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Everything posted by Brickleberry

  1. DELETED ...sorry I was looking at the wrong hospital...Israel have been bombing so many of them, it is hard to keep track.
  2. I've worn myself out. If you can't see that there has been enough death and destruction, that Israel has destroyed the lives of the Palestinian people for a generation, that over 12,000 children have been killed, entire families and generations wiped out, then there is no hope for you. What Hamas did on the 7th is horrid, but so is Israel's response. It is time to end it. Bibi doesn't care about the hostages, he never did. His true colors were revealed today to those who were blindly supporting him.
  3. https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/11/14/gaza-unlawful-israeli-hospital-strikes-worsen-health-crisis
  4. Seriously? Your going to say that with a straight face?
  5. Again, all you do is justify the murder of thousands. Almost 25,000. Enough, I will not continue this discussion with someone who refuses to acknowledge the death of innocents. Those two journalists were not terrorists.
  6. Why? There is a confirmed UN report acknowledging that this took place.
  7. A hospital building is not a human shield. The tunnels are deep underneath the hospital, and we know that these structures are not affected by Israels indiscriminate bombing campaign. Even if there was one terrorist in a hospital, you DO NOT blow up the whole damn thing. If the entire hospital was being used as a command and control center, you would have a point. We can't ignore the truth about Israeli human shields and hostages. How many children, women and men have been locked up in Israeli prisons without charge or trial? THOUSANDS.
  8. Did you know that Israel uses human shields? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_shields_in_the_Israeli–Palestinian_conflict#:~:text=A UN report stated that,militants of using human shields).
  9. The amazing thing, is that when they want to take someone out in Lebanon, they use guided, strategic missiles that only killed the intended targets. With Gaza, they are just wiping everyone out. That's why their hostages are being killed when coming out in the open, naked and waving a white flag while shouting in Hebrew. No one can justify the murder of almost 25,000 Palestinians, almost half of which are kids. over 70% women and children. Over 100 journalists dead. Where is the humanity from the supporters of Israels assault on the population? Where is the condemnation, the sympathy?
  10. Actually, everyone with a brain can see this is not true. https://www.trtworld.com/magazine/busting-the-myth-of-palestinian-human-shields-in-gaza-46645
  11. Your human shields claim has been debunked several times - I did it in my response to your bullet points earlier. You are a racist. Israeli lives matter more than Palestinian ones to you. I think all lives are equal.
  12. Ah, those who kill 38 are monsters, and those who kill 12,000 kids are angels? Great moral clarity my friend.
  13. Virtually every western media has been condemning them for months for the atrocities committed on the 7th. Since then, the only atrocities have been committed by Israel. Again, I see no condemnation for killing 12,000 kids, you seem quite happy to let them carry on 'gung ho' style.
  14. I do not see any criticism of Israel. Hamas, Hamas, Hamas. 1) Yes, they started this conflict 2) Hamas has no measures to protect civilians...unlike Israel and their Iron dome, air force, navy and army 3) So all Palestinians need to be punished because that is what Hamas wants? I didn't know Bibi took orders from Hamas 4) This has been debunked several times, we see them evacuating live on TV 5) But surely the tunnels are the targets right.... if you wanted to protect your civilians, you wouldn't put them inside your compound - this also debunks your 2nd and 3rd points ISRAEL could end the fighting tomorrow. It chooses not to. Bibi has also said there will be NO Palestinian state - the two state solution is dead, and Israel will control all areas from the river to the sea. These are his words within the last 24 hours.
  15. There has been enough condemnation of Hamas - I deplored their actions on the 7th. However, since then, Israel has been killing thousands.
  16. Baby killers Hamas - agreed, but only if you say baby killers Israel. Hamas killed 38 babies - and we are not even sure that Hamas killed all of them. Israeli survivors of the initial attack have all confirmed that the IDF were shooting Israelis and blowing up their houses with tank shells with Israeli hostages inside their Kibbutz. Israel has killed over 12,000 children (I don't know how many are babies). 38 vs 12,000. Who are the monsters in this situation?
  17. No idea. But I definitely wouldn't murder thousands of children and blow up universities that housed the Israeli military for a month.
  18. We agree at last! Hamas needs to go and of course, all the hostages returned.
  19. Of course it is, it is a separate entity. And who is in this agency? It is almost 100% Palestinian refugees. Are you therefore surprised that some of them hold antisemitic views?
  20. Precisely. Israel is a perfect state, without any blame whatsoever for what has been happening in the region - despite all of the international rulings saying they are breaking international law and occupying territory that does not belong to them. Yes, we know Hamas started this particular conflict. But ignoring all of the history, and international laws is not a good place to be arguing from.
  21. That's like saying the following: The king of England supports a charity. The head of the charity and a few colleagues were caught saying racist things. Does this mean the Royal family is racist? No of course not.
  22. Not quite.It is a seperate entity that is mostly funded from member states: The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) is funded almost entirely by voluntary contributions from UN Member States. UNRWA also receives some funding from the Regular Budget of the United Nations, which is used mostly for international staffing costs. The Agency’s services encompass education, health care, relief and social services, camp infrastructure and improvement, microfinance and emergency assistance, including in times of armed conflict. It is a local group of Palestinians. Some of which are bound to be antisemitic after living in an open air prison for decades and being forced out of their homes. Hardly surprising. The UN is a completely different body, that is made up of governments.
  23. They are funded by several countries, and supported by the UN. I wouldn't be surprised if some were celebrating; they are all Palestinian. There were not claims of all 3000 celebrating, 3000 refers to the total number of teachers in the group. You can't say the UN is antisemitic based on this. UNRWA is a local, Palestinian outfit. I'm sure there are some Palestinians who are antisemitic, but I completely reject that the UN itself is antisemitic
  24. Huh? we are talking about UNRWA, not UN watch
  25. To be honest, I didn't know who they were. I just googled it. The UNRWA is a group of PALESTINIAN refugees who work as support workers.
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