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Everything posted by Flyguy330

  1. Your info is out of date. Malaysia proposed a Remittance Tax in October 2022 and it was to start on Jan 1st 2023. There was an outcry from locals (yes, many locals work overseas and remit money) and the Government backed down, said they would defer the change for 5 years. That's where you probably stopped paying attention. As did many. However in June 2023 the Government announced that they had 'gazetted' the Remittance Tax law (meaning they put it on the statute books, contrary to their earlier promise) and FURTHERMORE they BACKDATED it to Jan 1st (the original planned inception date). So Malaysia now taxes remittances (with certain exceptions). To be fair to them, and indeed Thailand, this Remittance Tax is something forced on them by the OECD, whose policies seem to be driven by the GOOD OLE U S of A! Thanks Buddy!!
  2. So why did you quote it? Do you always rest your arguments on fluff? And don’t get so angry bud, it’s not about you.
  3. That was fun reading, but pretty lightweight as a serious study. It was an opinion poll, nothing more. They put Harrison 15 places above Trump - a man who served for only one month! That in itself discredits the whole method. It’s a fluff piece.
  4. It would be interesting to have a thread where that claim that Biden is the worst US President ever was debated. No matter what you think of Trump, or even Biden, he wasn't the worst President ever in my opinion. I believe that was Woodrow Wilson - the US President who agreed to the setting up of the Fed, and handed US monetary policy over to a cabal of crooked bankers. He also introduced the Income Tax in the US, and was a renowned racist. His efforts in WW1 are not universally appreciated either. Overall I'd say he is higher on any 'Worst' list than Biden - or even Trump for that matter.
  5. I used to occasionally hang out in Wanchai when I worked in HK, and got to know a few of the regulars well - the girls I mean. Mostly they were part timers on the scene, who were otherwise employed as maids during the week, but just making some cash on the side and having some fun with the buleh to brighten up their otherwise harsh and boring lives. I once had a discussion with one about the number of these young girls who seemed interested more in the 'old guys' than in the many younger guys. Her answer was, yes of course the older guys usually have more money, but they were also generally nicer to be with, less demanding of weird sex and constant shagging, more inclined to stay with one girl, and less nasty or violent toward them than the younger guys. These were not professioinal hookers, they were (are) part timers who are in real need of some affection in their lives, and they appreciated it. You could have a proper GFE with them. That's why I'd far rather go 'mongering' in Wanchai on a Sunday (the Maids sole day off) than be harassed by nasty pro's on the make in BKK or Pattaya. Hong Kong is the real underrated sexy city of Asia. Thailand is just cynical - and even more so now than it ever was before. My final tip - look for the Indo maids. They are the hottest to trot.
  6. Yer only as old as the woman you feel. Or should that be....WOMEN. Plural.
  7. I was having a few beers in the Cafe De Paris in Monaco on the Friday before the GP. The waiter was a rather surly frenchman, and the beers were exorbitantly priced. When I asked for the bill he got the number I'd had wrong and I didn't feel inclined to correct him since for once the mistake was in my favour. One free beer. Big deal. But it felt good.
  8. None of those are iambic pentameter. Limericks are anapestic trimeter. What is Iambic Pentameter
  9. Forsooth I know not why I am so sad It wearies me, you say it wearies you So wrote Shakespeare, some of the few lines I still recall by heart. What an incredible talent he was. Yes, the old Iambic Pentameter, a rhythmic form in poetry that dates back to ancient Greek plays. I studied ancient Greek in school, and Latin too - what they now call 'A Classical Education'. My Greek textbook was Thrasymachus, and we were required to learn passages and decline the text using standardised iambic pentameter symbols. Pretty challenging for a 13 year old. It was only in my later years I began to truly appreciate the value of my Greek and Latin studies - they are the root languages of so many European tongues, and they are embedded in the English language. It's always fascinating to know the etymology of common words in everyday use, I get a kick out of that. I recently read a piece by a Guardian journo who was commenting on the dissapearance of the Classics from modern education, and she actually wrote 'what use are those languages anyway in modern times'. The silly bitch hadn't the wit to realise the tool of her trade (the English language) is built on their foundations.
  10. I'm really starting to notice that this forum is becoming nothing but one big Personality Survey, where intimate questions are asked, and personal answers sought on matters that I (mostly) don't care to share with complete strangers. Aside from it being boring (I really dopn't care how much you <deleted> for instance) I think it is also unwise to reveal so much of yourself on a public forum. It always comes back to bite later. Try coming up with thread topics that are a bit more cerebral, eh? PS. I don't do Facebook either.
  11. We can say NO! I bet Farage would pursue this as policy. Reciprocate, or Extricate!
  12. YES! Please, Please, Please! I've been advocating this for YEARS! Not for Thailand - but for ALL nations and nationalities coming to the West. Stop giving foreigners the same rights as locals in Europe, unless they reciprocate and give Europeans the same rights as locals in their own lands. Why on earth should a foreigner coming to Europe from a country which BANS Europeans from owning a home or business be allowed to buy property and own businesses in Europe? I actually believe this would go a long way toward opening borders (which all Lefties want) and improving international trade and investment. It would increase the respect foreigners have for the privilege of living in Europe, and might even remind Europeans of the benefits they have as a result of their European citizenship. So, YES, Please do this NOW!
  13. Is it MANDATORY for every 'sheila' in 'Oz' to be tattoed? In my experience (Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne, Gold Coast) it appears to be. YUCK.
  14. I haven't waded through all of this - I only read the 1st page, and I'm wondering - you really keep your PASSPORT in a 'grab bag' that you can leg it with? I hope you have it well chained down, wherever you keep it. My passport is in a safe!
  15. Not a single vote for Malaysia, even though it's only across the border! But Pakistan is good? 🤪
  16. Here's a great Youtube video for you - one which proves the 'conspiracy theories' about organised Union busting. Yes, it's specifically a US based case, but the strategy is being copied throughout the anglosphere.
  17. Are you a nutter? Welcome to my ignore list. You're the first ever.
  18. I can't cure all the worlds ills. I don't 'live' in Thailand. I told you in my post I am in SE Asia. All over it. One thing I see in my travels is that it is Government policy in most SE Asian nations to depress wages and keep their economies 'cheap' - for the Corporatists. Are you a Corporatist? Instead of criticising me, why don't you take aim at the true source of the problem. Maybe the Thais need better Unions.
  19. Where to begin......😑 Lets start with this - I am living a very comfortable retirement now, thanks entirely to my Union. My Union was not a huxters scam, or a mafia, it was a professional association of men and women determined to protect their job contract and conditions. It was not communist, or socialist, it was anti-corporatist, anti-elitist and anti-exploitationist. If it was not for the solidarity of that group I would not have a pension now, and I would not be living a decent retirement in SE Asia. I would be broke and living in poverty in the freezing cold back home. We stood up to all attempts of self agrandising managers to further their own careers by destroying ours. Yes, it sometimes involved having the backbone to strike. That only ever happened when we were pushed to the absolute limit by managers who believed they could break us. They always failed, and it cost many of them their own jobs. It amazes me how brainwashed and deluded so many of the current generation are. Especially in the United States. Indeed it's a uniquely American product, one of their biggest exports. Workers have bought into the propaganda rammed down their throats by the Corporate Media daily - Unions are bad for you, they are Anti American, Unions are commies, save your money on Union fees, don't expect a permanent job anyway, it's a gig economy so get a gig, health insurance is optional, so get a side gig to pay for it, you have no right to strike, stop complaining, and when you're 60 <deleted> off and die quietly - and the sooner the better. This same US Corporatism has infected much of the anglosphere. I'm not from the US, but I see the same message sold every day in my home country. When we had our 'disputes' with the company it was shocking to see how certain newspapers simply outright LIED about the issue, about wages and conditions, how they would cherry pick their facts and how they covered up those that didn't fit their biased agenda. It's why I trust nothing I read, see or hear in the mainstream media anymore. It's only when you are directly involved in a newsworthy story that you begin to understand that everything they write is lies or misdirection. The anti Union movement has been hugely succesful in the last couple of decades. It is an organised effort, driven by the corporations and aided by the media they own, and the politicians they buy. The result is millions of ordinary people seeing their incomes falling year on year. Governments open borders to cheap goods which kill homegrown business, and import dirt cheap manual labour to erode native workers pay and job security. UKIP convinced the Brits that this influx would end if they voted for Brexit - which they obligingly did. But the influx continues, and indeed increased. The Tories are standing for election and making promises to stop it - but they have had 8 years since Brexit and it continued. Why? Because ultimately it suits the Corporate Agenda to destroy British workers wages and job security. It's not just the Tories - Gordon Brown (Labour) perpetrated one of the most disgusting crimes against UK workers in 1997 when he changed the accounting laws on company reports which effectively made the elimination of Defined Benefit Pension Schemes inevitable in the UK. There isn't a single FTSE100 company now that still has a DBPS. https://theconversation.com/britains-great-pension-robbery-why-the-defined-benefits-gold-standard-is-a-luxury-of-the-past-100844 My Union defended our DBPS to the death. I'm very grateful, as are hundreds of my colleagues.
  20. Bullet proof glass helps a lot too.
  21. On the subject of AC and costs, do any of you have sound knowledge and experience of Inverter AC's as compared to 'regular' AC's? My AC guy is constantly trying to convince me that Inverter AC's are cheaper to run and I should switch over to them (buying off him of course....mmmm). The limited research I've done is lacking in hard data (locally anyhow) on cost savings, and there are caveats about having to run the Inverter AC's at least 8 hrs a day to benefit in savings. Apparently the only difference is the external unit fan function is 'smart' meaning it modulates better than the old models. I find it hard to believe a simple fan motor could make much difference to the running costs. By the way, before I came to Asia an Inverter AC meant one which could be run in reverse (reversible) in winter to blow Hot air instead of cold. I think they are sometimes also called Inverter AC's, or nowadays 'heat pumps'?
  22. No you didn't. You stated your opinion. A wrong opinion. I've spoken to muslims about that very subject. There are two main reasons, depending on who you talk to. A Pakistani told me the Palestinians should NOT be evacuated to other muslim nations because they should stay in that muslim land and die as martyrs. I asked if that's fair to the children. He replied yes. Rather reminding me of the slur the Russia backers use when they say the West will fight them to the last Ukrainian. The other reason came from an Egyptian Doctor I know. He says Egypt doesn't want the Palestinians because 'they are troublermakers'. Which I found shocking. You've been informed. Rejects the occupation of Ireland, and the Famine? Your family didn't teach you much history.
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