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Everything posted by rabiedabruce

  1. Bond could in no way be black. Enough with cheering on wokeism already. I'm guessing Miss/Ms Moneypenny will be Chinese?
  2. They've all pretty much left Phuket after flooding the island. Good. Hope the next purported Chinese invasion falls flat too. Bring back faux vid.
  3. Weird. Why's this response been removed from original thread?
  4. And who caused them to be filthy d'ya think?
  5. Why has StevenL's post advising me of the location (blue background with yellow cog) disappeared? Does this mean it's no loner there?
  6. Welp. Only 3rd and no Theft. So God knows what that guy who bought a 4 year restore 2 million baht Mercedes is going to do. Ir's even older than mine. I really don't understand this. They insure antiques! Absurd. Looking at spontaneous combustion if anyone tampers with the driving mechanism. Any SAS out there?
  7. I'd used AXA before and found them to be very good. However, when I contacted them again they said they wouldn't insure. It's possible they insure your car as a long term customer without a ten year hiatus. There are a couple of brokers with one being highly recommended, I'll try them. Thanks everyone for your replies.
  8. Here's what I found on the Air Tags, not promising and I don't have an iPhone. Bog standard Samsung, that's me https://www.motorbiscuit.com/apple-airtag-gps-tracker-car/
  9. The GPS tracker is a good idea, I don't know much about Apple Airtags but Lazada have everything. Still, there must be an insurance company who would insure somewhere as I've seen a few of these jeeps about lately. Some company is charging 2.5k per day in Patong, I won't be asking them as they're not particularly 'friendly'. So the well hidden tracker (will look into airtags) looks ok but it'll be difficult to get the plods off of their backsides to go fetch (been there done that with a lost for good chopper). A Thai chum mentioned some place in town, 'Wittaya' (?) but the only name remotely like it has terrible reviews. A belt and braces approach will have me sleeping at night. Anyone?
  10. Having just restored my Willy, the only insurance company - Thai Pattana - who will offer me insurance of any kind (3rd party only as it's well over 10 years old - 1984) does not include 'Theft'. Bit necessary around these parts, together with having spent a small fortune on it getting it restored. Is anyone able to let me know of a company who will cover Theft for a vehicle this age (I'm aware first class out of the question)? Thanks
  11. Having just restored my Willy, the only insurance company - Thai Pattana - who will offer me insurance of any kind (3rd party only as it's well over 10 years old - 1984) does not include 'Theft'. Bit necessary around these parts, together with having spent a small fortune on it getting it restored. Is anyone able to let me know of a company who will cover Theft for a vehicle this age (I'm aware first class out of the question)? Thanks
  12. Most of the tourists have gone from here on Phuket already. That was a short 'high season'. My guess is they will dwindle in number in the future anyway as the island will be covered in concrete by then, the baht will keep strengthening against all currencies so long as 'the coup for the rich' enforcers are still in power (they will be) and prices continue to rise against continuing shoddy arrogant 'we Thai peopun' service. Once pleasant now awful place.
  13. Odd that none of this happened before the junta took hold
  14. They don't care. Have you seen the front page BP advertorials for property in Kensington? Btw, it dropped 20% after Brexit. Which really didn't happen
  15. Well mellowing out on weed's better than death by LaoKao because they can't afford any better spirits. Meanwhile, the Amart sip their champagne and count their money. Parasites.
  16. It hadn't stopped raining all year here on Phuket, including Christmas/New Year. El Nina, so El Nino (dry) is to be expected after last year's El Nino. (dry).
  17. UK circling the gurgler. No far flung trips abroad for them.
  18. I've noticed this year same as every other here on Phuket. People going home. Good.
  19. They don't stop because they know they'll be shaken down. More traffic police actually patrolling might help, together with speed cameras, particularly in places other than Bangkok. And decent paving so people are not swiped on the head/run into whilst driver reading 'phone (well at least they'd feel the curb as they mount it), whilst walking. They should give more attention to pavements as they do in other countries. Even Cambodia has those. Always Bangkok, which is not Thailand.
  20. Another poster was kind enough to let me know where a testing station was, very close to me. The vehicle is a Willy, still has/had old reg and ins stickers (replaced windshield). I've looked up the docs needed. I'm the named owner on the book. The fees are reasonable, except for the back tax, which in my case could amount to 10+ k. And as the book must be a new one, together with the plates, I find this a blatant rip off as jeep hasn't been able to have been on the road (have pics to prove). So why the tax for something not having used the roads for a long period of time? But as a lot of money's been spent on restoration, suppose must just suck it up.
  21. Thanks very much ????
  22. Anyone know where a Testing Station to re register a restored car would be? I'm in Rawai. Thanks
  23. So I understand. It's where the testing stations are is the problem. Used to be one on Rawai - gone
  24. Have all the photos, so no problem there. Just loathe dealing with Thai bureaucracy (don't we all) but particularly here on 'show us the money' Phuket. I pay everyone else to do it now. But nothing here afaik
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