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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. Had you considered you might have caught them from a toilet seat? I believe that's the traditional way of contracting sexually transmitted diseases. You really need to get these professionally diagnosed and be told the recommended treatment approach for your particular warts (if that's what they are) - there are many different treatment options. Incidentally, you also need to stop having sex with your partner (if you do) since HPV (the virus that causes these warts) is very transmissible and may cause cervical cancer.
  2. It's Marriott hotel. Is Marriott not one of the top chains?
  3. I didn't. Try learning to read critically. I wrote "assuming it's the same person". I did not assume it's the same person. And I did not accuse him of making lewd videos. I wrote "What sort of videos, one could wonder." You jumped to the conclusion that the videos were "lewd". Perhaps I was thinking they'd be about Australian wildlife, given that (if it's the same person) he could have moved from Estonia to Australia to record wombats, kangaroos, quokkas and koalas.
  4. He appears to be Estonian by birth, and (assuming it's the same person) is on record as having a business in Kujressare, Estonia producing videos and TV shows. What sort of videos, one could wonder.
  5. Haa, haa, haa, haa, haa. Draws breath. Haa, haa, haa, haa, haa. The Telegraph is known for its weird owners (the Barclays), for its right wing policies, and for printing pictures of fruity girls for the entertainment of its crusty old colonel viewers. It's also known for its parent company being bankrupt. The one thing it's definitely not known for is its high standard.
  6. Thai banks don't insure. The Deposit Protection Agency protects deposits. But then, pretty much every bank in the world has limited protection. So, what's your point?
  7. Deposit 5 million baht in fixed deposits with Krung Sri. That immediately gets you Krungsri Exclusive status. Wait 6 months and you can get an unsecured credit card. You can then withdraw the 5 million if you wish to do so. You lose Exclusive status, but keep the card.
  8. 2.03% annualised over the past 10 years. Hardly earth-shattering. https://www.ktam.co.th/mutual-fund-detail-performance.aspx?IdF=3 On the plus side it provides instant diversification, investing in bonds, property and general equities. And with most of the investments being in Thailand, there's little foreign exchange risk. Not sure if foreigners can buy at the IPO next week.
  9. I thought that driving a tuk-tuk was something reserved for Thai nationals only. I hope the full force of the law is brought down against this maroon. I also recall that a few months ago someone was charged with violation of the Protection of Historic Sites Act for damaging a temple wall and faced a maximum imprisonment term of 7 years if found guilty and/or a 700,000 baht fine. https://www.khaosodenglish.com/news/2023/03/30/graffiti-lese-majeste/
  10. Not sure that's correct. From the UK-Thailand DTA, Article 11 Section 2.
  11. I have holdings in investment companies and ETFs listed on the London Stock Exchange. I hold them with my USA broker. The individual shares are domiciled in Jesery, Guernsey, Ireland, and the UK. Which DTA(s) are the relevant one? Thailand-UK? Thailand-USA? Or Thailand-Jersey, Thailand-Guernsey, Thailand-Ireland, and Thailand-UK? My broker doesn't provide any tax certificates, so how do I know how much tax has been withheld, and how can I prove it to the Thai tax authorities? Thanks.
  12. The royalists and the military aren't going to be keen on Jakrapob as spokesperson. He's anti-monarchy and anti-patronage.
  13. No need to go to those lengths. SCB Asset Management offers an S&P 500 fund with very low costs. Minimum subscription is 1 baht. Plus the fund is hedged. In many ways it's an attractive proposition. It invests primarily in iShares Core S&P 500 ETF. Fund fact sheet at https://www.scbam.com/medias/fund-doc/fund-summary-aimc/SCBSP500E_FUNDSUM_En.pdf However, if you think as I do, you'll consider the S&P 500 companies to be very overvalued (at least some of them), and it wouldn't take much (say China invading Taiwan, or war breaking out in the Middle East, or Trump trying violently to overturn the US election results) for the index to fall dramatically. Not something I'd put money into at the moment.
  14. Let's start with the good news: there are index funds in Thailand that track the SET 50, SET 100 and MSCI Thailand indices. That is the only good news. Would you want to put your money into one? Here's the last few years' performance of one such fund. (The fund is the red line.) In 2020 it fell 11.5%, and in 2023 it fell 12%. A white knuckle ride. I suspect your partner would be extremely uncomfortable with performance like this. More bad news is that the income versions of these funds don't pay out regular dividends. This fund last paid out dividends in 2019 (though it's about to pay out again this year). This is a Thai fund peculiarity: if the capital value of a fund falls it stops paying out dividends until the capital loss has been recovered. It applies both to mutual funds and ETFs. I think you're being unrealistic hoping for a steady 5% without effort. Best to stick with bank deposits. 2.5% might be achievable with fix term deposits. As a Thai citizen your partner will have access to some better products than are available for foreigners.
  15. https://www.tefl.org/ would disagree with you.
  16. Are you referring to CELTA or TEFL?
  17. Better to do a CELTA than TEFL - more prestigious. (CELTA requires the student to have a good grasp of English grammar before starting the course, whilst TEFL doesn't. A large part of the TEFL training is therefore teaching English grammar, rather than focusing on how to teach effectively. Very little grammar is taught in English schools, but a Thai learning English will have been thoroughly drilled in English grammar.) International House does a good job: https://ihbangkok.com/teacher-training/celta/
  18. I believe there's been a change of policy and links to Bangkok Post are now allowed. Anyway ... https://www.bangkokpost.com/business/general/2860812/law-to-tax-income-from-overseas-in-the-works
  19. Oh, the topic is about watches. Disappointed. I was hoping to learn about luxury timepie.
  20. Google didn't translate the date at the bottom. It's 2538 (BE) which is 1995 CE.
  21. Plant on its side so that only half the shell is buried. Different varieties grow at different rates, but several years to reach 3 metres.
  22. The article is misleading. A more accurate account at https://www.gov.je/News/2024/Pages/FundsReturnedUnitedStatesThailand.aspx
  23. Not just cheated, but he's also a convicted rapist.
  24. This was covered earlier this month at The short answer was "generally no".
  25. I very much doubt it. It's more of an acknowledgement that Muslims try to demonstrate their "superiority" by taking over the religious structures of other religions and converting them into a mosque. Most prominently, at Ayodhya the Babri mosque was built over a Hindu temple at the birth place of the god Rama, and in Turkey the Christian cathedral Hagia Sophia was converted to a mosque. However, this sort of Muslim behaviour is extremely common. This is the Church of England refusing to bow down to Islamic supremacism - not racism.
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