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Everything posted by sidneybear

  1. Democracy doesn't work. Look at the western world.
  2. Exactly. The EV fad will pass, now people are realising how useless these expensive EVs are. Thailand should definitely ride this one out.
  3. I'll bet she was McDonalds's best customer
  4. True. Seatbelts would have reduced the chance of injury. I'm not sure why people here believe that this is the fault of Singapore Airlines. Turbulence happens as a risk of flying. Airlines tell us to wear seatbelts to reduce the risk of injury from severe turbulence.
  5. Some standard debit cards give good exchange rates and no fees when used internationally. Australia's Macquarie Bank is an example.
  6. She's just trying to make a profit from the punishment she deserved.
  7. My point stands: Thailand is a less mature EV market than places like tge UK, where sales are stalling and resale prices have fallen through the floor. The same will happen in Thailand, once people realise that EVs are only suited to people who have lots of time on their hands or travel locally, like housewives or retirees.
  8. Daft post. Don't like to brag? Nonsense.
  9. How old was it, and how many kms on the clock? People were still buying into the hype if there was a waiting list, so how long is the waiting list now? Please don't bolster your position with people who choose to remain anonymous. They don't exist and are excluded. It's just you.
  10. Post here, for all to see and discuss, or it doesn't exist. Why are you so coyly sending me DMs?
  11. She's a part timer who has another source of income, or is living with hubby, or mum and dad. The taxi driver I was in told me that EVs are good for part timers, people who do half a shift before the battery goes flat, or who aren't in a hurry waiting to recharge. In other words, a sideline job driving a toy car for a bit of extra cash, and not a real one. EVs are useless for people trying to make a living out of driving taxis though
  12. I'm telling you what he said. If you disagree with it, there's no need to be rude: just hail a ride with an EV taxi and ask the driver which is better for him as a working man. You'll need to speak the lingo, obviously. You green zealots are so touchy when people question your daft beliefs and use rational arguments. Relax mate.
  13. I was in a taxi the other day, an EV. I asked the driver how he liked it and he spent the rest of the trip telling me how dreadful it was. Despite manufacturer's claims, the battery lasted half his shift and (of course) waiting hours for a charge was out of the question, while his mates filled up in a few minutes on LPG. The only thing that gave this poor man solace was that this piece of junk was leased, and he was going to swap it for one with a proper engine. He did tell me that EV taxis were going to be compulsory in the future (the mad green cult is growing like a cancer here as we know) and that there may be no drivers willing to work when that happens. You idealistic greenies are all the same: well off, on pensions, or whatever. Idealistically looking down your noses and preaching green nostrums to those who have to work for a living or are time bound. Your cars are toys, impractical to most others.
  14. Calling me a troll and saying bye bye doesn't seem to stop you from saying your piece, so I'll say mine. At least you concede that you're not time bound, and can potter around as a retiree. For the rest of us, charging points are sparse, frequently out of order, or you're in for a long wait. In the UK, for example, people get into fights, such is their frustration, while they look longingly at people filling up their ICE cars in 5 minutes, including the time taken to have a leak... Thais are polite, and are unlikely to start fights, but the problem remains... Frustrated motorists say furious EV owners argue with each other over charging points because there…
  15. You're retired though, so you've got time to research charging points, queue and/or hang around for hours while your glorified milk float gets its recharge.
  16. Listen to this poor old sod ... there are lots more like him. https://youtu.be/77Yo4LpksWM?si=Ncs4E5Ny6s2YwYW7
  17. Ad hominem won't wash. Say something useful or stand down from the discussion.
  18. You’ve told me before. You're a retiree who uses your EV for pottering around. You're not a serious driver who depends on it for work, or someone who uses it for longer distances. I know lots of people with EVs. Retirees and housewives generally like them, because they don't use them much and get to feel virtuous and good about themselves.
  19. I haven't had experience of 3D television either, but I didn't buy one because I could see them for what they were: a daft and useless fad. Sure enough, they're gone and those gullible folks who believed all the marketing guff were left out of pocket with a useless piece of junk. I've ridden in a few EVs. Of course they go and are as comfy as cars with proper engines. That said, most of their owners wouldn't buy another one for the reasons listed in my previous post. You're counting the words in my posts? Bless.
  20. My experience? Why would I buy something that is overpriced, heavy, costs more to insure, takes ages to charge, depreciates, keeps you on the edge of your seat worrying about where to get the next recharge, etcetera. Marketing can do that for you: it makes you believe you're part of the future, and you'll drive around with a smug and pious look on your face .... until you realise you've been conned.
  21. A road transport product needing completely changed infrastructure that was launched as recently as 2018 (then we had covid when everything was on hold) is, well .... very new.
  22. Sometimes things that seem irrational have simple explanations: EVs are a con with clever marketing.
  23. Easily explained: EVs are still relatively new in Thailand, so people still believe all the marketing hype and are still buying these useless things.
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