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Posts posted by adammike

  1. 8 minutes ago, CanterbrigianBangkoker said:

    All I can say is integrity, honesty or 'doing as you say you will' clearly mean nothing to you - perhaps even less than they do to the treacherous, pocket-lining politicos in Parliament? The Remain crowd seems to be replete with these kind of amoral, dishonourable traitors. It's genuinely depressing to witness 


    And yes, please keep chucking your witless slurs, they simply serve to make yourself sound a bigger fool than you do at present. It's funny how your comments never gain any traction or get even a solitary like, from what I can see...despite the amount of Remoaners that we have to suffer on here. Why is that I wonder? I've laboured an incredibly simple point enough - as have many others - I think it's best to leave you in your fantasy world, undisturbed and unchallenged from now on. ???? Laa-gon.


    That's me bang to rights.

    • Haha 2
  2. 7 minutes ago, nontabury said:

    So what you’re suggesting, is that Parliament should ride roughshod over the will of the British people. Why not go the whole hogg, and ban the populace from voting, or even thinking.

    What % of the population actually voted leave?

     What % of the electorate voted leave?

    There was a vote and leave won but it is not the will of the British people,the Scots and the northern Irish voted to remain.Leave is what a minority of the British people voted for it's the majority  of the population who are  being ridden roughshod over by the brexiteers. 



    • Confused 1
    • Sad 1
    • Haha 2
  3. 29 minutes ago, chicowoodduck said:

    Jomtien?   Bone up on your Russian, never get on the back of a motor bike taxi, always wear a condom, and use the Baht Bus as your direct life line to parts unknown and you should be slightly ok? ????

    The low number soi's 2 to 8 are mostly Scandinavian ,german,Dutch and in 15 minutes you will be in walking street,there is little action on beach road and the only gogo is beyond belief though it's not actually called that.

  4. Go on agoda or booking.com (same company) and find a hotel or guest house in jomtien,soi 2,3 and 4 have little traffic and are full of places to stay,soi 5 is busy it's where the immigration office is,soi 7 has lots of bars so can be a bit noisy but they seem to have toned it down a bit.It's a 15 minute walk(max) from the bus station to soi 5 or 7.Get a room with a balcony facing to pattaya a room facing the sea will get the sun all day.plenty of baht buses to and from pattaya,don't over think it just get the bus to jomtien and if you don't have a enormous bag stroll down to beach road obviously the pavements are not smooth.

  5. 49 minutes ago, CanterbrigianBangkoker said:

    We'd need the right people in government first to even begin to deal with this massive problem within parts of our society. That's a way off IMO. Divorcing ourselves from the meddlesome ECHR will be a great start though, I agree.


    Deporting people (who aren't residing illegally) is a risky and often unfair strategy to employ though I'd say. A balance must be struck between encouraging and inspiring foreign people to fully integrate & adopt our liberal/inclusive British values in the UK; whilst also identifying, shaming and properly punishing those who fail to do so and transgress in such abhorrent ways, like those you mention did.

    Mass immigration allowed mono-cultural communities to swell within areas of the UK and that has removed the need for many to even bother integrating, it turned an existing, but resolvable issue into a social time bomb.


    It is a really big problem facing us in Europe, (though most at the top denied it existed until recently) in the UK it is generations old now too. However, I really feel for the decent, law abiding, industrious Muslims (and anyone else) who embraced the advantages and good graces that the UK delivered to them by allowing them to settle there; and who contribute to our society and economy. I fear they too will suffer along with those who deserve to be exposed & punished, and may already do, to some extent. Full scale civil unrest within certain towns/cities could also become a real possibility if policy becomes too heavy-handed toward such communities. Hence why any future government must tread lightly and remain as impartial as pos. Nevertheless, this is a problem which must be addressed and dealt with as best as we can.

    Right now though it seems that very, very few politicians or establishment broadcasters will even begin to appraise the situation or even deal in facts, for a number of reasons - some less savoury or understandable than others.


    Douglas Murray is one that does make an effort to do so, and he has the both balls and intellect to do it with integrity and aplomb. 

    The ECHR is nothing to do with the EU.

    • Thanks 1
  6. My first trip to pattaya as a 45yo I was the the youngest guy in the go go ,the influx of younger mongers and the dodgy money is the biggest change in the bar gogo scene.The world is on the move and pattaya has moved with it visitors come in numbers from all over the planet,the Russians followed by the Chinese then Arabs and Indians,if Indonesia and Cambodia, Myanmar,Vietnam get a middle class expect even more visitors,enjoy it while you can you are a long time dead.

  7. 2 hours ago, Letseng said:

    And they charge quite a bit more than BFS used to charge. Best to fly business and not having to worry.

    Not so much BFS was 920 last time I booked and a taxi from the rank cost 1500,Bangkokairport vip charge 2500 for fast track and a car to pattaya, of course you can do it very cheaply with the bell bus or the jomtien bus and no fast track.I am seriously considering using them but I need reassuring that the fast track is not jammed with Chinese.

  8. 20 hours ago, Briggsy said:

    I encounter an empty immigration area similar to the photo about 1 in 3 times I arrive. It simply depends on how many IO's they put on, what full large planes have landed in the last hour and which of the 2 immigration areas most people are being herded to. The photo is thus in my opinion entirely reflective of the situation around 30% of the time.

    Is that true in high season say January 15?

  9. 5 minutes ago, marcusarelus said:

    Bet you haven't been there?  I think they have Uniglo and I buy a lot of clothes from there.  36 inch waist.


    Why not go take a look and then report back instead of making up more anti Thai stuff? 

    What are you on about? Of course I haven't been there I am in north Wales but I will when I visit in January,when I am in Bangkok I eat all my meals in the food court in the Asoke mall,and I shop in Uniglo in the festival mall in pattaya though I have never been able to get a pair of trousers to fit my 34inch waist got chuncky thighs.please point out the anti Thai element in my post or delete it.

  10. 5 hours ago, janclaes47 said:

    Wow, that's quite a statement there, which imo only can come from a fanboy who's life centres around spending time in malls because aircon at home is too expensive.


    I live here permanently, longer than any of the malls exist in Pattaya, and I can say in all that time I haven't been to Central more than 15 times, and less to any other of the malls.


    Reason is because I see no point in visiting a mall if I don't need something that is exclusively available at that location.


    I'm sure though that I'm not alone in that opinion.

    Most will go and see what all the fuss is about and find that most of the shops sell "stuff" and then you realise the clothes are all skinny and you haven't been able to get into that size jeans for 50 years,you realise that you will never ever go any where near the place during the weekend again,you work out when is the best time to visit the food court and the fastest way to get there and That's all you see of it in the future,then you feel suitably smug that you don't spend your money on "stuff",go have a beer and spend it on sex,life is good.

    • Like 2
  11. 1 hour ago, Patriot1066 said:

    Yes the socialist hoards can certainally get out on nice sunny days. The referendum however was the largest democratic vote in the UK.


    Actually,  I supported us going to Iraq, but wasn't happy when we got there and Blair didn't send us the correct kit to do the job. Thank god for our American friends who had all the gear, as supported by a Republican Pressident who respected the military, unlike our socialist who really didn't.



    Tony Blair a socialist! only on planet brexit.

    • Like 2
  12. I have a Phillips 7000 series,recently got new blades €46.I like it for the convenience I can have a shave anytime it has a clipper attachment for the odd hair you miss mainly on the throat.If you have to have a close shave get the latest Gillette multiblade it will do the chin and throat better than any electric razor.The top of the range Braun and Panasonic get good reviews ,if I have to replace the Phillips I may try a Braun.

  13. 1 hour ago, grego49 said:

    So the foodcourt will be full of Russians and Chinese,great,just like Central plaza.

    The food court in terminal 21 in Bangkok is possibly the best value in the tourist area's in town it's great and mostly used by the locals, I shall be there if I am shopping.malls are a bit like roads build them and people will use them and anything that keeps the hoards and their cars and buses in one avoidable area is brilliant.

  14. 3 minutes ago, vinny41 said:

    its only the  Organisers  quoting those figures and we know Blair and  Campbell  didn't take any notice when 1 million plus people march against the Iraq war Blair have already given his backing 12 months before to Bush and a march with 1 million plus people wasn't going to change his mind or change direction  who knows maybe Tony will make a guest appearance today

    'You ignored Iraq WAR protesters!' Andrew Neil SAVAGES Alastair Campbell Brexit demands

    ANDREW Neil challenged arch-Remoaner Alastair Campbell to explain why the British Government should listen to Remainers when the Blair Government "ignored" millions marching to stop the Iraq War.


    Half a million according to the independent and guardian online not a mention in the telegraph.a link to anything in the express just makes you look a bit silly,That's me being polite.

  15. 5 hours ago, My Thai Life said:

    The US government representative was talking to a UK government representative.


    Barnier himself said a few weeks ago he would only talk to the UK government. Corbyn isn't, and won't be.

    Corbyn is the leader of the opposition it's an official title and carries a ministers salary,he is always kept up speed on matters of national security etc.It may be an obligation for the EU to keep him up to date with negotiations.

  16. 3 hours ago, tebee said:

    There is a high % of levers in NI that want Brexit even if it wreaks the Good Friday agreement. 


    So brexit is worth reigniting a civil war in your country for ? You are the ones who are going to have to live through this - I really don't understand the brexit at all costs mentality.

    I read that in a few years the Catholic population of northern Ireland will be in a majority.A referendum is held over unification and a majority is for it,well it's the will of the people and all that.The trouble with Ireland is the threat of bombs and guns at the first hint of a break from the UK for NI or unification,that problem will definitely be above the ability of anybody in the present government.

  17. 44 minutes ago, My Thai Life said:

    One of our esteemed fellows here continues to postulate that it's a case of the UK against the 27. Many other posters, regardless of which side of the debate they position themselves, know that a united 27 has never been the case, and never will be. There have been many dissenters, not just the Greece, Italy, Poland and Hungary, etc of today. But here's an interesting view from Iceland, which I chanced upon today:


    "Everyone wants to trade with Britain, says Iceland's foreign minister"


    “You’re the fifth largest economy in the world. Everyone wants to sell you goods and services. It’s just as simple as that.”




    I thought it was about the UK selling goods and services.

    • Like 1
  18. On 10/13/2018 at 2:45 AM, Grouse said:

    As I have stated before, there will be no overall winners. There will be a Nash Equilibrium with both sides being somewhat harmed. There will NOT be a no deal outcome though. End result will be a modification of the Norway solution.


    Best solution, however, would be to stop Brexit completely retaining all exiting rebates and opt outs and start afresh to modify the entire EU system. 

    I have started to feel there is a change in the air ,the brexiteers are being called out even by some of the brexit supporting media, not the daily telegraph of course or the daily express (that rag seems to exist in some parallel universe so please don't put up links from it) .There are even the no brexit option being written as a possibility! One thing I saw was the EU may say yes the UK can stay but lose the rebate and other opt outs,It's gonna be a long hard winter for some.

  19. 8 minutes ago, billd766 said:


    In a negotiation both sides set out what they want and negotiate to what they can agree to. If one side constantly refuse to meet even part way or compromise then there is no negotiation, just a point blank refusal 


    At some point the other side walks away and eventually does what it wants to do.


    The net result of that is bad feelings and acrimony on both sides. 


    You and many other Remainers keep telling us poor misguided Brexiteers that the EU has the upper hand and will always win, so why do you bother to negotiate?

    The EUs position from day one is that there will be no winners from brexit,also they will do everything to protect the single market.

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