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These ad-hominem attacks reveal much about you.
Hahaha, a 2021 'factcheck'. Try to keep up > Twitter has reinstated Alex Berenson's Twitter account, July 2022.
One of her reports fear mongered about wifi and cell phone radiation..." https://www.respectfulinsolence.com/2023/04/24/antivaxxers-attack-scientific-consensus-as-a-manufactured-construct/ "Peter Gøtzsche, formerly leader of the Nordic Cochrane Center, has teamed with Maryanne Demasi to write a systematic review of the “harms” of COVID-19 vaccination. Besides accepting the highly dubious methodology behind one study, their preprint is yet another example of how EBM [evidence based medicine] can be corrupted to promote antivax ideas." "I also mention that Maryanne Demasi is not a physician, although she apparently does have a PhD in rheumatology and did work for a decade at the Royal Adelaide Hospital in Australia as a research scientist. After that, she was a TV presenter for a number of years, during which she became known as a statin denier, who falsely claimed that cholesterol and saturated fats do not contribute to heart disease and that therefore statins are ineffective in lowering the risk of cardiovascular disease—and dangerous, to boot. More recently Demasi has aligned herself firmly with the antivaccine movement. She now contributes regularly to the Brownstone Institute and is frequently cited by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s minions at Children’s Health Defense. Her Substack is full of antivax content, including the usual antivax tropes about COVID-19 and masks, and she is a big fan of Dr. Asseem Malhotra." https://www.respectfulinsolence.com/2023/04/10/peter-gotzsche-is-now-officially-antivaccine/ From the CV you copy-pasted here with the intend to smear her, it sure looks that Maryanne Demasi has the scientific background and credentials to be taken seriously when voicing her arguments.
Considering all the cardiac harms (myocarditis) of these '100% safe and effective' poison-shots, Krispy's choice then to reward Covid-19 vaccinated customers with a heart-shaped donut, was rather morbid. Or maybe they knew and were just laughing in the face of the gullible...
A young child died of cardiac arrest after being jabbed during Moderna's key Covid vaccine trial Moderna has not reported the death to a public trial registry or published results that show the death, effectively hiding it for years. What did the FDA know and did it respond? The agency won't say. = = = A preschool-aged child died of cardio-respiratory arrest after getting a booster shot of Moderna’s mRNA Covid vaccine in the company’s main clinical trial of the jab. The death occurred about two years ago. Moderna has not apparently reported it in any preprint or scientific journal. Nor has the company disclosed the death on clinicaltrials.gov, a federal site where companies legally must report trial results. In fact, Moderna has reported findings from the trial, called KidCOVE, and a related trial in a way that effectively hides the death. And the company and government still push mRNA Covid jabs on kids, though many studies show they are of little or no use. If and when the company secretly told the Food and Drug Administration of the death - as it is legally required to do - is unclear. So is the agency’s response. The fact sheets the FDA and other national regulators use to describe the risks and benefits of Moderna’s vaccines for children do not mention the death. Moderna did not respond to questions. Asked about deaths in the KidCOVE trial, the FDA released a statement that appeared worded to avoid confirming the death and did not disclose what, if any, actions the agency had taken in response. Link to full article with more details here > https://alexberenson.substack.com/p/urgent-a-young-child-died-of-cardiac
Nonsense, but good for a laugh...
@gamb00ler > Experiencing no adverse effects (recognized as such) after the mRNA Covid-shots can have 2 reasons: 1. You were lucky and did get a saline-filled placebo-jab, a low-dose jab or a jab were the mRNA had already lost its potency. > The 'scaling up' of the mRNA production process for the 'needed' 5 billion doses, was NOT the same process by which the EUA approved jabs were produced. And the manufacturing process, due to the delivery deadlines, suffered from poor quality control as has been demonstrated by the extreme variability in the released jab-batches. 2. Adverse effects are not limited to the first 2 months after the shot. They can turn up on medium term (1-3 years) to long term (10-20 years later) - in short they can manifest anytime. I agree with the poster that it's good that you didn't suffer any immediate adverse effects, but as several doctors/scientists have indicated being jabbed is irreversible and you might be a 'ticking time-bomb'. Obviously I hope that you fall in category 1 of the lucky ones...
@bradiston > You wrote "But I can't find any reference to any reaction to the ongoing release anywhere. The plaintiffs seems to have gone quiet. Who knows?" The 300.000 Pfizer documents that were released over a 1.5 year period (instead of keeping them buried for 75 years as the FDA wanted) are being investigated by a crowdsourced investigation team led by dr Naomi Wolf. Obviously you won't find anything about it on the complicit mainstream-media. But dr Wolf has been continually posting on alternative media about the crimes that are evidenced from Pfizers own documents. Actually the very first post on this new sub-forum was about that specific issue. See link to post below >
Karma ? Reporter who pushed concentration camps for unvaccinated dies at age 33 by WorldTribune Staff / 247 Real News December 14, 2023 Ian Vandaelle, a Canadian reporter who called for unvaccinated police to be fired and pushed for concentration camps for those who refused to get the Covid jab has died. He was 33. https://www.worldtribune.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/vandaelle.jpg Ian Vandaelle Vandaelle, who worked as a reporter and editor at the Financial Post and was previously a producer at BNN Bloomberg, died after being hospitalized and “declared neurologically dead,” his family said. Stephanie Hughes, Vandaelle’s partner, shared the news of his death on her X account on Dec. 5, stating: “I haven’t been on Twitter for a while because my partner, @IanVandaelle, has been in the hospital since Nov. 18. It’s with a heavy heart today that I say he was declared neurologically deceased this week and taken off life support this morning.” Vandaelle had taken to social media multiple times to advocate for incentives to encourage Covid-19 vaccination. He also pushed for the implementation of vaccine passports and the termination from employment of those who refused the jab. He also suggested that unvaccinated people “should be arrested and taken away to concentration camps.” More on this link > https://www.worldtribune.com/greatest-hits-3-reporter-who-pushed-concentration-camps-for-unvaccinated-dies-at-age-33/
This thread is meant for posting anecdotal news about Covid-19 vax harms or other scamdemic related news stories that do not warrant a separate thread. Of course also your personal experience is very welcome here. On the Internet there are several sites fully dedicated to posting personal stories about Covid-19 vax harm. E.g. on his 'News from Underground' substack Mark Crispin Miller has been posting for years now an almost daily overview of newspaper-clippings and obituaries from Covid-jab victims under the header 'In memory of those who “died suddenly” in the United States and worldwide'. https://markcrispinmiller.substack.com/ Of course individual anecdotes can - and will - be dismissed as biased anti-vaxxer nonsense. However, there is 'strength in numbers' and a veritable tsunami of people that died suddenly and unexpectedly provides a clear signal that this is not normal. Reason for this thread is that anecdotes make the statistics of vax-harm 'personal', as we can easily forget that every harm/death number represents a human tragedy. = = =
Here the first 15 of those 30 Did-You-Know questions. Each one of them deserves a separates thread but you will find already some short factual evidence in James Taylor's article. Link: > https://thefreethinker.substack.com/p/30-questions-for-an-mrna-shot-straddler = = = Did you know that the shot recipients demonstrate a 37% loss of life expectancy over non-recipients? Did you know that each booster rollout is statistically correlated with a new wave of deaths? Did you know that rats demonstrate autistic behavior after receiving COVID shots? Did you know that Florida’s Surgeon General warned against anyone taking further shots owing to their terrible safety profile and negative efficacy (meaning shot recipients are MORE likely to exhibit COVID symptoms, not less)? Did you know that, since the rollout of the shots, young people (of employable age) are dropping dead or becoming disabled at a higher rate than the general population? Did you know that an examination of 99 million C19 vaccine records found alarming safety signals for myocarditis, pericarditis, Guillain-Barré syndrome, and cerebral venous sinus thrombosis”? Did you know that there were six papers in April of this year (2024) connecting these shots with aggressive turbo cancer? Did you know the former CDC director admitted the agency hid known side effects of the shots to public? Did you know that five state Attorney Generals are suing Pfizer right now for fraudulently lying about the safety of their products and intentionally withholding information about the harms of its product? (Curiously, not Moderna though.) Did you know that there were an estimated 16.9 million COVID-19-vaccine-associated deaths up to December 30, 2022? Did you know that the injections do nothing to reduce severe illness? Did you know that this study of 1.7 million children showed heart damage only in C19-injected kids? Did you know that a recent analysis of the Japanese Adverse Drug Event Report database showed an alarming risk of mRNA vax-induced myocarditis, especially in young men? Were you aware of the recent study that showed that the C19 injection does not protect you from “long covid” symptoms? Did you know about a recent study that revealed a 1236% surge in excess cardiac arrest deaths amongst C19 injection recipients? Note: Will post the remaining 15 Did-You-Know questions later... = = =
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James Taylor on his 'Think for Yourself' substack, published an article with 30 Did-You-Know Questions about the mRNA shots. It is specifically geared towards the large group that took the initial jabs but are now 'on the fence' whether they should continue taking the boosters (or other mRNA jabs that are in the pipeline). He explains that the reason for taking that factual bits approach is that he does not want to force people into just believing him, but rather that they would start thinking about the issue themselves. Great article! Remarkably, despite overwhelming evidence of harm, I still encounter the odd person expressing enthusiasm for getting their next mRNA injection. It’s like they’re waiting for a Toblerone bar in their Christmas stocking. I used to think such an enthusiast was reachable. I no longer believe so. They will not be susceptible to any new information that makes them question their sacrament, even if that information is offered in the spirit of saving their lives. A true believer would rather go to their grave than be wrong. But I also encounter quite a few straddlers—those who are not particularly invested in a tribal-identity belief regarding their vax status but simply took an injection, or even a booster or two, because they wanted to fly somewhere on vacation, or see a concert, or because their employer said so, and they heard it was “Safe and Effective”, so what’s the harm? These people, I believe, may be reachable with some strategic Did-You-Know questions. Did-You-Know questions are respectful—you’re not insulting anyone’s intelligence by telling them they’re wrong, or telling them what to believe. Instead, you’re appealing to their intelligence by offering them something to consider on their own. The point, as always, is not to convince anyone of anything. It’s to get them thinking for themselves. If you know a straddler, here is the link to the full article containing the 30 Did-You-Know questions as it maybe, just maybe, might spark a synapse or two: > https://thefreethinker.substack.com/p/30-questions-for-an-mrna-shot-straddler = = =
With that rant about 'free choice' you probably imagine yourself as Last man standing for Reason against the 'crybaby's', idiots, anti-vaxxers and conspiracy theorists. But all you have done is exposing yourself as an angry virtue-signalling deluded fool trying - and failing - to straight-talk what is crooked. Coercing people into taking dangerous, non-effective and totally unnecessary experimental shots can never be justified, and doing so by arguing that 'they had a choice' is literally adding insult to injury.
Yes, those 3 jabs surely did 'do their job'. Here a memory-refresher, as I distinctly remember that you wrote some years ago on the Forum of experiencing a flare-up of shingles after taking the shots. And shingles is a common - in the sense of not rare - adverse effect of the covid-jabs. You are lucky if that are the only adverse effects you encountered, and hope it stays that way...
Several of those 'respected' posters that expressed their enthusiasm to mandate jabbing, jailing, deporting or even killing those that did not want to take the experimental gen-therapy are still active on the Forum. Some of them - a small minority - might be somewhat ashamed now about the often extreme views they posted then. And then there are those that have vanished from the Forum. I sometimes wonder about @Jeffr2, he was one of the most outspoken vax-enthusiastics. He even flew back to the US to get the Moderna-jab, as that was the 'strongest protector' against covid-19 at a time when that jab was not yet available in Thailand. And we never heard of him again...
Did you use those "remedies"? Nope, but I did buy Ivermectin just in case I or my loved ones would get symptoms, But I never needed to take it, and - contrary to what you supposed me to be in a previous post - I am not a 'young and fit' guy that spend the pandemic hysteria time in Bali or other high-flyer place. I am a healthy (never sick) 67-year old living in the sticks in South- Isaan, and I waited it out there. Also I have deliberately never taken any vaccine my entire life (just like my 3 healthy - never sick - children that are now adult). Likewise, I never take any allopathic drugs or 'necessary supplements', and will only make use of such when actually needed in the absence of natural remedies. Sickness is one of the least understood bodily states, and in many cases it is your body getting rid of toxins, which of course should be supported instead of being suppressed.
The issue you raise here is another scandal, mainly that blood-banks worldwide are contaminated with 'vaxxed' blood. When donating blood you were requested not to do this within 14 days after being jabbed. But after that all the blood they received was mixed according to blood-group, without taking into account whether it came from mRNA vaxxed or unvaxxed donors. And it is proven now that the toxic spike-protein remains in your blood for a very long time (possible indefinitely, as they found it in people's blood 700 days after their last jab). That not keeping track procedure (because 'science') has resulted in alternative blood-banks now being set up solely for donors with unvaxxed blood. But of course the overwhelming majority of blood being used for transfusions is from the contaminated stock.
Yes, most people don't realize that that the demonization of PROVEN effective treatments of Covid with HCQ or Ivermectin, was pushed by Big Pharma, because when an alternative treatment was allowed the mRNA gene therapy would not have gotten EUA approval. And so HCQ and Ivermectin which for ages had been used for treating humans with billions of doses being administered, suddenly became 'injecting bleach' and 'using horse-dewormer'. Imo this was probably the most successful dis-information propaganda campaign ever run by Big Pharma. And it's actually amazing and mildly depressing that they pulled this off. Goes to show that they think you are stupid, gullible and blindly obedient, and unfortunately they were proven right on that one...
Deep respect for her courageous stance against the harmful woke nonsense of trans kids. > There is no such thing as a transgender child and no child is “born in the wrong body,” Harry Potter creator JK Rowling said. After being accused on social media of directing a “hateful focus” toward transgender kids, Rowling responded by saying that what she is accused of isn’t possible since there is no such thing as a trans kid in the first place. “There are no trans kids. No child is ‘born in the wrong body,’ ” Rowling wrote. “There are only adults like you, prepared to sacrifice the health of minors to bolster your belief in an ideology that will end up wreaking more harm than lobotomies and false memory syndrome combined.” Rowling went on to blame the woke mob on social media for convincing children that they are transgender. When one X user said that parents are to blame for transgendering of kids, Rowling responded, saying, “Kids are watching TikTok videos of surgeons selling the idea that bodies can be modified like Lego. Schools affirm kids’ trans identities behind parents’ backs. A certain kids’ charity in the UK sent out breast binders to pubescent girls without parental consent.” “Many parents are struggling to protect kids from a Zeitgeist telling them that anxieties about puberty, sexuality and growing up can be fixed by lifelong reliance on Big Pharma and by doctors who make Frankenstein look ethical,” she added. Rowling also noted that noted transgender medical procedures causes “infertility, the loss of the ability to orgasm and a lifetime’s reliance on powerful hormones your body wasn’t designed to cope with.” Rowling’s position appears to have been solidified by the British national health system, which recently announced a ban on puberty blockers and other transgender procedures for minors. Source: https://www.worldtribune.com/jk-rowling-triggers-the-woke-there-are-no-trans-kids/
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