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Everything posted by sidneybear

  1. The same thing happens in Britain.
  2. What kind of a "democracy" offers its electorate the choice between Biden and Trump? The US is a laughing stock, and should mind its own business. Every US foreign policy intervention since World War 2 has been an absolute disaster.
  3. Good news. Meth is dreadful stuff that wrecks lives.
  4. Nahhh... sounds like American sour grapes, a manifestation of the Thucydides Trap. The US empire and influence are waning fast. Like it or not, China owns Asia now.
  5. Turbulence is a normal risk of flying and can happen without warning, or be more severe than pilots expect. Keep your seatbelt on.
  6. Glaad grooms and sexualises children, before mutilating their genitals. This is the filth they believe in: https://glaad.org/factsheet-evidence-based-healthcare-transgender-people-and-youth/ Glaad folks certainly have their place: the electric chair.
  7. Glad publishes a survey to show support for Pride . ... bwaaahhhaaahhhaa
  8. The source of the poll is Glaad, so I think we can safely throw that one away. 🤣🤣🤣
  9. First you attack people who don't agree with you, labelling them as "far right". Then you say that you aren't left wing. Now you don't want to talk about it. You're so full of it.
  10. Oh do tell us of any traits that make you anything other than left wing. This should be fun.
  11. You just can't face the fact that Thais find your soulless American culture and fads repulsive. Thankfully, Thailand has checks and balances to prevent vile Western dogma such as the "Pride" castration cult from taking root here like a cancer. Even in the Western world, people are getting sick of it: if people want to do gay sex, fine, but why do we have to celebrate it and mutilate children?
  12. That's British Rail? The Chinese do trains better than the West these days.
  13. Vientiane to Vang Vieng one hour. Vientiane to Luang Prabang two hours. Download the Lao China Railway app to buy digital QR code tickets.
  14. Enough said. Grovelling to the west for sympathy. Luckily he never made it to PM, and hopefully never will.
  15. Your Kremlin posts were about just that.
  16. They throw gays off buildings and lock them up. Why don't they get a mention?
  17. You forgot to mention the Islamic world, or do you support the LGBTQIA faction of the same Saudi government that the US is always pandering to?
  18. Oh no! Another western "progressive" who wants Thailand to be just like the dystopian dump he left behind. In Thailand's case, the status quo is better than the place we left behind, or we wouldn't have set up shop here in the first place .... unless we're American neocolonialists that is, trying to recreate Thailand in their own image.
  19. All the Left does is throw worn out labels around, hoping that they will lead to the shutdown of debate and denunciation of their opponents. The Left hasn't realised that people are now brushing off these labels and are laughing at them. Russians in the Kremlin (what about the CCP in China?), -phobe, -ist, any opposing opinion must be "far right" like a skinhead.... do you have any more?
  20. I was like that too. I actually switched sides when I realised that Thaksin's lot were just soulless Western stooges, and that Thailand would become as vile as the Western world if they were allowed to remain in power for too long. The funny thing is that there were so many junta huggers on this forum who switched the other way, embracing the likes of Thaksin and the MFP, even though Thaksin's reputation for milking foreigners was well known by then. Look at increases in visa fees, taxes that affect foreigners, etc, yet the lemmings here still hate Prayuth because he doesn't want Thailand to be like the countries said lemmings left behind. Is this a case of Stockholm Syndrome, or just masochism? I really don't understand it.
  21. I hope so. I'm looking for a repeat of what usually happens: a stern and benevolent return to Thailand's delightful traditions and values once Thaksin's lot get kicked out again. All they do is suck up to the West, importing its vile culture in exchange for a sympathetic ear, while they fill their pockets.
  22. I hope you're right, and this is how things have played out in the past. Thailand is better off with the military in control, rejecting the ghastly western "progressive" narrative.
  23. Good post. So many westerners come here, realise that it's a much better place to live than back home, then seem to suffer from a weird kind of culture shock. They then try to import their hideous culture and expect Thailand to be just like America, or whatever dystopia they fled in the first place (the Americans are the worst for this behaviour).
  24. Not true: https://www.ato.gov.au/tax-and-super-professionals/for-tax-professionals/prepare-and-lodge/tax-time/before-you-lodge/foreign-income
  25. Tax as unpleasant for me as it is for anyone else. The fact is many countries tax worldwide income for residents. People complain at any new tax, but it isn't a cliff and life goes on. Foreign sourced income is likely a drop in the ocean anyway: most personal income tax is paid on domestic income, from the droves of people working here. Not a cliff, I'm afraid, which is probably why they're doing it.
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