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Everything posted by sidneybear

  1. Let's hold fried chicken celebrations for a whole month, in June, instead of this Pride (no need for pride about what you do in your bedroom, no need for shame either, please just act normally) rubbish.
  2. The sooner this fixation on a miniscule minority wears off, the better.
  3. Why do expats think that they're solely responsible for keeping the Thai economy afloat, when they're such a miniscule minority? Delusions of grandeur.
  4. If you dig around on Google for the Thai Nationality Act, you'll find a Thai language version. I read through once, and it's actually rather vague and no more helpful than the translation. There are, for example, no definitions on what "using your old nationality" means. Better play safe and not use it at all. For those naturalised Thais who live abroad, there's also the worrying clause that naturalised Thai nationality can be revoked if a total of 5 years are spent overseas. The clause makes mention that the five years is a accumulation of all tge overseas time, rather than a single 5 year stretch. There's no evidence of this being enforced, so far.
  5. Like others here, I've done dozens of trips in and out with no hassles. I do make a point of only using my Thai nationality in Thailand, and only using my Thai passport at the border. All my bank accounts and everything else I changed to my Thai ID.
  6. Only to those who adhere to the atheist faith. Religion brings joy to millions. Why knock it, and why go to a religious country like Thailand when your atheist home country beckons? Are you a masochist?
  7. Long may they continue to rule, and resist vile "progressive" western culture. Thailand is a conservative country.
  8. Like the US you mean? Where people have to choose between Biden and Trump? What kind of a democracy is that?
  9. Does such a place exist, anywhere in the world?
  10. The youth don't know anything and haven't contributed anything. Why should we listen to them until they've contributed to society? They should be made to shut up and listen to their elders and betters.
  11. You're really condescending and jeery, in what is supposed to be a civil discussion, but you're wrong nonetheless. It's still impossible to create carbon that doesn't exist by increasing its mass. A scientist should be more specific by stating the details. Atmospheric carbon dioxide is correct. Carbon is incorrect.
  12. You're including the mass of the oxygen that combines with the carbon in diesel to form CO2. Since matter can't be created, it's true that it's impossible to synthesise 2.7 kg of *carbon* from 0.85 kg of diesel. What was that you were saying about maths, science, and ignorance?
  13. Of course it isn't illegal to look like a hobo, but it's so easy to present nicely and be welcomed into the country you took all that trouble to fly to. Why invite scrutiny and contempt, just to make some daft libertarian point, when all you want to do is sail through the airport, grab a beer and crash out at your hotel?
  14. Right. When asking to be let into a country, I wear clean clothes, shoes or trainers, new looking jeans or chinos, and a polo shirt. I speak to officials in a friendly but respectful way. It's not rocket science, and I've never had trouble with immigration or customs anywhere, ever.
  15. True. If you present yourself to immigration with dreadlocks, a Beer Chang vest and fisherman's trousers, don't be surprised if they give you a hard time. Thais value neat appearance and politeness.
  16. People have been saying this for decades.
  17. Have you done it yourself? Registered and used local healthcare? I was hoping for a more detailed reply on the step by step process of how you yourself did it.
  18. Common sense. How can you have peace talks that don't include both warring sides, particularly the side that's got the upper hand on the battlefield? It's ludicrous, and shows the whole world how divorced from reality the western governments sponsoring this war have become.
  19. I have a question on healthcare, given that hospitals get more expensive, and Thai healthcare is as good as many western countries these days.... Have any of you naturalised Thais tried registering for or using the free healthcare services that the locals use? The scheme that used to cost 30 Baht, or whatever replaced it. I'd heard somewhere that naturalised Thais don't get the same perks as ethnic Thais.
  20. True. The US is so hypocritical that it's lost sight of its own hypocrisy. Putting politicians in kangaroo courts is what they're accusing Thailand of doing.
  21. The US isn't a democracy. It's a kakistocracy.
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