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  1. The other thing, which could change it quicker, is finding out that papers/data you trusted are in fact fraudulent. Don't underestimate the seriousness of scandals, such as those involving prestigious university professors and even Stanford University's presidents being fired when the truth is uncovered that they submitted fraudulent or "seriously flawed" research papers in the past. Sadly, more science than anyone cares to admit is being manufactured in order to justify grant money. This never used to be a problem, but as big money has poured into R&D, doing science for science's sake has taken a backseat to science as a business. So while this may not be terribly relevant to older studies like lung cancer, we need to be more skeptical of new studies during the last 30 years or so. Fraud and fabricated data rarely gets caught in peer review, but modern AI is already finding a lot that was missed.
  2. Biden wasn't negotiating this, and everyone knows it. Trump was the one forced to capitulate and accept defeat.
  3. Again, you keep talking in anachronisms. The GOP is currently 2 separate parties. The fact that they have an 'R' next to their names is merely incidental at this point. The RINO Republicans are a completely different animal from the MAGA Republicans. The RINOs and the Democrats together make up the deep state Uniparty. Until you understand this, you can't possibly hope to understand what is happening in Washington. Until all the RINOs are identified and eliminated through primaries, talking about the Republicans as if they were a monolithic entity makes no sense. Hopefully, we may get an actual Republican party made up entirely of MAGA sovereigntists in 2026. Until then, you're correct. Nothing is going to change. The deep state Uniparty (Democrats + RINOs) will continue to destroy America.
  4. Sadly we didn't. America lost this battle. The deep state got the Democrats and RINOs to collaborate and pass a pork filled, corrupt disaster of a CR that Trump was forced to accept. Nobody like to lose, but you have to be honest when it happens. I only hope that since we exposed the Uniparty members embedded within the Republican party that we can find ways to pressure them the next time this happens and get a better result.
  5. Disagree. Too many down ballot elections were stolen. The next Congress has just as many globalists with an 'R' after their name as this one, and even more Democrats in the House. If anything, the next Congress will be worse. Perhaps the elections in 2026 may finally yield results. But nothing will change with the new Congress. It will continue to be a fight with Trump being forced to scrap for every inch against a DC Swamp that opposes the genuine reforms necessary for America.
  6. Except it wasn't bipartisan. It was a complete and total victory by the deep state Uniparty. The Republican/Democrat divide is a facade that is way past its sell by date. I can't believe people still keep pushing that fairy tale. The division now is between sovereigntists, represented by MAGA and Tump, and globalists, repreresented by Democrats and RINOs. The globalists won this battle. It wasn't some heroic act of compromise. It was defeat by a superior force. America lost.
  7. Elon wasn't working for himself when he stopped that original 1500 page criminal monstrosity. He was working for us... the American people. All 80+ million of us who voted for Trump in order to change what this nation had become. And as you saw, even Trump + Elon's compromise bill didn't pass. And do you want to know what? Not a single person I know is sad about that. We're thrilled. So you can go right on believing whatever fairy tales you want about the Grinch who stole Christmas, but the truth is the American people are overjoyed right now at this outcome. This is exactly what *WE*...not Elon...*WE*...want. We want the government closed until the DC Swamp Creatures infesting it realize that we, the people, are in control again. And that is exactly what is happening. Has exactly zero to do with Elon. He merely performed a valuable lobbying service for us, and we'll kick him to the curb if he gets out of line.
  8. Not only is Trump competent, he has set up the entire globalist criminal syndicate in a trap from which there is no escape. He didn't do it on his own of course. But he has played his role to perfection. 2025-2026 is going to be the period when everyone is finally going to understand how much they have been deceived and manipulated over their entire lives. In the end, there is going to be an outpouring of gratitude to Trump for his help in defeating the abject evil that has plagued us for decades. I wonder how you'll feel once you realize the businessman with multiple bankruptcies and brand failures saved your ass from tyranny and enslavement by those who consider us all to be lower than vermin.
  9. In other news, Rand Paul just suggested in a tweet on X that Congress nominate Elon Musk as Speaker of the House. It would be really enjoyable to watch the DC Swamp squirm if that actually happened. Yes, it's true. The House is free to choose anyone it wants as its Speaker. There's no rule requiring them to be a member.
  10. You honestly think Trump can be bought for a measly $277 million? He could have taken over a billion from banks like JP Morgan Chase et. al. and never did. So good luck getting anyone else to agree with you on that. Sounds like a coping mechanism more than an actual, well reasoned belief.
  11. What a great time to be alive. The psyop against conspiracies since the JFK assassinations are coming to an end. I guess with the CIA about to be eviscerated under the new government, they are no longer providing funding to keep tinfoil nonsense alive. So the truth is going to come out about the stupid ones, and the real conspiracies are going to be exposed.
  12. If we're no longer talking about Trump's endorsement of the vaccine, but instead the virus itself, the problem with all the "science" on it, and I use that word loosely, is because the WHO never made an actual reference sample of the virus available. Because of this, none of the tests could ever be incontrovertibly verified by multiple, independent labs, and everything that followed from that is fruit of a poisoned tree. If anyone wanted to research anything, it either had to be done through digital models, questionable data provided by unproven tests, or they had to isolate the virus themselves. But isolating the virus independently means nobody can ever be sure what they were isolating, or refute any results. All of those studies again became questionable because they are not falsifiable. You simply have to trust what was being said. That's religion, not science. The whole response to the pandemic was intentionally designed to make it impossible to falsify. Real science is NEVER approached in that manner. So why was a reference sample never made available? Because they wanted to present fraudulent, untestable results, or because it really was a bioweapon that they didn't want getting out in its pure form? You can argue all you want about politics, but this was a deliberate, irrefutable action by the WHO and CDC which is absolutely unacceptable given the scale of the response inflicted on humanity. That includes unconscionable coercing billions to get an experimental jab. This is why there must be Nuremberg 2.0 trials against all those involved. And yes, that includes Trump's role in it.
  13. Elon isn't dictating this. America BACKING Elon is dictating this. Without the millions of us who agree with him, Elon is nothing. What Elon is doing is giving all of us a very public platform and neutering the deep state attempts to work smoky backroom deals behind our backs. We put Trump into power. Elon knows this. And unlike most of Congress who are controlled stooges, he actually has America's best interests at heart.
  14. As the brilliant Mark Twain said: It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so. Only an imbecile would denigrate someone claiming they don't yet have enough information to make a choice. Because none of us know anything with certainty, except those few things that can be mathematically and physically proven. And even physics is open for re-evaluation if our most fundamental models of reality change. Being agnostic implies the highest degree of true intelligence.
  15. Not sure if I can agree with a Machiavellian "the ends justify the means" approach, but I can appreciate your argument. For me though, the manner in which the end of the criminal syndicate is achieved is also a very important consideration. If there were better ways to have accomplished the goal which could have resulted in less suffering to people, that is very relevant to the discussion, and Trump doesn't get a free pass just because the way he chose might have been easier for him than others. There has to be a strong reason why there was no other way, and he is going to have to explain and justify that.

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