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Posts posted by adammike

  1. 3 minutes ago, CanadaSam said:

    Well, I can tell you that after this ruling, celebrities and other wealthy people are certainly going to consider a quick, out of court settlement much more seriously in the future, even if exorbitant, because the loss that this poor guy is facing is not only a lot of money, but his future career! 

    He was warned by many knowledge people not to pursue it because whatever the final verdict he will be the loser.

  2. 8 hours ago, scammed said:

    trump or climate change, those are the suspects,

    for drought and precipitation both.

    before hose two culprits came along, things was just fine

    You are only supposed to take the red OR blue pill,NOT both at the same time,and under no circumstances take them with alcohol or other drugs.

    • Haha 1
  3. 17 hours ago, Leaver said:

    Chicken and egg.


    Do airlines pay pilots to reaccredit themselves, whilst there are no passengers flying, or do airlines wait until passenger bookings are up, and then start to pay for reaccrediting pilots?


    Either way, as soon as Thailand opens its boarders, that doesn't mean a pilot jumps straight into the cockpit and flies a full plane of tourists into Bangkok.   

    KLM have said that pilots who have not "got their hours in" will have to fly with an instructor untill they are up to speed 

  4. 7 minutes ago, brucegoniners said:

    <deleted>? Would you go somewhere and WEAR GPS???


    The day they make all foreigners wear them is the day I move out.

    I have a smart watch wouldn't switch the tracker on when I go out at night,the main reason this won't happen is that when the GPS is on it sucks the life out of the device it will need charging 3 times a day.A fitness/activity app on my phone tracks me.Pretty much all of us carry a GPS!!!!! all the time on our phones.When they ask for your passwords and pin number you need to get all CAPITALS AND !!!!!!!!

  5. 1 minute ago, androokery said:

    This is just silliness. If he had suggested a phone app, at least there would have been some established standards for the format, there would have been a known platform, there would have been easily identifiable users.


    But suggesting "gps wristbands" at this late stage, where is he going to source the hardware? What sim cards will be used? How are the tracking logs being saved? What identifiers and accounts will be used? What answers does he want from the data and how will he find them?

    Sorry officer I forgot to charge my watch,or I left it in a brothel,or a ladyboy stole it.Get your excuses ready.

  6. 3 hours ago, joskeshake said:

    Where the US Navy soldiers gonna sleep then when come to town? the cousin of my wife worked there,and she told me alway's have plenty US navy people stay there, she was fired 2 months ago for no have people no more.

    I thought they were on a curfew and had to be back on board by 22:00.Of course they could have been hiring the rooms to party.

  7. 9 hours ago, Pattaya Spotter said:

    Hotels are rebranded all the time...it's a normal part of the hospitality business. What is noteworthy about the HRH is that it was the first international hotel brand to open in Pattaya...before that all the hotels were locally owned or Thai brands (Dusit, Siam Bayview/Shore, Amari, Montien). Of all the international brands we have here now, Holiday Inn, Hilton, Sheraton, etc.) HRH was the first. I was surprised HRH would take a flyer on Pattaya, with it's seedy reputation, thinking that some underage scandal in one of their rooms would sully the brand and they wouldn't want to risk that but they did and it's been a success up to now. At the grand opening, I had a tour and the rooms, while nice, are tiny and I only at at the cafe once (good but expensive by local standards) so I can't say I will miss it much (plus I'm waaay past their prime demographic).

    The Marriott has been in Pattaya a while.

  8. 54 minutes ago, baansgr said:

    Yep only one thing worse than an illegal scrounging asylum seeker...that's a cashed up border bouncer...good riddance huh

    JusticeGB! That handle probably says all you need to know about him.

  9. 1 hour ago, RichardColeman said:

    I think you are wrong - six months for those with no saving I will agree with. The rest with savings and managing to strive to get to the high season will be destroyed by March 2021 with not tourism. So, 6 months for those not prepared and 12 months for those that tried.


    All I see is Thais either poor, destitute or ignoring the fact their country is about to dramatically slide down the Asian pecking order

    "To get to the high season"? Good luck with that one.

  10. 13 hours ago, Leaver said:



    You can go to a bar alone, or with friends, or with your girlfriend, or arrange to meet the afore mentioned in the bar.  


    I never suggested I was arranging meetings in bars on Soi 6, for example.  


    Bars like Billabong Bar on LK Metro, for example, no problem at all.  

    He doesn't seem to know that us grown ups just go to the liquor store, supermarket,corner shop, and what do you know they all sell beer.who knew.

    • Haha 1
  11. 4 hours ago, SupermarineS6B said:

    I've just done that, i left Thailand in July and i don't think i'll be back until there's a drastic change of management, there's no point, the more you dance, the faster they'll play the tune........  Just give it time, when they've got rid of Cha Chas mob the borders will be flung open for every man and his dog.......... As it used to be.......... 

    More dogs will do it for me let alone Covid 19.

  12. 4 minutes ago, Guderian said:

    When I hit 67 in 3 1/2 years time, I'll be due a Dutch state pension covering the seven years I worked there and paid contributions. A friend who's already getting it but living in the UK says that he has to complete a proof-of-life form from the Dutch every year. He showed me the list of requirements, and as far as I could see it is not going to be possible to get the form properly certified here in Thailand. Honestly, the Cloggies make the DWP look like a highly-efficient operation in comparison, so don't complain too much. I had the same thing five or six years ago with Barclays International, none of the possible signatories of the form was available in Thailand. In that case i was lucky, one of their investment bankers from Dubai was passing through town and he was able to authorise the form and hand it in for me. Really, these organisations are living in another plane of existence, and they simply couldn't care less about the problems it causes us.

    In the UK you have to have ten years of contributions before you are eligible for any state pension.I paid in for about 12 years so I get £48 a week.

  13. On 9/3/2020 at 2:16 PM, digger70 said:

    What's his problem? Get him to Cull All the Soi Dogs first Before Attacking people that Own dogs.

    It seems that a owner let his two dogs of the lead and they attacked somebody! I am no fan of the feral dogs in fact I would be happy to see them all gone,but in this case they seem to be innocent.

  14. 33 minutes ago, Hi Tea said:

    It would help if you read my comment for the context and the post I responded to.  This girl was not expected to be having sex in the next few months!  I was responding to a comment that asked whether she was expected to be having sex in the next few months, she was not, as far as anyone knows, obviously.


    Recommendation for the vaccination does not depend on current sexual activity, it's recommended for all girls, sexually active at the time or not.

    It's given to girls and boys when they reach 11 or 12 they need 2 doses,if they start at 15 they need 3 doses,that's why they start at 11 nothing to do with anything else,it's just the optimal age.Not recommend for people over 24-25.

    • Confused 1
  15. 3 hours ago, Burma Bill said:

    Whatever you may all believe about tourism income, may I post this, with due respect, from Wikipedia:-


    The economy of Thailand is dependent on exports, which accounts for more than two-thirds of the country's gross domestic product (GDP). Thailand itself is a newly industrialized country, with a GDP of 16.316 trillion baht (US$505 billion) in 2018, the 8th largest economy of Asia, according to the World Bank.


    No mention of tourism (although it must contribute in some small way) and Thailand has VAT at 7% which brings in billions of baht every year just from residents - I admit tourists would provide a bonus.

    Are Gogo girls giving out recites for services rendered and paying taxes and vat? I'm asking for a friend because he paid 5000 Baht back in January and wants to claim the vat back.

    • Thanks 1
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