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Everything posted by Yagoda

  1. Seems you havent studied much about American elections
  2. Well if its CNN.... Try Real Clear Politics. I dont read Australian News unless its about crocodiles vs boaters or snakes and spiders. Not real interested in what you do donw ther, as long as you keep doing what you are told.
  3. Really? Ya mean all these years I havent been a revolting filthy gutter crawling degenerate clam lapping chowder spewing wallowing pervert? Well probably, but at least a normal one
  4. If those numbers are right I only got 21,327 to go.
  5. Better quit typing only trumpers are supposed to be idiots that can't spell and don't know Grammer
  6. I was wondering if they have dentists in Australia
  7. We don't carry hate you for anybody. We like guys like you, we're nice to our servants. It's okay that will protect you from the Chinese like we protected you from the Japanese. Oh please excuse my poor typing, recent vision impairments and some nerve damage cause difficulties. I'm sorry that my disability causes you to insult 330 million Americans
  8. No I predicted that the Dems would figure a way to steal it. They've been doing that since Tammany Hall
  9. I wonder whos ideology is closer to Kobas. Regardless just do what your told.
  10. It's ok I understand your bitterness, your whole country jumping when you master says how high...
  11. Im willing to take that bet. Loser kisses a ladyboy on video? Wait you dont like Trump, you probably like ladyboys 🙂
  12. Medieval relic lol. Like the House of Lords? The best is going to be November 2024 when the screeching and squealing shall reach a new cacaphony of tantrumness as Biden reads the words "I pause concede."
  13. Most of the Euros and the Aussie dont understand how US elections work. They probably should since they spend so much time sucking Uncle Sams tit and after a burp, squall and tantrum about how bad the USA is. "You suck and are stupid, now give me money." Its like having a Thai wife.
  14. Bwaaaahahahahahaha. I leave it to the rest of this Board and posterity as to who tosses around the insults more here. Seems like you got 75 million targets. Drooling rednick hick brainwashed jewloving zionist antisemitic rascist christian nationalist fascist genocidal criminal nazi crooked deplorable putin lovers mysgoginist DEMENTED. Yep, the Trump supporters sure are nasty LOL.
  15. I see another lawyer here doesn't know the difference between civil and criminal contempt. Purging lol
  16. So much for discussing the law non lawyers. Love the dispassionate analysis of the case and how it applies. But then again, it's the internet and I shouldn't expect to be able to have a cogent intellectual discussion with the impaired
  17. You a lawyer from NY too? Cool, which of the appelate points would you like to discuss? You are a lawyer, you know what the points are, both sides? Its a separate issue. If the DA fails to prove Trumps guilt beyond a reasonable doubt (assuming that standard exists anymore in this Judges courtroom) the appeal of the contempt will still go through. But you knew that, right?
  18. Show us your expertise in American law and tell me why wouldn't be reversed on appeal
  19. Nice uplifting story of a decent dude doing charity being shat on by miserable misanthophic trolls who would be happy to exploit a Thai girl. The internet truly is the sewer of humanity.
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