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Everything posted by rabiedabruce

  1. Most forget why the Taksin clan were thrown out. Whoever gets in (junta), won't be good news for we farang so who cares. Bring on the 'but I have Thai family here'. Word in your shell like, get them back to your home country where although bad, your kids may have a shot at a decent education.
  2. You ever tried 'phoning Bkk's call center?
  3. The American growers are suffering a dearth of trimmers, same as all other employers. As to weed, all well and good but my small soi most other shops have been replaced by these bloody things. As usual here in Thailand, open the floodgates with no regulation and see what happens. Anyway, Dear Thais, stop with the whining.
  4. The OP is asking on this Thai centric forum. No need for sarcasm and don't use Don't Be Evil haha Google.
  5. A transfer was made to my Bkk bank from the UK last Saturday 29th April which has still not arrived. Anyone know of a reliable tracking app, or is it merely the surfeit of public holidays last week holding it up? Thank you.
  6. Don't know if this still applies but many years ago when on Bali a local told me Indos must pay $100 to leave as the government wanted to keep spending inside the country possibly why you rarely see any here. Doubt if that applies in this country though, they're scraping the bottom as per, no tourists? Gouge the ones already here.
  7. There are no answers because no one in this tin pot country will insure it. As for Mercedes, one had been restored to it's original beautiful condition at the same garage. It had a 'for sale' sign on it parked outside. Perhaps the owner found out the hard way too.
  8. I've had three CKD dogs and last man standing cat still with me recently diagnosed. Every single vet has those (always white packaging - illusion of clinical) 'prescription foods' and everyone of them push them hard. What surprised me the most, not that there are just three corporations, Mars - Royal Canin, Hills - Palm olive/Colgate and Nestle - Purina Renal, were all funding veterinarian schools globally. Even installing their staff. Cat on it's last legs after RC renal crap so have taken him off it and feed him mousse and senior cat food for water content and lowered phosphorous. Done a 180. I posted the link on a cat site and was effectively banned. So anyone out there feeling bullied into forking out a fortune for this sh!t, tell them to eat it themselves and you'll be back in a week to see the results.
  9. Interesting article on vets https://www.allaboutdogfood.co.uk/articles/has-your-vet-been-brainwashed
  10. Look up 'world's strongest currency' and you will find 'Thai Baht'. Given the economy's in the crappr, Phuket had just two months 'high season' and now everyone complaining, why's that then? Given so much emphasis on tourism as GDP given by junta. It's barely moved against ALL currencies since elephant in the room's takeover.
  11. And then the THB depreciates 25% over the next year - one can dream
  12. Utter rubbish this latest man made global warming grift. I remember days of it getting up to 44/45 c on Phuket at least 17 years ago. 'Scionce' Yeah
  13. How about teaching them (yes well) that their side mirrors are not for picking pimples?
  14. Oh that old canard. But it's not 'aging nations' which have caused this monstrous theft. Is it
  15. Locally, you say. Where, within a 4 km radius would one be able to spend 10k up in woop woop? Buy a buffalo?
  16. What? The FACT that it is the most inequitable country on the planet? Wonder why that is ..
  17. Yes and a very good one, I've used him for a decade. He's always working so would know. I now turn my pump off during the day, it's hardly surprising given there's been no rain for months and this year is set to be very hot following last year's soaking wet. There was also an item in the News section asking people to conserve water as it's likely the drought will continue.
  18. Exactly. Last year the rain never bloody stopped (La Nina effect), this year is El Nino, hot and dry. You'd think they'd think, oh wait ,, Anyhoo, my plumber yesterday told me Rawai was already out of water, hence pump keeps trying to dredge bottom of well.
  19. Particularly with the bloody Russians here. I hear them bombing along the Vichit Road every night on their Big Bikes. They have no concern for anyone else, anywhere. I'd thought they were going to clamp down on the renting of these types of bikes? Oh right, money in it.
  20. Awful lot of people still reading corporate news on this thread. Get out more. If anything's a terrorist state it's the most corrupt country in Europe formerly Khazaria.
  21. I'm guessing you've never been stalked. It's a terribly anxiety inducing thing. An English Youtuber was recently imprisoned for stalking some poor <deleted> for 11 years, it almost drove his victim to suicide. This pathetic specimen should be deported. 5 years!
  22. Which was/is the reason for the entire recent enterprise.
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