Dude spare us the Captain Saveaho schtick. If you offered her a half a million to star in Homeless Gang Bang without cameras she would buy extra lysol wipes.
Dude wait till Cohen takes the satnd, watch these TDS guys twist themselves into knots worse than what they got. Bet ya a Krud somebody will claim that he is truthful.
Change Oh my bro, ya think? Im doing my best to make them worse.
Did you know that if you have self image problems, not bathing for weeks will cause people to dislike you for reasons other than your looks. THats why fat chicks are alwys annoying.
Yep. Legal knowledge from TV LOL.
Hey genius, who decides whether the Great Orange Nightmare's payment to Sloppy Stormy is a campaign expense? (Watch this one)
Well we know that the present occupier of the Oval Office has the exact opposite policies.
You must be one of those student loan beggers hahahahahahaha
Idol? You mean the Great Orange Boogeyman.? I like him because he stirs up the woke, rascist, terrorist supporting, war mongering, jew hating, elitist, spook, power mad, mysognistic, inluencers and shills like no other.
My Idol is his policies. Drill baby drill. Deport baby deport. Pay your fair share you greedy Eurotrash. Screw climate change. Law and order. Screw Russia, Ukraine and China. Eat sanctions, mullah. etc.
Exactly dude. Your worthless opinion as to me and anybody else, espcially over the net, is meaningless. Im never stressed, nice bowl of Orange Kush, a super sweet mango (.80 cents a kilo), 97 degrees, swimming pool. Most of you TDS kids, except for your antisemites and terr lovers are generally harmless, so the babbling is more amusing than anyhting.
it would be called redirect at the time of testimony. Direct, cross, redirect, recross.. If the Slimy Orange Abuser testifies, than any witness can be recalled to dispute what he says IF it is a new matter raised.
JUst to make sure you dont sound as ignorant as the TDS crowd
Thanks, I assume you meant MAGA? Fun gang, beer, brats, boats, bikes, 'merica, football, yep so much better than hate, rascism, anti semitism, revolution, inflation, terrorism...
Your post was so long and wierd and Im so stoned that I couldnt stop reading it and I cant move fast because of my back and so I just blew uncle stinky's liquid mango and oatmeal mix in my best shorts. Thanks. Im not reading youir posts anymore.