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Everything posted by bg53

  1. You think those girls will ever pay tax? Who knows what they earn?
  2. This is a small slice of the labor market (come back >180 days).
  3. The Thais who work abroad are not tax residents.
  4. I agree. If Plan B involves logistics and the movement of financial assets, it would be wise to lay it out ahead of time.
  5. The LTR situation will be closely watched for sure.
  6. The police must be on high alert now. Late April some Chinese businessmen were kidnapped and two police officers were on the list of suspects.
  7. Overstayers actively evade detection. The masses of retirees are law-abiding and have to faithfully turn up at immigration. Easy targets in comparison.
  8. Thailand has only itself to blame for the 11th spot.
  9. So true. The extended "smoke season" and now the tax residency crap make it a double whammy.
  10. I arrived at the same conclusion with a few rough calculations. It will be bad.
  11. Methinks the Thai government has severely underestimated the wide options available for capital and revenue to find a new home.
  12. A. Those who pay zero or negligible Thai taxes will take a huge hit with the low tax threshold. Many non-O people in that category. B. Keep your mouth shut about overseas income? Good luck with the paperwork when CRS kicks in.
  13. Training for the Olympics?
  14. Good luck to you if/when Thailand's PIT changes from a territorial basis to a worldwide basis.
  15. Other contributors have given full reasons. I will add one more. Retirees and married people do not want to mess with taxes. To file on both ends and work out tax avoidance (especially on the Thai side) will be a fustercluck. Ergo, mass exodus to friendlier skies.
  16. If Thailand taxes on a worldwide basis, there will be a mass exodus of expats.
  17. Wait and see, But if it gets gnarly, the plan is to take my money or my physical body out of taxman's reach.
  18. The second picture with the tram is surely not Thailand.
  19. Personal choice. Asymptomatic and they don't like the side effects of treatment.
  20. In the worst case, H. pylori infection can progress from asymptomatic to stomach ulcers to cancers. What the specialist said is true. I have asymptomatic friends who chose not to go through the treatment.
  21. You almost certainly did not get a retirement extension at Central Festival, unless an agent pushed through your paperwork. Picture or it never happened.
  22. If you know for certain or have personal experience, say so. If not, please don't give wrong advice about visa matters even if you mean well.
  23. The signs of the Central Festival branch office didn't say retirement visa extensions are processed. Are you certain?
  24. What I thought too until this thread - especially Bill97's reply above.
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