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Everything posted by Yagoda

  1. OOOOrah he has a bigger gut than me, amd more dangly MOOBs! Im sexy eeeyah!
  2. When changing the oil in high end older sports cars (Porsche, Benz) I use a pump because Im changing oil every 4,ooo miles, then once a year I lube up my butt and take it to the dealership. Otherwise I use Jiffy lube. I dont go under cars, thats not in my job description.
  3. I thought the headline was about action at the Coconut Bar
  4. He would win the presidency while in prison
  5. Not to the millions in its audience. I know, I know, brainwashed rascist deplorables clinging to god and guns. What would Lenin do?
  6. All right, res ipsa loquitor so to speak, enjoy your last word LOL. Its boring trying to extract teeth from the toothless.
  7. So did you read those, or did you just skim the headlines LOL. Got a NY Times subscription so you could read that one? Got any facts from those three opinion pieces?
  8. You can point to kany facts to support that allegation. You cant even identify the underlying crime (the statute) that is involved. You are just yammering the same thing over and over like a child chanting to his security blanket. Keep making a fool of yourslef. Not one witness has put a glove on Trump. The best evidence of that is the silence of the Trumpophobics on TV, and the lack of headlines.
  9. No Im in the pool on my phone. Done scanning Trump threads to put your 2 pence in to support your obsession. Triggered. Cant wait till November hahahahah
  10. In the past 4 years, Democrats have given us Inflation, Open Borders, Weaponization of the Govt, Breakdown of Law and Order, Riots, Wars, Racism, Violence, AntiSemitism, War, International Humiliation, Corruption and Fascsim. Wake up democrats.
  11. They havent introduced any evidence at all. None. Except Trump signed the checks. Thats evidence of nothing as it applies to Trump.
  12. Understand what. This is your pathetic lot: Trump is Guilty guilty the fithy pervert criminal is guilty! Really? What did he do? Hes gulty. He did it. Whatever. WODR, you guys should be ashamaed of your ignorance. But one more time: Can you tell me what facts support each and every element of the offense for which he is being tried? No you cant. You will shout and squeal and froth and insult and bang your red out of control face on the floor like a toddler who just pooped herslf and is trying to deflect attention from the stench of herself, you will froth and scream and click emojis and roll around shouting at the top of your lungs but you CANT answer the question. Can't. Because you are either a typical Trumopophobic or those facts dont exist. Or both
  13. Like putting a man on trial on the evidence of a convicted perjurer
  14. Earpiece wont help, he will forget what he heard before he says it.
  15. Go back to the states, clearly you dont have the mental chops to live overseas.
  16. My last trip to Patts was in maybe 2005? Its not a nighlife city. There is decent food. Its just a giant brothel with good food. Bangkok is a real city with real things to do, not a ramshackle filthy russian filled open air who0rehouse peopled with dentally challenged retirees who gaze drunkenly and dazedly at the mustached ladyboys grabbing at the crotches of passing Chinese and Indian tourists who just saw a flush toilet for the first time. Its been downhill since the last beer squirt show.
  17. Possibly the highest rated TV show in USA ever. Love how the Dems are afraid of Fox News. Guess they want to toss some ratings to CNN. They need it.
  18. The one that belongs to a normal American, not a yammering frothing screaming Trumpophobic
  19. LOL, Im fine thanks for asking, a little knowledge of the system goes a long way.
  20. Hedging bets: You arent crowing and yammering hes guiltyguiltyguilty like your intellectually challenged lot. You are waiting. Because you know there arent any facts to establish guilt, you cant give any, and you are praying that the jury is just a lot of idiots who forget their duty as Americans. Like so many of you here.
  21. I I accept a jury verdict after appeal as all Americans do. You may not like it but you accept it. You won't accept it though, it'll destroy you psychologically if Trump is acquitted. You think he's guilty right now. You just hedging your bets since you've seen how I destroyed your lot by asking them to provide facts any facts, even one fact that proves Beyond A Reasonable Doubt the guilt of Donald trump. I bet you can't give me a statute that he allegedly violated that raises this matter to a felony.
  22. Here's me talking to tables. Folks not can't give any facts whatsoever to support their assertion. That means the assertions areworthless
  23. Oh but since you are convinced he is guilty surely you have some facts too demonstrate that Trump is guilty of anything.
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