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Everything posted by Yagoda

  1. Standard trial practice. Has anyone see the version of the Falsus in Uno instruction that will be given?
  2. Id be happy to lol. You havent explained what statute Trump violated. What Cohen is guilty of is meaningless when it comes to Trump. You and your ilks failure to answer the question demonstrates again to the world the farce of this situation, the vacuity of your knowledge about legal matters and law, the depth of your irrationality and the fascist, need I say dictatorial use of the legal system. I wont ask again, the point has been made. After all the testimony is in, there is still....nothing. Stalinists. The sad part is not the derangement of your movement, but the legnths you are willing to go to destroy one man even if it means you destroy the system. But thats what you all want. Like your allies prancing around screaming Death to America. Now what do do about all those pesky deplorables that wont see the light and still love their country. Thank god for the Second Amendment.
  3. Cue: Continued inability to answer. Falsus in uno
  4. Campaign finance violation is not an answer. Still Can't point to a statute. You lose. Even if you get a conviction it's going to be reversed on appeal. I just goes to show how low you're lot can sink. SHOW Trial
  5. After all these pages you still can't tell me what it is. If you're going to play it's an obscure federal crime game, you better figure out the jurisdictional issues. But why bother it's all over but the shouting. Let's see what the jury says because everybody with half a brain knows what an appeals court would say
  6. Your personal opinion is not an accord with hundreds of years of tradition and the way the law works.
  7. No the trial is for the prosecution to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Trump personaly made or directed a false business entry in furtherance of another crime, which has never been named.
  8. So then you agree his trials are a farce. You need to watch CNN more
  9. Bill Maher is on the Greg Gutfeld Show on Fox and its hysterical.
  10. The cannibal story is my fav. Trump is gonna say Hey Joe, did the cannibals tell you how your Uncle tasted.?
  11. Nor is the prosecution's case. Notice how quiet it is in the echo chamber. Almost time for this topic to die out anyway, Cohen is finished. Costello goes on again tomorrow. Now that we know that Bragg knew and didnt prosecute Cohen for a felony wow. Trump said today NY needs to be fixed. Now the stakes get high and the jJudge knows it. The case is already into about 9 reversible errors so: 1. Trump convicted, re-elected, reversed on appeal, special prosecutor to investigate all the violations of Federal Law, probably to include RICO based on civil rights violations, lawyer up Bragg, Fanny and Letitia, and dont think they wont squeal to save their skins. 2. Trump aquitted, relected, special prosecutor appointed to investigate all the violations of Federal Law, probably to include RICO based on civil rights violations, lawyer up Bragg, Fanny and Letitia, and dont think they wont squeal to save their skins. 3. Trump convicted defeated but reversed on appeal. they skate. Place your bets.
  12. I be watching for crying later this week. Either way, Trump wins. Especially after calling Costello.
  13. Really? And the Judge hasnt ruled on the defense motion to deem Mikey incredible as a matter of law. The fix must be in.
  14. But he testified and destroyed Braggs case
  15. Well he did, they did, and now Bragg has a problem. Suborning perjury is now in play. I notice that the echo chamber is quiet. Wonder how many psyches are struggling LOL
  16. I dont know, it was pretty low when Bobby was smashing her too and sharing her with Sam Giancana.
  17. Mossad doesnt do suicide missions. He wasnt on that chopper.
  18. The question for folks who can see the world without their antisemitic goggles is, who is the primary beneficiary of this accident. Hint: Muslim but not Arab or Persian.
  19. My complaint about that episode in Trumps life is that she wasnt better looking. Thats probably why he paid, "Lawd, I slept with that?" Thats like Bill, perfectly understandable married to Hillary, but he could have grabbed a better looking dumpee. Thats probably why he lied, "Lawd, I spewed on that". At least Kennedy was smashing Marylin Monroe
  20. OK after my Duck blu block dissolves, otherwise the colour will be off
  21. At my age, life is all about a good dump
  22. Couldnt tell ya dude, Big Dons love life 40 years agao wasnt and isnt interesting to me. You enjoy. Im a voter, not an obsessive. I have other things to do
  23. Mean? About Trump? Are you kidding? Some of his supporters have been making fun of him for years. Look at the Hair! A colour not found in nature! A terrible golfer, and he cheats. Talks like the dudes on a construction site. Gave too much money to the Dems in NYC and sucked up to their machine. I could go on and on. Personal flaws are meaningless when the policies are right.
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