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Red Phoenix

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Everything posted by Red Phoenix

  1. I refused to be jabbed, and therefore didn't need any medication for shingles or other adverse effects of the shots. And of course I also didn't catch covid (and if I did I even didn't notice it).
  2. ??? - success is not determined by the millions of people that were mandated to take the jab or else...
  3. Yes you can as DrJack already indicated. Depending on the timing of his travel plan back home, it might be easier to exit Thailand without buyng a re-entry permit for his tourist Visa, and return from Cambodia VisaExempt (without a Visa), which will provide him with a 30-day Permission to stay.
  4. Most of these Best Beaches are very crowded, and that's a major put-off for me. TIP > My 'best beach' would be Secret Beach at Koh Kood. It didn't steal its name, also because there are signs that it is private and belongs to the resort situated there. But that's obvious not true as it is a 50 meter walk on a non-private road to access the left part of the beach which is not in front of the resort. And at that part there is even a wooden bar situated in case you need an alcoholic or other beverage (when it's open because if there are 5 people on that part of the beach, that would be 'crowded'). It's by far the beach with most beautiful view on Koh Kood and it being deserted adds to its attraction. Whenever you visit Koh Kood, be sure to check it out. Also the 10 minute motorcycle drive on a well-maintained and equally non-crowded road to get there, is a drive through jungle paradise (cars except for tourist transport are not allowed on Koh Kood).
  5. For low-value or non-Lazmall marked items, I always us 'cash on delivery' For higher-value items that have the Lazmall mark I use my Golden creditcard, as doing so doubles the warranty-period. In both cases - cash on delivery or pre-paid - you get a phone-call that they are on their way, as the delivery staff doesn't want to run the risk of not being able to deliver.
  6. Probably simplest way would be to apply for a 60-day extension of stay for reason of visiting your wife. That would extend your current Permission to stay with 2 months - the time you mentioned that due to work circumstances you would not be living at same place.
  7. To put this tripling of weekly COVID new hospitalizations in perspective the Thai population of almost 72 million should be taken into account. The May 4 week number of 1,792 new COVID hospitalizations means 1 in approx 40.000 got hospitalized for 'Covid'. Add to this - as admitted by the CDC - that Covid symptoms are very similar with having catched flu, there should be no reason for any panic. Imo such scare-mongering is only meant to 'combat vaccine hesitancy' as the uptake is 'disappointing' (for the credibility of Public Health officials and revenue of Big Pharma).
  8. If you plan to stay no more than 60 days in Thailand, you can simply enter VisaExempt (without a Visa) which will provide you with a 30-day Permission to stay. In the last 2 weeks of that Permission to stay, visit a provincial Thai Immigration Office and apply for a 30-day extension of stay. Costs 1.900,- THB, is delivered on the spot, and no need to wait till last days as the 30-day extension is added to the expiry date of your initial Permission to stay. You only need a TM-30 notification as proof of address in the province where you are applying. You can simply ask for a copy of that TM-30 notification at the Hotel/guesthose where you are staying, as according to Thai law they need to fill out such notification whenever a foreigner is staying at their premises.
  9. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/moderna-reports-1-2bn-net-084206713.html The company attributed the decline to the reduced sales of its Covid-19 vaccine. Net product sales plummeted by 91% compared to Q1 2023.
  10. Pandemic fatigue and vaccine hesitancy continue to affect global public health You forgot to add the word 'revenue' to the title...
  11. Read somewhere that there is now at least one flight-finder site that provides the option to users to de-select any flights with Boeing aircraft. When an engineer that had specifically ordered a flight with a non-Boeing plane, was confronted with a last-minute change and was expected to board a Boeing, he refused and he was rebooked on a later non-Boeing flight with all extra expenses relating to that change being reimbursed. It will take years if not decades for Boeing to regain the trust they squandered...
  12. The chief scientist of China's COVID vaccine project was kicked from the National People's Congress. Yang Xiaoming, 62, is accused of "serious discipline and law violations," a phrase alluding to corruption. Yang led the team that developed the Sinopharm vaccine, and was China's top researcher in its vaccine project. The chief researcher of China's first general-use COVID vaccine was ousted last week from the country's highest organ of power. Yang Xiaoming, 62, was booted on April 23 from the National People's Congress "due to serious discipline and law violations," state media reported this weekend. The phrase typically means a person is under investigation for corruption in China. ... The announcement about Yang comes amid China's sweeping crackdown on corruption in its healthcare sector, with investigations launched against hundreds of hospital deans and secretaries. (more) https://www.businessinsider.com/china-ousts-chief-scientist-yang-xiaoming-covid-vaccine-citing-corruption-2024-4
  13. Quick, get your booster as your patience is wearing thin...
  14. ... as well as longer safe social distancing perimeters and longer quarantaine periods!
  15. Well well, 3 years after injecting 50 million people with a jab that they now admit is not as 'safe and effective' as claimed back then. But credit where credit is due, so kudos to @TGJinBKK for posting this news.
  16. Yes, unless your Permission to stay was based on a MultipleEntry Visa, you current Permission to stay will be voided when departing Thailand without a Re-Entry Permit, forcing you to apply from scratch again. Note that sometimes such error can be a blessing in disguise, as it allows you to apply for long-term stay Visa that might be more fitting for your situation. E.g switching from Retirement to Marriage or Dependant Thai children, or applying for a 1-year ME Visa instead of a 90-day SingleEntry one. Obviously, whether it would be beneficial for you to apply for a different type Visa would depend on your particular situation, so you could provide the details of your current Visa-status and pesonal situation and request info on possible alternatives.
  17. Love it when the wolves are fighting each other to ensure a bigger piece of the cake. Such legal battles often result in the issuing of damaging information meant to hurt the other party but actually backfiring on both of them when the dirty laundry is exposed. Let the spectacle begin!
  18. There are approx 12 flights daily from BKK airports to Ubon Ratchathani Airport. Approx half from Suvarnabhumi (BKK) and other half from Don Muang Bangkok Airport (DMK). When you have a ticket for a flight at the 'other' airport, there is a free shuttle-bus service between both airports (bus rides every hour and takes approx 1.5 hour). From Ubon it's only 100 km to Yasothon, and Ubon metered taxis are quite cheap (the trip would cost you approx 1.500,- THB). Re luggage > Instead of paying heavily for overweight, you could consider when in Suvarnuabhumi to go to the Departures hall on the 4th floor and at the end of the counters a bit hidden there at the back there is a Thai Post office. I always use them when I arrive with my 30 kilo luggage from Europe, and send 15kg or more of stuff I do not immediately need to my home-address in Sisaket, so that I do not have to carry it anymore and can avoid the pricy overweight domestic airline charges. ThaiPost is dirt cheap (less than 400,- TB including the carton box and the sealing of the stuff, and the pakage often has already been delivered at my doorstep when I arrive at my Sisaket home (100 km from Ubon) after having stayed a night in Ubon.
  19. Looks like we all agree - except for the 2 UK Members of Parliament - that the mRNA covid-shots are the best thing slnce sliced bread. Keep on jabbing!
  20. It's not fully clear from @paddypower's post whether the 400K he mentions, is meant to cover the 2 month + consideration period from a Marriage extension, or the 7 'in between' months from a Retirement extension. I presumed he was staying on a Non Imm O Retirement extension, as he would only need +400K during the 2 months pre-application + consideration period when on a Marriage extension.
  21. Better leave 401.000 THB on your Thai bank-account, in case 'annual account admin costs' are deducted by the Bank with the risk of slipping under the 400K tresshold when you have to little buffer.
  22. The video recordings of the speeches of both MP's (Andrew Bridgen and Dany Kruger) are available on Parliamentlive.TV , which broadcasts all British Parliament proceedings. AseanNow members can access them and judge for themselves whether these two MP's are peddling mis/dis-information.
  23. Here the clip of the 16' speech that MP Danny Kruger delivered on 18 April 2024 for - once again - an almost empty British Parliament. The comments on that speech are twofold: 1 - Kudos to Danny Kruger for having the courage to address that very real 'Hot Potato' issue. 2 - Anger and disgust for the absence of MPs and the disgraceful conduct of the Speaker of the House. The speech itself goes beyond the Excess Deaths scandal, and addresses the accountability for the covid jab-response and questions the immunity of Pfizer/Moderna in light of what was known but not revealed to the unsuspecting public.
  24. That's correct, and it means that unless you already started to do these +40K monthly transfers from abroad you won't be able to meet the 12 monthly transfers criterium to do the switch. Also be aware as another poster mentioned that not all Imm Offices do allow to switch method, or might have some additional requirements that need to be met when they would allow it. So best to talk to your local Imm Office to learn about their requirements.
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