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Posts posted by adammike

  1. 2 hours ago, nontabury said:

    I consider our number 1 enemy to be the E.U. and the quicker we are independent of this corrupt and undemocratic so called Union all the better.And we certainly do not need a E.U army.

    And why are the remoaners ( not you as you are not British) not asking themselves, why have the E.U supporters continually denied the intention to create such an Army. And most mportant of all, what else have they planned for the future of this so called Union.

    In or out of the EU you will still need allies and I will reminder you that you are still European.The British and French forces have been working very well together for some years for their mutual benefit.Let's hope talk like that means you are in a minority or the EU would be justified in hanging the UK out to dry. 

  2. 7 hours ago, oilinki said:

    Sensible military budget is Required when you have a hostile country like Russia as your neighbour. 


    That's why actually want my country, Finland, to have our own nuclear arsenal. That way we don't have to spend money to traditional warfare. We could rely on our nuclear weapons, which would be the ultimate detarrance, like all the other nuclear powers have already. 


    Nobody goes against a nuclear power. We all know that. We all know that a war between two nuclear powers leads to a wipeout of all humans. That's not a good idea.


    Therefore my country, to make sure that none can challenge it's land, should really get few hundred hydrogen bombs. We are technologically advanced enough to do just that.


    So, does any country want to complain what we want to do? Does any country, which already have nuclear bombs, want to be against these plans?

    Putin said that nuclear war would not be a problem as a world without Russia world be a terrible world.or words to that effect.

  3. 16 minutes ago, melvinmelvin said:


    your last para, by and large OK but re the last sentence;

    there are some "unclean" realities related to that


    cyprus and the cypriotic nation being one

    should Turkey become a member, your statement would be challenged (Kurds)

    some hardcore nationalists would argue that your language does not cover Belgium

    same same Spain

    there are more examples

    - sovereign nation is sought after but not achievable for many (in their view)



    Turkey will never be a member of the EU.Its project fear no1  of the brexiteers.

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  4. 3 hours ago, My Thai Life said:

    Your geography seems confused. There will never be a land border between Ireland and the EU unless Ireland leaves the EU and the UK re-enters.


    The Common Travel Area pre-dates the EU, and it will post-date the UK's exit from the EU. I have confirmed this at least 5 times on this thread.


    For personal travel exactly the same provision will be in force between the UK and Ireland post-Brexit as has existed since 1923 (apart from WWII when it was suspended). This is a fact, which no-one on this forum or any other is confused about except you and Oilinki. I suggest you do some simple research on this before you embarrass yourself further.


    In addition to which it's clear that you have never travelled between Ireland and the UK. I wonder if you have ever even visited either.





    The land border will be between the the republic and northern Ireland,the fact that there is free travel between England and the republic is not the point nobody expects that to change post brexit, the point is how is the border going to be policed? Post brexit everybody and everything that flows over the land border through the ports and airports will have to be controlled.By the way I am in the process of registering as an Irish citizen of foreign birth so less of the insults.P.S. born and raised in England of English parents one Irish grandmother.


  5. 7 hours ago, My Thai Life said:

    Yes the UK will become a third country. The UK-Ireland Common Travel Area has been in place since 1923 and it will continue to operate after the UK leaves the EU, as I have confirmed several times on this thread. Had you ever travelled between UK and Ireland you would be able to answer your own question.


    This arrangement applies to UK-Ireland only. Perhaps you know that Ireland is not in Schengen, has no land border with the EU, and is an island to the west of England-Scotland-Wales.

    Duh! we are talking post brexit and then there will be a land border! Stick to turning your garden into a allotment.

  6. 6 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:


    You might be ill after drinking six bottles of ANYTHING. I'm not really sure why anyone would feel the need to do that, but each to their own.

    A trip to the gogos around walking street it's easily done,especially when you have no intention of barfining.even at my age 67 six beers spread out over an evening should not have such an affect,it may be that I rarely drink but it's Chang specific.

    • Like 1
  7. 33 minutes ago, Patriot1066 said:

    Actually we should be encouraging this in any case. But can you imagine the big farming groups like Arla and others such as Monsata, they would be lobbying to stop it!


    My local allotment society seem quit able to expand their areas.



    60 odd million Fed from gardens,where you gonna park all those cars that now park in what were once front gardens? How much smaller was this years harvest after the cold winter and record breaking hot summer? Your gonna need a lot of compost heaps.

    • Haha 1
  8. 4 hours ago, My Thai Life said:

    People are unaffected,  just as they have been since the Common Travel Area was created around 1923.


    The WTO does not require a hard border, but customs controls will be necessary of course.  We already have controls operating for UK-Irish trade. Extending these without a hard border post-Brexit is considered by many to not be an issue. But May has allowed this to be turned into a key issue, for reasons best known to her. I have answered the main questions regarding the Irish border fairly extensively over the last couple of months. The links and quotes that I have posted should answer all your questions.

    The UK will become a "third country" if and when they leave there will then be a land border on the Island of Ireland,it could get messy as the British and Irish may be free in theory to continue to travel unhindered between the republic and England but their will have to be checks so remind me how That's done.

  9. 3 hours ago, My Thai Life said:

    Given that the Irish border is currently the key issue, some people here may be interested to hear what David Campbell Bannerman, conservative trade spokesman in the European Parliament, and one of the key people in the early GFA suggested 2 days ago in The Telegraph. I've made it a lengthyish quote because The Telegraph is behind a paywall, and it's such a key topic to those of us actally interested in information about Brexit.




    "Perhaps what is the newest addition would be to spell out exactly how the UK, in particular, would avoid a hard border, and to do so in this legal international treaty format backed by the ICJ. SPS (sanitary or phytosanitary) checks on animal health/plants would continue as now, but be conducted away from the physical border, and the all-island Common Biosecurity Zone would be maintained - with a veterinary agreement that limits the necessary checks to 40 per cent, not 100 per cent (up from 10 percent now). Customs declarations, or country of origin certificate and product compliance checks (the EU talks now of "market checks") shall be conducted away from the physical border and be predominantly done electronically, using schemes such as Trusted Trader and Authorised Economic Operators. Other checks including VAT, tax, excise, currencies (GBP/EUR) and security shall again be conducted away from the physical land border, as now, with VAT accounting continuing to record trade with EU Member States. Other border issues such as the Single Electricity Market (SEM) for the island of Ireland (Northern Ireland and ROI) shall be maintained; and rail services too, jointly run with NI Railways and Iarnród Éireann."

    How's that gonna work with people? there will have to be checks on those trains on both sides of the border and possibly passport checks on flights and ferries to and from the Island of Ireland.You see I thought brexit was about "control of our borders" etc and WTO rules demand border controls.

  10. 2 hours ago, hobz said:

    See your points. 

    Car exhaust sucks but is tolerated for now... Because cars gives us so much.


    Other annoying stuff being illegal? yes, there are for example noise regulations (also unenforced).


    I see your points, one smoker smoking anywhere outside will not bother almost anyone except someone that is allergic to smoke. 


    But a group of 4-5 smokers and it's a whole other level immediately.


    These laws (if enforced) will hopefully only be used when they are actually needed.


    When the smoking war is finally won then they will come for the motorists,they have started on the wood burning stoves in cities and the fireworks are getting on everyone's nerves they are on their way out.It will be great and as a bonus it will give me a laugh when all the gammons appear on question time.

  11. 1 hour ago, CanterbrigianBangkoker said:

    I also did Bill.


    The signature requirement was met and surpassed about a week ago apparently. My dad also signed it. I sent him the link in the late morning - Thai time, he singed by around 3pm GMT the same day, by which time a further c.600 signatures had been added. 




    - Worth a watch. It's an interesting debate that gets to the heart of the 'peoples vote' (cringes) issue among others. I respect the intellect of both, but Hitchens has integrity and principles, something Lord Adonis quite clearly needs a lesson in.  I know who I agree with too. Not sure I fully agree with PH about the Norway plan though. 



    Clearly a majority of the electorate did not vote to leave the EU,37% of the electorate voted leave.

    • Haha 1
  12. 7 hours ago, Patriot1066 said:

    Typical remainer remarks and one who doesn't realise the EU will be finished when we leave that's why they are trying to lock us in. 


    The EU in its present form will be no more in 20 years time! I hope it disintegrates very quickly indeed in fact collapses into its own swamp and gets swept away on its own gravy chain. Hopefully you will want to catch that boat?


    o is that a snowflake?

    There's a uk gravy train waiting at the station.

    • Haha 1
  13. 44 minutes ago, CanterbrigianBangkoker said:


    I take your point that the smell is bad and the litter aspect is the one area where I'd agree with you - which is why I mentioned it in my previous (1st) post.  As I (and many others) have said however, there is way more of a cost paid by society from the ills of alcohol - I am not about to list them all here again as it's beginning to feel like Groundhog day - feel free to look over previous posts from myself and others for that argument. Does this mean we as a society should ban alcohol? I personally think no, because - as I have said so many times, the real crux of this issue is the 'freedom of personal choice' / civil liberties debate. Smokers don't have the right to impose their habit on you (and most do not do so) - they can't do in any indoor setting - that is already illegal and rightly so. But you and non-smokers similarly don't have the 'right' to impose your distaste and intolerance for smoking on people who do smoke responsibly and follow the law. SIMPLE AS THAT! 


    If you walk by a bar or group of people smoking and get a momentary waft - a second or two - of smoke wash over you it wont harm you, it might smell, but hey - walking around any big city you get plenty of worse smells invade your sinuses than a bit of tobacco smoke. It also won't hurt you, the polluted air you (and your family perhaps) are breathing in is contaminated by all manner of real pollutants created in an urban environment and is far worse for you, so this is a moot point.


    If you're FOR banning ciggies altogether on the 'public health risk' grounds you have to be FOR banning alcohol and a few other items too. I notice hardly anyone is. That is a double standard and there's room for them in this world. There are enough as it is.

    Is it possible for you to have all your posts in a green typeface?

    • Haha 1
  14. 14 hours ago, transam said:

    In the UK they banned smoking in pubs etc, but you could stand outside and have a puff, in this case it seems you have to stand in the middle of the road..????

    They have passed/enforced rules that there will be no smoking anywhere on government controlled premises, that means no smoking outside hospitals etc.Not sure they can stop people smoking on the streets yet.

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