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Everything posted by Yagoda

  1. Possibly the highest rated TV show in USA ever. Love how the Dems are afraid of Fox News. Guess they want to toss some ratings to CNN. They need it.
  2. The one that belongs to a normal American, not a yammering frothing screaming Trumpophobic
  3. LOL, Im fine thanks for asking, a little knowledge of the system goes a long way.
  4. Hedging bets: You arent crowing and yammering hes guiltyguiltyguilty like your intellectually challenged lot. You are waiting. Because you know there arent any facts to establish guilt, you cant give any, and you are praying that the jury is just a lot of idiots who forget their duty as Americans. Like so many of you here.
  5. I I accept a jury verdict after appeal as all Americans do. You may not like it but you accept it. You won't accept it though, it'll destroy you psychologically if Trump is acquitted. You think he's guilty right now. You just hedging your bets since you've seen how I destroyed your lot by asking them to provide facts any facts, even one fact that proves Beyond A Reasonable Doubt the guilt of Donald trump. I bet you can't give me a statute that he allegedly violated that raises this matter to a felony.
  6. Here's me talking to tables. Folks not can't give any facts whatsoever to support their assertion. That means the assertions areworthless
  7. Oh but since you are convinced he is guilty surely you have some facts too demonstrate that Trump is guilty of anything.
  8. Total irrelevance again. Like your opinion of Trump's guilt, it's irrelevant because you have nothing to base it on. You're just making it up.
  9. Again, you can point to no facts that support that assertion and can't point to any campaign violations. Just like I said all you guys do is Screech and babble guilty guilty guilty guilty guilty without anything to base it on
  10. Translation: "You got me by the short hairs because I cant think of any facts adduced to support a fiunding that Trump is guilty of anything. You are embarrasing me by exposing my ignorance so I will screech and jabber insults". Got any facts? hahahahahah Got any law?
  11. Of course Trump is innocent, isnt he? You dont think he is innocent? What country you from? Im saying you who think he is guilty cant explain why. You just screech and yammer.
  12. Really, tell me which accountant and which witness connected Trump to the alleged falsification. I feel sort of bad for you but you just can't keep screeching over and over campaign Finance violation. Can tell us what that campaign Finance violation was? Under state law or under Federal law? What statute? What facts? Trump's guilty he's guilty he's guilty he's guilty!!!!! guilty of what? I don't know hahah
  13. You could link the indictment 300 times and still be in the position you're in now. You have no facts to support each and every element of the crime that Trump is alleged to have committed. None.
  14. No I only claim that you don't know the statute and you have no facts to support your claim that Trump is guilty of anything and therefore, you are just blowing smoke out your
  15. And again, none of you screechers can give any facts, or even the statute that was violated. How do you know the case will even go to the jury?
  16. Spoken like someone with NO knowledge of the US legal system. Just screeches of deranged elitist rage again.
  17. And what was the campaign finance violation. What statute? Who testified that Trump made the entries into the records?
  18. Still no facts. Nothing for me to get LOL
  19. How would I know, Im not in the Courtroom. Duh.
  20. What does that have to do with anyhting other than his credibility
  21. None of them do. Just invective towards even the people who stand by the constitution they seek to destroy. None of them can even lay out a crime. Ranting speeches, slurs, cartoons.....but no crime.
  22. Huh? Not President Trumps place to explain anyhting. Why shift a way from the real issue: facts supporting each and every element of the offense, which nobody has shown.
  23. What admissible evidence in court supports that? Nobody can point me to any, just make bald allegations. What's the campaign violation, that means what statute was violated? Nobody seems to know
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