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Everything posted by sidneybear

  1. Oh come off it. I'm Thai. Are you?
  2. You're having a laugh. That will never happen.
  3. America draws lines in the sand, does it indeed? Where might they be then? Thailand is benign in comparison to the US: Thailand doesn't go stomping around the world starting pointless and devastating wars in other people's countries; it doesn't try to impose its culture on others; it minds its own business; it preserves its culture and isn't ashamed of its history; it values the family and community; it tries to be friends with all countries in the world, recognising nuances in international relations; it respects its elders and values its religion; it isn't ashamed to be patriotic without being xenophobic. The list goes on. You're spot on in saying that America isn't perfect. Quite the opposite.
  4. Driven by the national interest, of which prosperity is obviously a part. There's nothing wrong with that. America does the same, as do most other sovereign nations.
  5. Thailand isn't a client state of America, so can chart whatever course it chooses. American power is waning fast, so it's a shrewd move for Thailand to be friends with places like Russia and China in addition to the US and EU.
  6. She's been out of Thailand for two years, so she should have no problems. It's obvious she's not trying to live in Thailand.
  7. Celebs are often as thick as mince. They should keep their mouths shut.
  8. I'll bet you 10,000 Baht that teen shooter is a pothead though.
  9. Agreed. There are a few nonces on this forum who support sick stuff like drag shows intended to sexualise children.
  10. Very well, Dr. Nutsack. Please do publish your findings that refute the schizophrenia link. I'm looking forward to reading them, given that schizophrenia is one of the most dreadful diseases imaginable. It affects both what you are, and who you are too. Frankly, I wouldn't wish it on my very worst enemy
  11. And how on earth would you know that, doctor? Did you yourself conduct a clinical trial? Please do publish your findings as academic literature, for peer review and publication.
  12. Oh, so Thais are somehow immune to ill health caused by smoking weed. Do you also believe that diseases respect national boundaries? What a strange case it is, the one that you're attempting to make here.
  13. But, Dr. Bamnutsak, Your primary source of medical knowledge seems to be the Thai Ministry of Health. Now why on earth would those folks be trying to have us believe that toking on tarry reefers has medicinal properties? Could there possibly be a money trail here? Do you work for them, doctor? You seem to believe that crop burning means that we've all got nothing to lose from smoking joints all day.
  14. It's obvious that smoking pot is akin to smoking cigarettes, except there's no filter and pot smokers inhale very deeply. All those combustion products damage the heart and lungs, just like cigarettes do. Denying the connection is a lie.
  15. Listen to this individual pretending to be a doctor
  16. Mental illness including schizophrenia is indeed related to cannabis use. And smoking can cause emphysema. To say otherwise is lying. Look it up in places like this, written by people who (unlike you) actually know what they're talking about https://www.cdc.gov/marijuana/health-effects/mental-health.html Oh, and to say that we're all going to develop emphysema because of the burning season is equally daft: lung damage is cumulative, and nobody forces people like us to live in Thailand. Oh, and you'll call it a freedom of choice thing, which it is until its effects enter the family sphere, destroying lives, particularly when smoked by the young. Then you'll go bleating for help.
  17. Well there's emphysema... https://www.rsna.org/news/2022/november/emphysema-in-marijuana-smokers Then there's schizophrenia... https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2424288/ But apart from that, you don't know whether it's harmful.... hard to believe.
  18. Minimum credit card repayments were increased to 10% a few years back. Belts will have to be tightened though.
  19. And lots of credit cards getting maxed out.
  20. The big dope lobby always tells us it's harmless though.
  21. You mean turn Thailand into a mirror image of the West, by erasing Thailand's charming culture and traditions? Thankfully, the powers that be are too smart to let that happen.
  22. But kids can scramble their brains by smoking weed.
  23. Good - the status quo in Thailand is not that bad.
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