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Red Phoenix

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Everything posted by Red Phoenix

  1. Massive Recovery in Antarctica Sea Ice Unreported by Net Zero-Obsessed Mainstream Media > Remember all that alarmist guff about Antarctica sea ice recording lower levels in winter a couple of years ago? Georgina Rannard of the BBC wrote a story headed ‘Antarctic sea ice at “mind-blowing” low alarms experts‘, while Clive Cookson at the Financial Times gave us his suggestion that the area “faces a catastrophic cascade of extreme environmental events… that will affect the climate around the world”. The scare story caravan has moved on to pastures new these days, not unrelated to the fact that at the end of 2024 the extent of sea ice in Antarctica was roughly the same as the 1981 to 2010 average. According to the U.S.-based National Snow and Ice Data Centre (NSIDC), “this provides a sharp illustration of the high variability of Antarctica sea ice extent”. It does indeed, and it also provides us with a classic case study of how a short-term natural variation, well understood by many scientists, is weaponised by activists in science, politics and journalism to induce mass climate psychosis with the aim of promoting the political Net Zero lunacy. You can read full article here > https://dailysceptic.org/2025/01/10/massive-recovery-in-antarctica-sea-ice-unreported-by-net-zero-obsessed-mainstream-media/
  2. Implementation of digital ID is already long time planned, and it is being sold to you as 'convenient and useful'. But once digital ID becomes mainstream, the inevitable next step will be CBDC as the sole transaction option, and from then on it's a definitive goodbye to all the freedoms you currently take for granted... In this article by dr Mike YEADON, he lays out the steps in that perfidious process starting with that push to sign up for digital ID. And he succinctly makes this non-exaggerated statement: Whatever the consequences, however inconvenient, however scary: resist, refuse, do not comply with digital ID So if you are still charmed by the convenience advantages of digital ID (and digital money) be aware of what's coming once you signed up. You can read the article here: https://drmikeyeadon.substack.com/p/the-hill-to-die-on
  3. Deal a Lethal Blow to the Pandemic Treaty: Tell Trump, Exit the WHO Now! I signed the petition already The WHO’s Pandemic Treaty—the one that wants unelected elites to control your health and freedoms—is falling apart. They’ve missed deadlines and haven’t reached an agreement. Now they’re panicking. Here’s the game-changer: Trump’s team has confirmed that the US could leave the WHO on Day One of his presidency. And that’s TODAY! No US funding essentially means No Treaty. That’s $1.3 billion—gone! Without that money, the entire agenda could collapse. Trump’s been exposing the WHO for years, calling them out for what they are: corrupt and dangerous. And now, he’s teamed up with Robert Kennedy Jr.—the man who’s spent his career fighting Big Pharma’s globalist schemes. As of today, they have the power to deliver the knockout blow to the WHO and its Pandemic Treaty. But here’s the thing: they need to feel the pressure from YOU! Today isn’t just any day—it’s symbolic. It’s Trump’s first day in office, and it’s the perfect moment to demand he keeps his promise. Sign the petition now to demand Trump and Kennedy follow through on their promise to pull the US out of the WHO and destroy this treaty! Here the link (rendered in blue😞 > https://citizengo.org/en-row/fr/14631-deal-a-lethal-blow-to-the-pandemic-treaty--tell-trump--exit-the-who-now- Wait—don’t stop there! Share this petition with your family and friends. The more voices we have, the louder our message will be. Let’s make sure they hear us!
  4. Says the Trans man with his +92.000 posts, 😂 and not one of those obnoxious one-liners that are your hallmark, providing any contribution to the topic being discussed.
  5. What We've Learned from a Year of Vaccine Shedding Data Numerous data sources now corroborate that the COVID vaccines shed in a consistent and replicable manner = = = Story at a Glance: • After the COVID-19 vaccines hit the market, stories began emerging of unvaccinated individuals becoming ill after being in proximity to recently vaccinated individuals. This confused many, as the mRNA technology in theory should not be able to “shed.” • After seeing countless patient cases which can only be explained by COVID vaccine shedding, a year ago, I initiated multiple widely seen calls for individuals to share suspected shedding experiences. • From those 1,500 reports, clear and replicable patterns have emerged which collectively prove “shedding” is a real and predictable phenomenon that can be explained by known mechanisms unique to the mRNA technology. • Likewise, after being blocked from publication for over a year, recently, a scientific study corroborating the shedding phenomenon was finally published. • This article will map out everything that is known about shedding (e.g., what are the common symptoms, how does it happen, who does it affect, does it occur through sexual contact, can it cause severe issues like cancer) along with strategies for preventing it. You can read the full lengthy article here > https://www.midwesterndoctor.com/p/what-weve-learned-from-a-year-of
  6. Nope, but you might be interested in this article by Kyle M. Young who provides some compelling evidence in his substack that the LA forest-fires, just like those in Maui, were 'helped' by DEW (direct energy weaponry). > https://secularheretic.substack.com/p/a-forensics-examination-of-video Kyle Young just posted a follow-up providing more evidence that the California Palisades 'wildfire' disaster was a deliberate DEW attack and NOT the 'wildfire' fable that we are being sold. He watched a 1.5 hour video made by someone that toured the devastated Palisades area. From that video Kyle then created some 30 'inexplicable' screenshots, e.g. trees not being burned with cars parked under it completely melted. Only Directed Energy Weapons (DEW’s) can create such results. Here the link > https://secularheretic.substack.com/p/detailed-forensic-evidence-supporting
  7. The factual statement I made that non-urgent surgeries requiring blood transfusion are far more frequent overall than trauma cases requiring blood, can be easily checked. I actually queried Chat GPT about it which confirmed that that is fully correct. The poster from the 'laughing emoji' is probably laughing away his fears about the matter that the large majority of blood in blood-banks has not been tested for the toxic spike-protein and is now contaminated as they stupidly mixed the blood of mRNA vaxxed and unvaxxed donors.
  8. While it is obvious that deliberate and continual ultra large scale human endeavours like the Amazon deforestation or the draining of the Aral lake, will have severe climate change effects locally, the global impact of human causes on climate change is neglible compared with natural causes like volcano-eruptions. Look up Hunga Tonga, the underwater vulcano eruption that had a vast global impact (and which was not foreseen in the climate change models). But 'climate change' has become a buzzword and is used as an argument/excuse for many ridiculously short-sighted initiatives to guilt-talk people into compliance with changes that only benefit the agenda of those that want full control over the populaces behaviour and make a hefty profit on the so-called 'needed change'.
  9. Your statement that 'most people who need blood are in emergencies' is wrong. When looking at the number of cases, non-urgent surgeries requiring blood transfusion are far more frequent overall than trauma cases requiring blood.
  10. "Many are dying at home. There are people who died the day after getting vaccinated. There are multiple cases of this happening. And there are scattered cases of people dying within a week of Vax!" The Press Conference also confirmed that vaccinated individuals are more susceptible to infection. Source: https://www.aussie17.com/p/breaking-japanese-press-conference = = = This week, on January 16th, 2025, the Vaccine Issues Research Group hosted a press conference in Japan, unveiling serious concerns about mRNA lipid nanoparticles and genetic therapies. Spearheaded by Emeritus Professor Dr. Masanori Fukushima of Kyoto University, the conference began with him emphasizing a glaring regulatory oversight: preclinical animal testing safety data for vaccines remain astonishingly basic compared to ordinary pharmaceuticals. In cases of typical drug development, detailed tests are conducted on drug distribution, potential carcinogenic effects, and reproductive impacts. However, for vaccines, these stringent evaluations are notably absent. Quote: For ordinary pharmaceuticals, it is determined how they distribute within the body. This is followed by tests for whether they cause cancer, and whether they affect reproductive functions. All these detailed and extensive experiments are required, but when it comes to vaccines, these requirements are not enforced at all. Prof Masanori Fukushima, 16 Jan 2025 You can read the full article and watch the 16' subtitled video-recording of the Press Conference here > https://www.aussie17.com/p/breaking-japanese-press-conference = = =
  11. Better educate yourself before posting nonsense statements. When you are scheduled for non-immediate surgery, there are several options. You can stipulate that in case of need your own blood is to be used and not any from the blood-bank. You can also have your own blood or those of unvaxxed friends/relatives with same blood-group tapped before surgery takes place. Only in case of accident where you urgently need blood, you will have no choice and will be administered what is available. = = =
  12. The Covid Crime bus spotted in Washington DC with posters of Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, Rochelle Walensky and other high-level scamdemic criminals. The Covid Crime bus, spotted in Washington DC.mp4
  13. As requested > https://jamesroguski.substack.com/p/evidence-from-death-certificates James Roguski is compiling a Resource Center with articles/studies on various aspects of the Covid scamdemic. The linked chapter 21 provides a wealth of information on the subject, but obviously you will find also abundant information about the killer mRNA-jabs in other chapters of the Resource Center. Note that contrary to the claim of 'millions of lives saved' that the reality - at this point in time - is some 17 millions deaths from these '100% safe and effective' shots, and the end is not in sight yet as turbo-cancers, cardio-vascular diseases and a multitude of other adverse and often deadly effects is snowballing...
  14. Nope, your immune system will be confused and severely weakened by the continual release of those toxic spike-proteins that the mRNA jab instructed your cells to produce. And when a new variant of covid-19 comes your already weakened immune system will not be primed to fight that one. Look up the difference between vaccine-induced immunity and natural immunity, Vaccine-induced immunity is extremely selective, and that's why they are recommending you to take boosters (to fight the 'current' variant, which of course has already disappeared by the time you get the shot). Compare that with natural immunity (as a result of your immune system having successfully fought of an infection) which is very broad and will also recognize new variants of Covid and use its 'memory' to eradicate it.
  15. Thanks, I am a non-english native speaker and in my mother-tongue there is no such distinction between the two.
  16. Then read the Fact-check article > https://factcheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.344238J which clearly states that blood banks do NOT test for 'this'. 'This' being the toxic spike protein that has been found circulating in the blood of the jabbed +800 days after their last shot.
  17. Two comments: #1 - This thread was opened in the 'Off the Beaten Track' sub-forum, where a 'media source' is not required. On top of that this particular post is no more or less than sharing and commenting on a recent PUBLIC statement made by a well-know German politician, and Aussie17 did link the clip with the actual statement in German (which is accurately subtitled in english). #2 - In light of the above, your assessment that Aussie17 is a 'crank' is pure slander. Truthfully sharing a public statement makes you a crank now? And for what it's worth: in some of his previous citizen-journalist articles on his substack, Aussie17 revealed that he previously was a Big Pharma executive in Australia, giving him the unique position of 'exposing the Pharma Industrial Complex form within'.
  18. Nope, but you might be interested in this article by Kyle M. Young who provides some compelling evidence in his substack that the LA forest-fires, just like those in Maui, were 'helped' by DEW (direct energy weaponry). > https://secularheretic.substack.com/p/a-forensics-examination-of-video
  19. Knowing that the toxic spike protein from the mRNA Covid-jabs can remain for years or even indefinitely in the vaxxed, makes me unwilling to receive a blood transfusion from a Blood-bank. The Red Cross and other blood-bank centers did NOT keep track of whether the donors were vaxed or unvaxxed but simply added the donated blood in the right category (O, A, B, AB / pos-neg). So apart from the shortage all the available blood in bloodbanks applying that procedure is contaminated. Obviously, "fact-checkers" deem the above as 'misleading', but note that they do NOT mark it false, only that it is 'extremely unlikely' and that there is 'no evidence of risk'. See link > https://factcheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.344238J
  20. Germany - Alice Weidel, Co-Chair of Germany's Second Largest Political Party, Vows Accountability for COVID Vaccine Deaths and Side Effects "There were so many vaccination deaths and people with vaccine side effects" Source: https://www.aussie17.com/p/alice-weidel-co-chair-of-germanys = = = One of the reason for the AfD's growing traction is the increasing concern among Germans about the side effects of the COVID-19 vaccines, particularly the mRNA vaccines. Many believe that governments and the MSM have not been transparent about these side effects. Under the leadership of co-chairwoman Alice Elisabeth Weidel, who has been leading the AfD parliamentary group in the Bundestag since October 2017, the party has been vocal about these concerns. With the growing awareness that DNA-contaminated mRNA vaccines may have caused more harm than good, Weidel, during a recent address, promised to hold accountable those authorities who misled the public about the risks of the COVID-19 vaccines. "Maybe one more thing about Corona. There were so many vaccination deaths and people with vaccine side effects. I would hope that responsibility would be taken especially for these people. This cannot be undone, but one can ask for forgiveness. And we can also forgive, but hiding and belittling the opinion is something, and I solemnly promise you here today, that this is something where we, as Alternative for Germany, will pursue and hold these people accountable if they do not take responsibility themselves." Her statement was met with thunderous applause. > You can read the full article and the clip in which she made that statement in a very large public meeting here: https://www.aussie17.com/p/alice-weidel-co-chair-of-germanys = = =
  21. > I don't think it was photo-shopped, but I admit I have no way of checking that. However, there were similar completely spared buildings and trees in devastated burnt-to-the-ground areas in Maui, Hawai in August 2023.
  22. Smart comment by Amy Sukwan on this photo of this 'miraculously' saved house in Altadena, California. Source: https://sukwan.substack.com/p/midday-memes-5ba I have a few questions regarding this Holy blessing. Did it involve large sums of money changing hands? Did this person have a smart meter? Based on what is least damaged we should be studying everything that guy did. Either that or perhaps we should be building tree houses.
  23. UK - Former MP Andrew Bridgen Exposes Horror: Children Trafficked, Abused, and Organs Harvested While Elites Protect the Guilty The scale of this conspiracy is almost unfathomable By Amy Mek January 15, 2025 Source: https://rairfoundation.com/former-mp-exposes-horror-children-trafficked-abused-organs/ = = = The horrifying scandal of grooming gangs in Great Britain, predominantly involving men of Pakistani origin, has reignited public outrage. For years, these gangs operated with impunity in cities across the UK, preying on underage white girls, exploiting, abusing, and destroying countless lives. Authorities, paralyzed by a fear of being labeled racist, turned a blind eye, allowing the systematic abuse to continue unchecked. Now, revelations suggest this scandal is just the tip of the iceberg. A Darker, Unspoken Truth Former British MP Andrew Bridgen has exposed an even more insidious dimension to this crisis. Speaking with journalist Will Coleshill of Resistance GB, Bridgen revealed details of a vast, hidden network involved in the child sex trade—one that reaches deep into the fabric of British society. According to Bridgen, “hundreds and hundreds and hundreds” of individuals are implicated, and children are trafficked into the UK through unregulated small airports. Bridgen’s allegations are staggering. He claims to have provided the government with the names of individuals, companies laundering money, and locations where children were taken under the guise of attending school. Instead, these children were exploited for pedophilic content and subjected to unimaginable abuse. His evidence was sent to MI5 and the National Crime Agency, yet no action has been taken. “When you see the names, you understand why,” Bridgen stated grimly. Read full article here: https://rairfoundation.com/former-mp-exposes-horror-children-trafficked-abused-organs/ Additional content and video on X: https://x.com/SpartaJustice/status/1878891601667260739 = = =
  24. Dr. Drew Pinsky, known popularly as "Dr. Drew," is the latest high-profile figure to run afoul of the YouTube censors. Here's a summary ofv what he just posted: This weekend, YouTube removed two of my videos, accusing me of spreading "medical misinformation." As a board-certified physician with over 40 years of experience, I want to clarify the claims made against the content. **Violation 1:** At timestamp 22:52, Dr. Kelly Victory discusses young, healthy individuals who experienced mRNA side effects, stating that most of them had no significant risk from COVID. While I don't fully agree with all her views, it's crucial to support free speech and open debate among licensed medical professionals. **Violation 2:** At 38:21, attorney Warner Mendenhall shares his belief that half a million people may have died from vaccines, citing a specific case involving a severely ill client. Although I don't endorse all his claims, it is not misinformation for an attorney to express their opinions in the context of ongoing legal cases. In contrast, public figures like Dr. Fauci and Rachel Maddow have made statements that remain on YouTube despite opposition from some experts. The platform’s decision to strike my videos requires me to undergo reeducation training or risk deletion of my channel and over 1,000 videos. This isn’t the first time I've faced censorship. Previous communications with YouTube’s moderation team have highlighted the absence of qualified medical professionals in their decision-making process. While YouTube can enforce its rules, I'm grateful for platforms like X that uphold free speech. I will not remove my videos to appease untrained censors. Source: Tom Woods free daily Newsletter, which is sent as a daily e-mail hence I am not able to provide a link and have therefore posted the complete content.
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