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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. I've just had my online 90 day report rejected. The email said "Incomplete information provided". No indication what information was incomplete. And every single field was completed exactly the same as my previous umpteen applications. (Well, apart from my last one, when I had to submit in person at the ninth circle of hell, Chaeng Wattana because their pisspoor computer systems don't talk to each other.) I have rarely encountered an operation which is so utterly unprofessional and generally incompetent. /End of rant
  2. Are you sure about that? Politico has Labour on 29%, the Tories on 25%. That's as of October 24th. Scarily, Reform UK is on 19%. If they combined with the Tories they'd have a stonking lead. https://www.politico.eu/europe-poll-of-polls/united-kingdom/
  3. Yes. The government gets it.
  4. Ketamine is widely used by gay men to enhance the sexual experience. It also relaxes the anal sphincter.
  5. So, the government has no intention of eliminating poverty in Thailand even a century from now.
  6. (1) The "easier road to Thai citizenship" is not for the likes of us. It's only for people from neighbouring countries and suchlike. See https://www.thaiexaminer.com/thai-news-foreigners/2024/10/31/ministry-of-interior-clarifies-new-citizenship-measure-not-aimed-at-expats-but-stateless-people/ (2) Speculation about the requirement to file income tax forms appears to be based upon an old article. https://www.thaiexaminer.com/thai-news-foreigners/2024/09/08/revenue-department-preparing-legislation-as-new-expat-tax-regime-may-link-visas-and-tax-returns/
  7. Why? Politicians don't. For that matter, does the country even have a democratic system?
  8. Looking through the details of the UK budget I couldn't see anything that would affect non-resident expats. Did I miss anything?
  9. Yes. Forced visit to Immigration at six months, then border run after 12. Wash and repeat. Not sure that makes it any better than a retirement visa which doesn't require a border run. That's pretty much covered by "being educated", which I wrote. My understanding, however, is that the authorities have not qualified what kinds of study will qualify.
  10. Clearly not paedophilia, but hebephilia. (Paedophilia only refers to prepubescent children. The alleged victims were teenagers.)
  11. Length of stay is only 180 days, so you either need to leave the country or extend (once only) at Immigration. Simply being retired doesn't qualify you. You need to be working remotely, being educated, or undergoing medical treatment.
  12. That can't possibly be true. Mr. Trump says that tariffs on Chinese imports makes the Chinese pay, and he should know because he's told us he's a stable genius. It's just surprising how so many so-called economists get this wrong.
  13. Neither should a nut job like Trump. But it's looking increasingly likely that that might just happen.
  14. I am trying to work out how to leave something in my will to one of my adult relatives who could not handle receiving a large lump sum. Thailand doesn’t have a trust system to handle something like this. Is there something similar here in Thailand? Basically I’d like him to receive a monthly allowance as a certain percentage of the inheritance with the option of his requesting a lump sums for specific items with all of this being at the discretion of guardians/trustees. Thanks.
  15. Out of 16,000 claims half have been processed, so 8,000. Out of the 8,000 only 180 were successful. The other 7,820 were bogus. It's a case of bad logic: something's wrong with me, I was vaccinated some time in the past, so it must be caused by the vaccine. It's not the first time this has happened: my child has autism, he received the MMR vaccine, so it must be the fault of the vaccine. Despite its having comprehensively been proven that the vaccine does not cause autism, there are still fools who believe this is the case and don't vaccinate their children, leaving the offspring at risk of life-changing or lethal diseases. So, no, the narrative is not undermined.
  16. You previously wrote "The only time you get benefits is if you pay into the social security system, just ;like in most countries" which is what I was responding to. The pension is not paid from the SSF and does not require membership and fees. To quote the ILO UHC may be only for Thai nationals, but it is clearly a case of getting benefits without paying into the social security system. In short, your previous assertion is wrong, and your facts about the state pension in Thailand are also wrong.
  17. I don't believe England can still be classed as first world. Look at the capital, much of which now resembles a third world hellhole.
  18. No. Universal health coverage does require one to pay into the social security system, nor does state old age pension. Those two are off the top of my head. There may be others.
  19. The solution is to dump Microsoft's crappy software and go for Linux (or possibly MacOS, which is built on Linux).
  20. There is no difference in quality or efficacy. The active ingredient is exactly the same. What does differ is the amount spent on marketing and the level of profit generated. I'd suggest switching to a local brand such as Clovas or Atorvin.
  21. Indeed, what a load of crap. The idiot who produced that graphic is clearly unaware of X0 and XYY individuals (plus mosaicism involving those genotypes).
  22. You clearly didn't read the statement from the Society of Radiographers that I linked to. The truth is that ordinary men are not asked if they're pregnant. However, female to male trans men are asked since they might indeed be pregnant. No mad wokeness here, just common sense.
  23. Dalgleish is not someone to take seriously. He's a right wing nutter - stood for parliament as a UKIP candidate and he writes for the Daily Mail. One of his recent Daily Mail articles is headlined "Asking men if they are pregnant before undergoing X-rays is a symptom of the madness gripping the NHS". He didn't bother to check the facts. The Society of Radiographers issued a rebuttal statement which begins "The SoR has responded to an inaccurate and misleading article appearing in the Telegraph as it believes it could further alienate trans, nonbinary and intersex people from accessing healthcare services." https://www.sor.org/news/sor/sor-responds-to-inaccuracies-in-telegraph-article I suspect he's now rather senile and shouldn't be listened to.
  24. This is what happens when you put an ignorant fool in charge of an enquiry. "Kotlár has long been involved in the internet video streaming operation TV Slovan, which propagates distorted claims and hoaxes." https://spectator.sme.sk/c/23270939/anti-vaxxer-appointed-to-lead-official-inquiry-into-pandemic-management.html
  25. Bank of Thailand kowtows to political pressure.
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