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Everything posted by Brickleberry

  1. Really? Come on. Did you not read the earlier links supplied that proves Israel does exactly the same thing? Do you really think it is even remotely believable that the hatred is only coming from one side? Is this why the Israeli government refers to them as Amalek and human animals? Is this why they have been carrying weapons around since 1996 in the West Bank? Is this why they have been evicting and murdering Palestinians in the West Bank for decades? Is this why Palestinians have been denied a state for 75 years? Is this why they lock up women and kids in administrative detention without charge? Is this why Palestinians in ambulances wait at least an hour - with NO CUE or TRAFFIC for IDF soldiers to let them through the check points to hospital? Because Israel holds no hate in its heart for Palestinians? Please... the hatred is on both sides, and it is well documented.
  2. I have, multiple times. Furthermore, your accusation that I said they had closed all of the tunnels prior to your post is factually incorrect. It was in my response to your links that I said this.
  3. Wait a minute, I read the links you supplied. Both links you supplied are UNRWA, there are no links to a US official from the UN denying they ever knew about such tunnels. The fact that the links you provided, and the statements made are from the UNRWA demolishes your argument. There is no video in your post. Perhaps you didn't copy the right link?
  4. Yes I posted the links in my response to BKK Brian. I think it is on page 2, a link from the Guardian and a link from Human Rights Watch. He keeps dodging the point, even though I've called him out on it three times now.
  5. I have followed him for years. Do you know why he says a two state solution is impossible? Because it is too late. He advocates for a one state solution, where every man and woman has a vote and is equal under the law. I agree with him. I am also in favor of a two state solution, based on the original 1948 borders.
  6. Has anyone denied that it is true? Of course it is going to happen, there are over 30,000 Palestinian refugees working in this organization! Of course your gonna find plenty of examples. I certainly do not deny it is true. Interesting to note you still have not commented on the confirmed reports that Israel is doing the same thing.
  7. Are you on drugs? This is a report from the UNRWA reporting about events they found on UNRWA premises. How is this covering it up? They found it, reported it and blocked the entrance to the tunnel. What is your complaint?
  8. Gideon Levy, a true independent Israeli journalist. If more people listened to this man, we might have two states and peace in the region. Hatred on both sides is causing this never-ending conflict. It takes great minds like his to achieve peace.
  9. Notice you didn't comment on Israeli schools teaching their children to hate. You only spoke about the Palestinians. I didn't attempt to justify the hate being taught. No interference, no justification, but there is balance. Both sides are doing it. To try and say they are not is ludicrous.
  10. Wikipedia, from stats that are two years out of date. Shame on you. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/dec/21/more-than-8000-palestinians-in-israeli-jails-rights-groups-say EDIT: look at the treatment of these prisoners too. Not very good for a democratic and just society. https://reliefweb.int/report/occupied-palestinian-territory/un-human-rights-office-opt-dramatic-rise-detention-palestinians-across-occupied-west-bank
  11. Interesting how this all focuses on the UN. The UNWRA is indeed a UN agency, however there are some important caveats to add. The people who work in this organization are all Palestinian refugees. It is not an international agency with staff from all over the world, or even with staff from the UN. Is it surprising that Palestinian refugees may support Hamas after everything that has happened? This is not to say it is correct, it is obviously a terrible thing to do. Understanding why something is happening does not equate to saying it is ok to do. It is undeniable that hatred is indeed taught in Palestinian schools, but it is also evident that Israel teaches the same in its schools. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2011/aug/07/israeli-school-racism-claim https://vermontdailychronicle.com/__trashed-4/
  12. You miss the point. They can just say a stone/rock was thrown, and carted off to jail they go. Kids and women. I'm pretty sure that kids do not get thrown in jail for suspicion of throwing a stone in the west, right? I don;t understand why you are so supportive of Israel. You frequently comment on the rights of LGBT and trans people's right to self determination, and Israel's rights. You never comment on Palestinians right to self determination.
  13. That part is partially true. They killed 792 civillians (the death toll includes those shot by Israeli soldiers, or blown up by Israeli tank shells) and almost 400 Israeli military personnel. The festival was moved to that location only 2 days prior to the massacre on the 7th October. They were not supposed to be there. Interestingly, There had been warnings about from the IDF for several weeks prior to the 7th. IDF soldiers were repeatedly warning that they could see Hamas members practicing to breach the fences and gates. Those soldiers who reported the incidents multiple times were told to stop reporting it, or risk being written up for insubordination. I wouldn't believe their propaganda that they didn't want to attack civilians though. They wanted to take civilians, and always have wanted to take them. They are bargaining tools to get back the hostages Israel keeps in its jail cells - thousands of women and children are locked up without any charges. Indefinite administrative detention, with a military court that successfully prosecutes over 99% of Palestinians. No one talks about little kids and women getting thrown in jail for 'throwing a stone' at a settler/IDF soldier. We only want to talk about the 130 remaining hostages in Gaza. I think we should have sympathy for hostages on both sides.
  14. Nope. Wrong again. You said they were up against the PA. The PA were in the West Bank, and were formed by ex members of the PLO Fatah, PLO and Hamas were the main players in Gaza at the time.
  15. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/oct/31/assassination-yitzhak-rabin-never-knew-his-people-shot-him-in-back Yes, I am well aware. I'm not sure you are though. Hamas were up against the PLO & Fatah. Not the PA.
  16. Well that's only because Israel assassinated the peace maker leader of the Palestinian people, and so Hamas won the election - the first time it had ever participated in one. If Israel (they claim he was a lone actor, I doubt this very much) had not assassinated the guy (I can't remember his name), they would not have to deal with Hamas, they would probably have to deal with the guy who wanted two states and to make peace. Both things that Bibi had no intention of doing, and he was the Prime Minister at the time.
  17. Well i also quoted the relevant part for you. I sent the link to show the source.
  18. Have a look at what Israel's own supreme court says on the matter: https://www.jstor.org/stable/resrep04760.3?seq=2
  19. He also missed the memo where international courts (and Israel's own supreme court) have all ruled that it is legally occupied territory. The UK, and US both agree on this too, and they are the main backers of Israel.
  20. Again, in my first post I clearly stated that this group 'translates as freedom fighters' - resistance fighters. In their own opinion, they describe themselves thusly: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/investigations/hamas-know-group-deadliest-attack-israel-decades-rcna119628
  21. Are they, or are they not fighting for the liberation (freedom) of their people? Yes, they are a disgusting terrorist organization, and yes they also aim to eradicate the state of Israel. Two things can be true at the same time, they are terrorists and freedom fighters. If they were not occupied and controlled by Israel, they would not be freedom fighters at all, they would just be terrorists.
  22. So yes, you are trolling. You clearly understood that I called them terrorists several times, yet you decide to make spurious allegations. Have fun replying to yourself!
  23. So did I clearly call them terrorists several times or not? What are you trying to say?
  24. I will try again: https://www.hrw.org/news/2020/05/12/israel-discriminatory-land-policies-hem-palestinians
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