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Red Phoenix

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Everything posted by Red Phoenix

  1. Very true, and I was banned back then for posting articles and studies that did not align with the 'accepted Covid/Vaccine narrative' from a so-called 'trustworthy source'. But luckily AseanNow has finally 'grown up' and initiated 'The Off the Beaten Track' forum in which threads/posts are not censored/deleted anymore. And so we are in a situation where AN members are now confronted with some perspectives from which they were shielded for almost 5 years. Obviously, the first reaction by many is dismissal of those - for them - novel points of view. This in stark contrast on how they embraced the novel jabs and covid protection measures, as the 24/7 pro-paganda for those eroded their critical thinking skills (if those were present in the first place).
  2. @RayC > Note that I fully endorse Stiddle Mump's view on the whole scamdemic and virus / covid-19 hoax. But I do respect that you have a different stance on these matters. Because 'where everybody thinks alike, very little thinking is going on'. And kudos for your civil response to Stiddle Mump, as that provides the basis for a genuine content-related exchange of views instead of the ad-hominem replies and insults that unfortunately make up much of the 'discussion' posts on this Vaccine/Covid subForum.
  3. Do you consider the authors of the article 'idiots'? I suggest you first read their fact-based arguments before making such obvious ignorant remark.
  4. For the record > I wrote: the combination of deadly hospital treatments (ventilators) and Covid-19 gen-therapies did a very effective culling job all under the guise of 'protecting your health'.
  5. I don't see anything positive about it, with the exception of the fake 'positive' results from the sham PCR-test that you were Covid-19 infected.
  6. Yep, the combination of deadly hospital treatments (ventilators) and Covid-19 gen-therapies did a very effective culling job all under the guise of 'protecting your health'.
  7. Thanks for posting that graph > I reposted it below. It's hardly reconcilable with the initial Covid-19 Vax (faux) promises of 'flattening the curve' and 'preventing death from Covid'. And when that turned out to be incorrect, later watered down to 'preventing worse', even with boosters that were never mentioned at roll-out. In short: the Covid-19 vaxes didn't 'deliver', which makes it all the more amazing that people keep believing their benign effects. Oh, wait a minute. They actually DID deliver: by harming the immune system of those that were coerced or gullible enough to roll up their sleeves. And the deaths from infections (see graph), that are labeled as Covid-19 to convince you to 'keep on boosting' is far from over. And then I am not even talking about the explosion of heart-diseases, nerval disorders and extremely fast-developing cancers, all due to that Gift that keeps on Giving...
  8. Because a positive PCR-test was considered 'proof' of being infected with Covid-19, irrespective of whether you had a cold or the flu or any other illness. Also when you didn't had any symptoms. The PCR-test to determine Covid-19 infection, was - and still is - an absolute scam, and the article I posted makes the role of that test in fueling the pandemic hysteria, absolutely clear. And so the title of the article should be read as 'Why is it that despite all the evidence that there was no pandemic, that people still believe in Covid?'. And the comments from all those that didn't even read the article with the arguments made by the authors, but immediately discarded it as a 'loony conspiracy' actually provides the answer to that rhetoric question.
  9. Three keys to understanding why there was no pandemic Source: https://wherearethenumbers.substack.com/p/why-do-people-still-believe-in-covid = = = In this serious and somewhat lengthy article the authors make a strong case by providing evidence that - despite all the hysteria and 'scientific' publications - there never was a pandemic. After presenting their case they ask this rhetoric - and highly relevant - question: Why is this still being ignored? Similar to lab leak versus wet market, in 2020 we were presented with another false dichotomy about PCR tests and invited to take one of two sides - the tests are too sensitive, or they are not sensitive enough, but either way each option is framed on the supposition that a novel pathogen is in circulation. Discussion of the third option - that the tests were not picking up a new novel virus at all but were repackaging other viruses and presenting them as novel were ridiculed, ignored, suppressed and censored. Why is this evidence still being ignored five years after the initiation of the event? Why do people still believe in covid? = = =
  10. Try using Yandex as search-engine instead of (the still censoring) Google search-index. When inserting the title of the study [ Clinicopathological and in Silico Insights into Male Infertility: Agerelated Trends and Anti-sperm Antibodies Post COVID-19 Vaccination ] you get many links. Amongst others this one > https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/39886784/ where the study summary has been published.
  11. I DID provide the link to the study > https://www.eurekaselect.com/article/146250 And there you can read this conclusion of the study: Conclusion: Male infertility peaks at 31-40 years, with lowering in men aged 41-50 years, IgA antibody reduced sperm motility, causing immunogenic infertility exacerbated post-Covid-19 vaccination or infection. Interaction of IgA and various receptors produced stable interactive molecules of IgA and proteins on sperm, affecting motility, aliquefication, and abnormal sperm percentage disturbing the normal dynamics of sperm cells opening a new dimension of infertility among males. The text in my post is just the rendering in non-scientific language of the study findings, as that makes it easier for AN-members to grasp what the study team found.
  12. A just published study conducted by researchers affiliated with King Abdulaziz University in Saudi Arabia is warning that Covid mRNA injections are causing serious harm to fertility rates among men. The team of researchers was led by Dr. Mohammed Ahmed Alkireidmi and corresponding author Firoz Anwar, a pharmaceutical doctor. The study discovered that male infertility has increased significantly following the COVID-19 pandemic. The researchers found that men became infertile after receiving a Covid mRNA injection. In the study’s paper, published in the renowned journal Current Medicinal Chemistry, the researchers explain that the immunogenic effects of IgA antibodies interacting with key sperm-related proteins cause men to become infertile. Due to the urgency of these findings the study has already been released, while still in the "Article in Press" stage and is not the final "Version of record". While it has been accepted, copy-edited, and formatted, however, it is still undergoing proofreading and corrections by the authors. Therefore, the text may still change before the final publication Source: https://www.eurekaselect.com/article/146250
  13. It's clear that you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.
  14. Looks like there is a bit too much spike-protein in your crystal ball to make accurate projections...
  15. I don't deny that the Scamdemic did result in millions of deaths. But I vehemently oppose the narrative to whitewash the response by the lame excuse that 'it would have been worse' if we - Public Health and other authorities - had not: - limited travel and meetings; - imposed masks; - imposed asocial distancing; - closed small businesses; - imposed the ridiculous PCR-testing; - etc. etc. The deadliest measure being the roll-out of the experimental Covid-19 gen-therapies, that have proven beyond refute now that they were neither safe nor effective, and actually not necessary.
  16. Yes, the team that compiled the study used age-standardized mortality probabilities among vaccinated and unvaccinated ten years and older, as explained in the paper.
  17. Recycling the 2, 3 and 4 year old ad-hominem trash from your FactCheck archive? A desperate last resort in trying to counter the irrefutable evidence that the Covid-19 response was a disaster, and that specifically the Covid-19 gen therapies (the experimental jabs) were neither safe nor effective, and even more important > not necessary.
  18. The main take-away for me and reason for posting this study is that it comes from a source that cannot be accused of 'anti-vax sentiments' but that it CONFIRMS that the vaccinated are now suffering more health-issues and higher mortality than the non-vaxxed.
  19. The pre-print of this Norwegian study by a team led by prof Jaarle Aarstad from the Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, is about to be peer-reviewed. The title already says it all: The temporal protection and declining health of the COVID-19 vaccinated in England: A 26-month comparison of the mortality involving and not involving COVID-19 among vaccinated vs. unvaccinated But here the Study conclusions: An interpretation is that vaccination, despite temporary protection, increased mortality. Strengthening the interpretation was relatively high mortality among vaccinated not involving COVID-19 counterintuitively following periods of excess mortality. Further strengthening the interpretation was relatively high mortality not involving COVID-19 among vaccinated corresponding with the excess mortality during the same period. Source: https://f1000research.com/articles/14-133
  20. Yes, that was their previous September 2024 stance. However, my post is about the official Health Canada regulator's statement last week in an e-mail to the Epoch Times confirming the presence of a Simian Virus 40 (SV40) DNA sequence in the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine, which the manufacturer had not previously disclosed. This is an evolving story and it's tiring having to constantly remind you of actually reading what the article states and not responding by posting old rebuttals that do not keep up with developments re the issue. Note that the topic as covered in the posted Epoch Times article has been addressed in this longer but very worthwhile piece by dr Byram W. Brydle on his substack providing some background on the significance and implications of that SV40 sequence. > https://viralimmunologist.substack.com/p/explosive-story-health-canada-admits
  21. Not for all those that experienced (or will experience) adverse effects after having first been coerced/manipulated into taking an experimental gen-therapy shot to 'protect their health', and then being gaslighted about these '100% safe and effective' shots.
  22. Note that the topic as covered in the posted Epoch Times article has been addressed in this longer but very worthwhile piece by dr Byram W. Brydle on his substack providing some background on the significance and implications of that SV40 sequence. > https://viralimmunologist.substack.com/p/explosive-story-health-canada-admits In that article Brydle also addresses the potential juridicial consequences of Pfizer not having disclosed the presence of this SV40 DNA sequence to the HealthCanada regulator. An excerpt: > Notably, Pfizer has been granted legal indemnity for their shots; something which in and of itself should be a major concern. However, an important court ruling was recently made in Michigan, USA. Specifically, the court ruled that a pharmaceutical company’s legal indemnity was null and void for a contaminated version of the medical product. The product, but not any contaminants are subject to the legal indemnity. And failing to disclose a bioactive component would seem to go one step further. You can read an article about the legal issue here [ https://wwmt.com/news/local/michigan-judge-denies-drug-manufacturers-immunity-in-case-of-contaminated-covid-19-medication ] So, it would follow that Pfizer’s legal indemnity should be null and void for shots that contaminated with bacterial DNA that included a bioactive sequence that was not disclosed to regulatory agencies. = = =
  23. We are 2025. Posting articles +3 years old to 'debunk' recent developments is not helpful to debate the issue, but we all know you are only posting this tsunami of scientific-sounding denial garbage, to derail the topic. Try to stick to the issue > Official regulator HealthCanada statement that confirms that Pfizer did not disclose the presence of this SV40 DNA sequence to them, which they are legally obliged to do. The juridicial consequences of this are quite interesting, as it could be considered fraud with Pfizer losing its indemnity for any claims of vaccine-harm.
  24. > Scraping the barrel? A +1-year old article to 'debunk' the recent official HealthCanada statement
  25. > Pathetic, a 1-year old newspaper article to 'debunk' the recent official HealthCanada statement
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