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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. My broker (IBKR) has told me that only American citizens can designate a beneficiary. The wording on the relevant "help" page is misleading.
  2. I am not an American citizen, or domiciled there. I do have three brokerage accounts with a broker in Connecticut. I am planning on making a will covering my US assets (just the brokerage accounts). I understand that the will needs to be written according to the rules of a specific state. Should I choose Connecticut? Or should I choose one of the reputedly "easier" states? Thanks.
  3. Just looking at famous gay people who have children. In no particular order: Ricky Martin Elton John Matt Bohmer Neil Patrick Harris Tan France BD Wong Cynthia Nixon Jodie Foster Tom Daley Lance Bass Perez Hilton Wanda Sykes Pete Buttigieg I would think that any child of any of these people would be most fortunate. Edit: Just to add: Jesse Tyler Ferguson Anderson Cooper
  4. A stupid, ignorant generalisation. There are plenty of unfit and abusive hetro couples. Such a couple is far worse for a child than a loving same sex couple.
  5. You're looking for the impossible. Low fees are not available for foreign stock. As @gargamon suggests, you'd be better off with an offshore broker. I'd suggest looking at Interactive Brokers (US) or Saxo (Singapore), though neither gives individual advice AFAIK. If you're set on a Thai broker, I'd suggest Phillip Securities POEMS.
  6. I think the last part of the title was truncated. It should read: "Pattaya Flourishes from Quiet Fishing Village to Vibrant Tourist Hub to human cesspit".
  7. Best mouse?
  8. Some banks (well, at least Krung Sri) refuse to do that.
  9. Yes. The tough bit can be finding acceptable proof of address.
  10. But it wasn't an NCHI. She lied. The police have provided the transcript of the police officer's body cams. NCHI was never mentioned. She's a fantasist. This is just another of her (many) lies. Again, read the link I provided previously for a more detailed account of what actually happened, and her poor attachment to the truth. https://www.private-eye.co.uk/street-of-shame
  11. Sorry, what are "ring boys"? I know that the anus is colloquially referred to as one's "ring". Is it something to do with that?
  12. Once again the site posts articles based upon the UK's right wing (and in this case, tabloid) press. Allison Pearson lied about what had happened. To quote from Private Eye The entire article is worth reading. It reveals what a nasty, deceitful individual Allison Pearson is. https://www.private-eye.co.uk/street-of-shame
  13. (1) I believe you probably misspelt the name, and it's กันเกรา. (2) Its common English name is tembusu. (3) Wikipedia has an article on tembusu that states "The trunk of this tree can produce very hard wood that can be used to make chopping boards and floors. The wood can last over a hundred years, as it is not consumed by termites and weevils."
  14. The rescuer wouldn't look very happy if the dog bit him - hence the throat grab.
  15. Were they playing Bridge?
  16. Pish and tosh. He knew that even if the committee refused to release its information, the documents would be leaked. Withdrawing, he hopes, will stop that happening. He doesn't want his sordid past to come out.
  17. Direct link to article: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/11/21/prof-tim-spector-covid-likely-to-have-come-from-a-lab-leak/
  18. Trozzi is no longer a doctor, his medical license was revoked in January. A tribunal found: He appealed, and the appeal was dismissed. In short, he's just another anti-vax nutter. His opinion should be listened to by no one.
  19. I've explored that with my broker (Interactive Brokers), and those options, unfortunately, are only available for US residents.
  20. Just a couple of observations: The oft repeated advice is that it's advisable to have separate wills for each country. However, such advice suggests that it is possible (if not advisable). The few online US will websites that I've looked at so far start by requiring your address, and only accept US addresses. (You have to enter your state.) I also very much doubt that such sites would handle important aspects such as ensuring you don't unintentionally revoke your Thai will, and make it clear that the will is only for assets in the US. That said, I think I'm pretty close to being resigned to getting a US will, even though that will make things more complicated (and more expensive) for my executor - getting probate twice, for example.
  21. Has anyone managed to find a Thai lawyer (preferably in Bangkok) willing and able to prepare a will covering assets in both Thailand and USA? I've approached six that looked promising, with US connections, but have not got anywhere. My sole US assets are three accounts with Interactive Brokers (Connecticut), so it seems overkill to create a US will and also to face the cost, time and inconvenience of probate in both Thailand and US. (I'm a British citizen, but resident and domiciled in Thailand. I have no assets in the UK.) Thanks.
  22. As Leopards don't change their spots, Trump doesn't change his hatred of Muslims. What on earth were they expecting? All the evidence was there from his first term as president.
  23. I have a double gang 3 pin socket into which I want to plug my new fridge and water cooler. Both devices have fitted plugs with a 90 degree turn and both sockets point in the same (horizontal) direction. Consequently it's not possible to plug both in at the same time the cable of one plug will block the second socket. Is there anything I can do about this, apart from cutting off the fitted plugs and wiring in straight ones? Is there perhaps some sort of adaptor I could use to change the direction of one of the sockets through 180 degrees? Any bright ideas? I'm sure I can't be the first person in Thailand to face this problem. Thanks
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