford as well. “The university, which I loved, … investigated me for false allegations … that they knew were false,” he said. “I got sent a very clear signal that I needed to stay quiet. I lost sleep, I couldn’t eat. But I decided that I didn’t care about my career anymore and I needed to say what I saw.” “These policies that we were following were going to harm a lot of poor people … and there were better policies possible,” Bhattacharya said. “The idea that disrupting normal social life is in itself bad for health, I thought was a commonplace in public health.” While many were sympathetic to his view, Bhattacharya said they “did not feel able to speak up. I think people were very, very scared, both about their own physical safety, but also, they’re scared for their own careers,” a fear that he shared. Bhattacharya also touched on his participation in a lawsuit accusing the Biden-Harris administration of secretly telling social media companies to censor speech that ran against its Covid policies. When Elon Musk bought Twitter in 2022, Bhattacharya discovered he had “been placed on a blacklist the day I joined Twitter” in October 2020 “because I put the Great Barrington Declaration on there. That was not an accident. Twitter didn’t do that on its own. There was a systematic campaign by the federal bureaucracy, including the CDC, the surgeon general’s office.” “All of these federal agencies essentially pressured Twitter and other social media to silence voices … that were contrary to pandemic policy put forward by the administration,” Bhattacharya said. “The American First Amendment didn’t hold during the pandemic. We did not have free speech.” “The government going to Twitter or to Facebook and saying ‘Silence Jay or silence people like Jay who are saying these kinds of things,’ where I’m not told I’m being silenced, I don’t get to tell the government to go take a hike … that’s a violation of the First Amendment,” he said. Source: https://www.worldtribune.com/intellectual-freedom-award-stanford-doctor-recognized-for-challenging-covid-lockdown/
  23. A little more patience Jim, they are in the making...
  24. The Pope infallible and guided by the Holy Spirit? A brief history sketching the "Good Deeds" of these self-declared holy men over the last 2 millenia, paints quite a different picture...
  25. Did you know that Arch Bishop Vigano openly calls out Pope Francis as being the Satan in disguise for his stances that betray all morality of christianity? Read some of his interviews and you will be amazed that a man of his stature and intelligence is saying things that even hinting to would have him burned at the stake some centuries back. Vigano represents a return to true christianity and is not afraid to openly share his views. By the way I am not a catholic, nor belong to any other organized religion, but I admire the gusto of that very brave man.
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