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Everything posted by Yagoda

  1. Still no evidence of any unnamed crime
  2. It used toi be 1 minute US to BKK. Now its 4 days, unless you pay extra to use a debit card
  3. Sue Hamas. You will get a huge verdict in Thailand and tons of lawyers in NY who will be happy to take a piece to collect.
  4. They no longer give you fast ACH transfers.
  5. In 20 years, sickos will want to plough the now Granny field that the Greatest President Ever played in. Ring that cash register!
  6. Hate? Naw, just being like the Trumpophobics, Creative with Adjectives, weak on facts. Got a docket entry on that LOL. Dude just for humanitys sake. Your entire world of hate and fantasy is dissolving soon. Donny is coming. Seek help.
  7. Judgement entered. Appeals finished. She will pay her flabby arsed Orange Lover a percentage of every trick she turns forever. And then his kids, and his grandkids, until she heads to that big brothel in the sky and then whats left of her pitiable life will be sold to Thrift stores and the few pennies realized will go to them too. Poetic justice
  8. LOL, you lose. Did you know (well clearly you dont, but its rhetorical) that like at common law, there are still jurisdictions where perjurers are not competant to be witnesses? Interesting.
  9. Waiting for a response from Hamas taking credit, and then crying that they are persecuted when one of their homicidal babykilling brethren is arrested.
  10. That would be typical. Put that rag on, then attack the old, attack women, attack children and then run like sniveling cowards when the men comes.
  11. It gives the Jew Haters something to comment about here.
  12. You still cant provide fascts. You cant even cite the statutes allegedly violated. Repeating the word troll doenst hide your ultimate and blatant ignorance
  13. Bet you cant name one case where a Prosecutor presented a witness who was an adjudicated perjurer.
  14. You cant provide any facts. You specialize in invective and hate. You just wrote a whole distribe that means nothing. Tell us the facts. You cant. Hahahahahahahahahahaha. Its like your ilk marching for "Palestine" but you dont know where it is.
  15. I'm not the one claiming he is guilty. In america, in case you did not know, it's the burden of the government to prove guilt behind a reasonable doubt. But if you ask the screeching mob trumpophobics, they can't give you any facts all. Not one. They can't even tell you what the crime is. I bet you haven't read the indictment. Just another guy without facts, only insults.
  16. You mean pointing out uncomfortable truths. That's called trolling or misinformation by the Trump crowd. And I bet you couldn't provide us with any facts either.
  17. The only time you ever watched TV and got facts.
  18. There is not one person here who is capable of setting forth facts to support each and every element of the case against trump. In other words, facts that were adduced at trial. I'll make it easy for the Trump deranged to understand, since they are in their own fantasy world. But here it is, Read It and Weep: The reason that no one here can set forth facts to support each and every element of the crime charged against Trump it's because they do not exist, nor does the crime, and again, not one person here can do it. Sure, the truly trump deranged set forth all the conclusory allegations, but no facts. Here's another one, not one person here can provide me with the crime that Trump allegedly committed that raises these bookkeeping misdemeanors to a felony. Not one. And not one of you can provide the statute that underlies that crime. You know why, because fat Alvin can't either. But hey, who's the troll. The one who points out the flaws in the argument, or the ones who keep making the same stupid arguments over and over again.
  19. No evidence of that has been adduced and even the seriously deranged Trump haters on TV know it. But hey, you are so sure of yourself, show us the proof.
  20. Id like to see anyone here lay out a ccoherent case that Trump did anything. Nobody can.
  21. Israel dioesnt care what Joe says. They can read the room. They have the terrorists on the run and Israel has far more to offer the Arab states than do the so called Palestinians. The US people are behind them and they know Joe is just pandering to Michigan because he figures Jews will always be Democratic and he thinks he has NY locked up The US military will NEVER abondon Israel even if policymakers do their political pandering. Thats because a good portion of modern US military tech is sourced from, based on or improved by Israel. Every bomb dropped in Gaza is a US training excersize. Every missle interception is fodder for the slide rule boys at Aberdeen. The IDF is man for man, the best military in the world and they are integrated deeply with our military. When you analyze Chinas military and go ooooo and ahhhhh over their new (copied) planes, ask yourslef how many COMBAT sorties do any Chinese pilots have? Now compare that to the number of sorties we have already done with F35s, or at least that the Izzys have done for us.
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