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Everything posted by Yagoda

  1. I know folks who live there, Id have no problem living there myself and am looking at it as an option for November
  2. Its called a forward assist. Since you dont know that, I wont biother with the rest as you probably dont know the difference between WW and IMR propellants, or have any knowledge of impulse physics, chamber dimensional analysis, rifle design, etc,
  3. Yeah. Don't touch my stuff
  4. I alwys go to female IOs if I can. Im in and out in minutes
  5. Exactly. The bloodthirsty Zionists and their satanic patron, the USA, are the greatest dangers to world peace now exisiting. The solution is the utter destruction of the Zionist entity and their philosophy of world domination. Once that is achieved, the filthy zionist puppetmasters in banking and the press in the USA will be neutralized. The freedom loving peoples of Iran and Palestine will prevail in this ultimate battle against evil.
  6. Random gun violance. LOL. Do you know the random gun violence rate in the USA? Let me help you. I bet there are more gangbanger on gangbanger shootings in Chicago in a year that there are random shootings in the USA. BTW I wonder how many folks would have been stabbed if that Aussie loon was running through a Texas mall.
  7. how do you know he was a Yank
  8. Im normal sized, the seats are fine as as their service. Just their app sucks
  9. Dude you are celebrating yourself as "The Poster of the Year" on an Internet Message Board. Thats like winning an early toilet training debate between the mommy's on a park bench. How empty humanity has become.
  10. Air Asias app is not very user friendly.
  11. Ive had close calls over the years, but have been fortunate not to ever have had to publicly blow a steamer. This is something I have vowed to continue in my life, its a major goal.
  12. Some one told me its easy to change your name in the UK and get a new passport
  13. In every foreign hotel I have ever stayed at in 40 years of traveling I have had to show my passport. No biggie
  14. Wow. Clever and creative, leaving me crying in the corner in the foetal position.
  15. Half of Trumps support is merely to stick it to folks like you.
  16. Thank God we have the 2nd Amendment
  17. Chip plants, yeah they are easy to get when you give one of the richest companies in the world a billion dollars.
  18. There ya go boys and girls, the modern necophiliac left weltanshauung. Proles, you are Redundant. Obey your masters.
  19. Lets examine that: "Biden is at least steadily working for the country." He works for himself and his family. He has done nothing but represent Delaware and is now a multimillionaire. "The economy is fine" Really, thats not what the public thinks. Hows the price of gas and eggs and houses over there in say La? "Corporate greed is keeping prices higher than they should be" Thats a lie. Blatant, out and out lie. I defy you to prove your point with specific examples. You cant and wont, becasue your agenda wont admit it.
  20. Im not a furriner and your premise is laughable.
  21. He does like trolling doesnt he? He would be at home here.
  22. You mean the Linda Gordon, radical feminist and NYU Professor? hahahahahahahahah. OK, again, tell us the facts. Tell us what facts there are to demonstrate your assertion.
  23. OH OK, some dude just wrote him a bond with no cash. Got it. Hookers peed on the bead too. Nothing I say is baseless.
  24. Go a little deeper into it. The Nation? Really? Thats like taking Big Horrible Orange Monsters advice on hair care But hey, tell me exactly, from contemporaneous sources, what Freddies connection to the KKK was? Is it as well documented as Joe Kennedy's mafia connections? Sins of the father you know.
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