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Embalmers Keep Finding Fibrous CV19 Vax Clots
Red Phoenix replied to Red Phoenix's topic in Covid/Vaccine
The Clots are Still Being Found - both in the living and the death The clots continue to be found by embalmers, but they are also being found in the LIVING by cath lab workers. My urgent plea. Source: https://laurakasner.substack.com/p/the-clots-are-still-being-found-a = = = Here an excerpt from the full article (my apologies when you just started/finished a meal, as the 3 photos are quite graphic). Tom Haviland recently received the following photos from a cardiologist who works in a cath lab: < Illiac artery clot removed from the pelvis of a living person > < Pulmonary (lung) artery clot removed from a living person > < Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) removed from the leg of a living person. To the left is a scan of what it looked like in the body before it was removed. > Note that these clots appear red. That is because they had just been removed from LIVING persons. These clots are WHITE when rinsed off and look just like the clots being pulled out of the deceased. = = = -
The only confirmed associated side effects are anaphylaxis, myo/pericarditis, and Bell's Palsy. And maybe 2 deaths total. Source: https://kirschsubstack.com/p/official-new-zealand-vaccine-safety = = = Executive summary The New Zealand DSMB safety report can be downloaded here. > https://www.tewhatuora.govt.nz/publications/final-report-of-the-covid-19-vaccine-independent-safety-monitoring-board-cv-ismb It seems this came out in 2023, but somehow I missed it. Bottom line: The very large committee (17 people) they had write it (over 28 meetings) just doesn’t see any serious problems. They acknowledged anaphylaxis, myo/pericarditis, and Bell's Palsy are caused by the COVID vaccine. But that’s it. And most people don’t die from the myo/pericarditis, so it’s only really a problem if you are one of the unlucky ones who do. “The available information did not suggest a link between the vaccine and thrombotic events” which means all those embalmers seeing these novel clots in over half their cases… they are just imagining those! Their conclusion is it’s perfectly safe and there are a few things to keep an eye on. They said it’s unlikely that any AEFIs (adverse events following immunization) are associated with vaccinating the elderly. So the elderly are pretty much immune to any COVID side effects. Whew! That’s a relief. So the 28 people who died within ~3 weeks after being vaccinated at Apple Valley Village (one of my favorite examples) were just “coincidences.” And 17 friends of Jay Bonnar who died unexpectedly (4 on the same day as their shot)… we’ll that’s just cherry picking! So, according to the New Zealand vaccine experts, all is well with the COVID vaccine. Whew. That’s a relief. I guess I can retire now as a misinformation spreader since this report has removed all doubt about the safety of the COVID shots… (just kidding). It’s really astonishing how they can miss all the safety signals, isn’t it? I’d love to ask them how they can ignore all the data, but there is no chance any of them will chat with me. = = =
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And here the intro and conclusion by Jeff Childers commenting on this new study in his free daily Coffee and Covid substack > https://www.coffeeandcovid.com/p/coming-untrue-wednesday-january-15 > In the post-pandemic period, there were two particularly appalling and incontrovertible studies about the mRNA jabs that more than anything else started the slow reversal of science’s great stampede toward genetic therapies. The first was actually a group of studies, led by Kevin McKernan, confirming the shots were contaminated with DNA fragments of bacteria normally found in human waste. (Literally, “s— shots.”) The second was a gold-standard study finding “frame-shifting” (mutational drifts) in the induced spike proteins. Yesterday we received a third seminal study to help sink the shots and the Frankenstein’s nightmare called mRNA technology. The peer-reviewed study published yesterday in the prestigious Nature Biotechology, titled “Nanocarrier imaging at single-cell resolution across entire mouse bodies with deep learning.” It had forty authors. There’s safety in numbers. They cautiously avoided criticizing the covid shots directly, but the implications were unavoidable. > The study’s findings [summarized in the article - see link] addressed in reveal the third structural problem with mRNA. Until those structural problems are solved, or even addressed, mRNA risks becoming nothing more than a forgettable footnote in the sordid history of scientific failure: a tragic tale of overpromised innovation and blind faith in cutting-edge technology, calamitously unraveled by unmet safety and efficacy standards. And that is assuming things don’t get any worse. Which is the point—we don’t know. This study provided no reassurances. And it probably poisons all mRNA projects. Take, for instance, the long-promised vision of using mRNA to deliver customized cancer cures. The concept involves encoding the mRNA with some protein from your specific cancer, in theory prompting the body to mount a targeted immune response. But so long as the treatment relies on lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) to deliver its mRNA payload, this study suggests a potentially catastrophic risk: the cancer protein could unintentionally transfect major off-target organs like the heart, liver, kidneys, and spleen, potentially spreading cancerous material throughout the body while simultaneously disrupting the immune system. = = =
WARNING - The content of the link here is NOT for the faint of heart > https://jamesroguski.substack.com/p/evidence-regarding-white-fibrous It contains approx 25 explicit photos of these unusual white fibrous structures, which undertakers and embalmers first noticed in May, 2021, about five months after the COVID-19 “vaccines” were authorized. The link also contains several interviews with embalmers in US and UK, that provided testimonies about their experience with that gory phenomenon. = = =
Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41587-024-02528-1.pdf A bombshell study published yesterday 14 January 2025 in the renowned journal Nature Biotechnology, titled “Nanocarrier Imaging at Single-Cell Resolution Across Entire Mouse Bodies With Deep Learning,” confirms concerns about mRNA vaccines. The work of 40 international top scientists from around the globe has revealed that the nanoparticles used in these genetic mRNA vaccines don't just stay in the arm muscle where they are injected but actually travel to other important organs, especially the heart. This discovery contradicts what health authorities have been telling the public. Of course we already knew from Japanese FOI biodistribution data that Pfizer’s LNP reaches various parts of the body. However, this paper shows that when the nanoparticles carrying mRNA were found in heart tissues, particularly within the endothelial cells of heart capillaries, researchers observed distinct changes in protein expression. These changes were associated with immune activation and blood vessel function. Note: The above is a shortened version of the article on Aussie17's substack re this study and its implications > https://www.aussie17.com/p/bombshell-study-by-global-team-of = = =
Enlighten me then O Grand Master Dan...
The flu shot you are taking is NOT for the actual 'current mutation of the flu virus' at the moment you get jabbed, but it is developed several months earlier for the expected mutation of that virus. When they had a lucky guess the effectiveness of that jab is approx 80%, but in some years it can be as low as under 20%. The same 'best guess' procedure was applied for the Covid-19 booster-shots, and you got a booster to 'protect' you against a variant that was often already gone by the time you got the shot.
Wrong again, I have multiple sources containing testimonies, articles and studies on Covid vaccine shedding. But I mentioned James Roguski's Resource Center, as on his website he has a comprehensive overview with summaries and links of several articles/studies on the subject.
Nope, you just need some reading skills. The current thread 'Evidence of Covid vaccine shedding', featured in its opening post a link to James Roguski's Resource Center that contains dozens of links to studies/articles providing such evidence. > https://jamesroguski.substack.com/p/evidence-of-shedding And that Resource Center consists currently of 18 very comprehensive Chapters covering all the issues with the Covid-19 poison jabs. https://jamesroguski.substack.com/p Here a link to the chapter addressing Evidence of DNA contamination https://jamesroguski.substack.com/p/evidence-of-dna-contamination Might come as a shock that you have been lied to from the very beginning and that all the 'settled science' was a giant smoke-screen that is now falling apart as the real-life harm of this Crime of the Century is gradually being unveiled. Just ask yourself the question 'Would you still trust Anthony 'I Am Science' Fauci ' or the continually back-pedalling CDC ?
Yes, without any evidence that the mRNA does not persist in the body, ALL of these publications towed the line that the public should not be worried about such 'details' as that would only fuel vaccine uptake hesitancy. But it was known from the very start that there was no 'OFF'-ramp for the instruction to your cells to produce the toxic spike-protein. And of course now it comes out that the fear-mongering anti-vax scientists and researchers that were warning about this, were right all the time. Articles and studies now indicate that they keep on finding it up to 800 days after last jab ('only' 800 days at the time of conducting the study, because the mRNA jabbed have been turned into 'walking spike-protein factories').
When you are unvaccinated getting one of the current Covid-19 infections is actually a blessing, as it will trigger your innate immune system to create antibodies and it will protect you from any more nasty variation of Covid-19. But talking people into screwing up their precious immune system by taking these harmful, ineffective and totally unnecessary gen-therapy mRNA injections, is the Crime of the Century as that's a recipe for creating all kinds of short, middle and long term adverse effects. It's a double win for the Vax-manufacturers, as they first make billions $ on poisoning the public with these shots, and then have ensured themselves an even more profitable avenue by 'treating' the victims they made. Pfizer invested many of the billions they made, by buying several companies that are developing cancer-cures, as they know full well that the current vax-induced cancer-explosion will be very lucrative for them.
Very poor excuse, as the CDC is STILL recommending everybody to get the 2024-2025 Covid-19 booster... You are smart enough not to fall for that ill advise, but the sheeple take it for gospel. And it provides the Public Harm Authorities to quote and hide behind that CDC recommendation to keep on happily poisoning the folks that still think that these demons have their best interest at heart.
Wow, 3 lies in 1 sentence, that must be a record! The mRNA itself degrades quickly after being used by the body (#1), and it never integrates into a person’s DNA (#2) or replicates like a live virus would so shedding is impossible (#3). Post has been edited to remove colored fonts.
You wrote "Most people are probably fine with the original two shots and maybe one booster. Additional boosters are basically only needed for those with immune deficiencies." Are you an anti-vaxxer? Because that's NOT the recommendation of the CDC. On their website > https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/covid-19/clinical-considerations/interim-considerations-us.html you will find: Recommendations for the use of COVID-19 vaccines Groups recommended for vaccination COVID-19 vaccination is recommended for everyone ages 6 months and older in the United States for the prevention of COVID-19.
Yes, a thorougly biased and often flagrantly manipulated review to ensure the shots would be approved. The only beneficiary of pushing that harmful, ineffective and totally unnecessary solution being the balance sheets of the vaccine-manufacturers.
Some people are unable to even consider that they might have been conned, even when confronted with a mountain of evidence. The only wake-up call for them is when they - or their loved ones - experience the harms of these poison-shots, and in some cases even that will not allow them to start questioning their beliefs in what they were told.
Hahaha, laughing all the way to the graveyard...
Well, it's posted in the Covid-19 Coronavirus sub-forum, so hardly surprising that the thread is about Covid and not about American automobiles...
Here a 'dialogue' between dr Kevin STILLWAGON and Meta AI. It's interesting that the AI responses at first confidently asserted the mainstream media narrative that when vaccine hesitancy could be overcome that Covid-vaccination would lead to herd immunity. When dr Stillwagon confronted the AI that this is incorrect and that herd immunity can only happen through the cellular immunity provided by natural exposures, Meta AI admitted that that is correct and that it now 'revised its understanding' on the issue, only to later in the dialogue to restate its incorrect narrative. The same happened with AI's assertion that vaccination efforts should be focussed on high-risk populations (like the elderly and immuno-compromised). The AI when confronted with dr Stillwagon's rebuttal that this is a bad idea as their immune system might not be up to the challenge, did apologize for its inconsistency. But whether it will 'learn' from its mistakes and provide correct answers when other users would have a similar dialogue, remains to be seen. Artificial intelligence has a vast and constantly expanding access to information but will only regurgitate it in a certain way. You an read this interesting dialogue in a short article posted on dr Kevin Stillwagon's substack. Here the link > https://drkevinstillwagon.substack.com/p/concerning-herd-immunity
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I have tons of hard evidence for each of the 3 lies you regurgitated from the complicit mainstream media. But as you didn't even open the link [ https://jamesroguski.substack.com/p/evidence-of-shedding ] that leads to a multitude of studies and articles on the shedding topic, it's a waste if time providing more info on the other issues.
Highlighted in red the lies you have been fed...
Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi: The Deception of Vaccine Production: From Clinical Fraud to Bacterial DNA = = = Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi: "The success of clinical approval study is story in itself of large-scale fraud and deception, you have already learned that today. This was the first prank, but the second followed immediately, the biggest scam of all time." "Remember, a few billion artificially created DNA recipes to vaccinate only 20,000 people was feasible in the genetic laboratory. But to vaccinate billions of people, no, that wasn't possible. It was simply too much and far too expensive to make vaccines." "To do this, manufacturers had to go back to nature. The trick, the billions and trillions of countless DNA recipes are no longer put together under computer control and machines, they came from bacteria. So two ways to production. First way artificial, computer controlled. Second way, mass production by bacteria, mini chromosomes, plasmids." "These mini chromosomes, in this case this DNA is no longer human DNA, but that is now bacteria DNA, mind you. These mini chromosomes are easy to obtain and manipulate. Foreign recipes, for example the gene for corona spike protein or any other gene you want, can be inserted there." "The bacteria are then cultivated and simply automatically multiplied en masse through cultivation. The plasmids are the extracted and used as a template for producing the mRNA copies. Now we have them again, but they come from bacteria, this knock-off. This is different from the officially approved procedure." "Question from the interested audience. Has the use of bacterial chromosomes for vaccine production ever been reported, tested and approved for safety? The answer is in recently publishing by dr. Jürgen Kirchner, Elias, David Fischer and lawyer Brigitte Röhrig can be read. They have just been published." "Answer, no, they have never been tested, neither for content nor for security. The regulatory authorities, including PEI, EMA and FDA, simply waved them through and approved them. They, the authorities, were accomplices and accomplices." = = =
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Then do provide some evidence for your claim that shedding ONLY occurs with live-attenuated vaccines. The FDA did NOT require the mRNA manufacturers to provide it. But real-life evidence shows that shedding also happens with mRNA gen-therapies from the jabbed to the unvaccinated. Do check evidence and links to studies on this subject in Chapter 17 of James Roguski's Covid-19 Vaccine Resource Center https://jamesroguski.substack.com/p/evidence-of-shedding Here already some links: https://covid19criticalcare.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/Shedding-of-COVID-mRNA-Vaccines-A-review-of-evidence-2024-02-03.pdf https://covid19criticalcare.com/shedding-is-real/ https://covid19criticalcare.com/courses/conference-2024/lessons/shedding-is-real/
Shedding is real. We do NOT need to prove that shedding occurs. The FDA needs to require Pfizer and Moderna to do the studies to prove that shedding is NOT happening. = = = > Much more evidence and links to studies on this subject in Chapter 17 of James Roguski's Covid-19 Vaccine Resource Center https://jamesroguski.substack.com/p/evidence-of-shedding = = =
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