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Everything posted by Yagoda

  1. You a lawyer from NY too? Cool, which of the appelate points would you like to discuss? You are a lawyer, you know what the points are, both sides? Its a separate issue. If the DA fails to prove Trumps guilt beyond a reasonable doubt (assuming that standard exists anymore in this Judges courtroom) the appeal of the contempt will still go through. But you knew that, right?
  2. Show us your expertise in American law and tell me why wouldn't be reversed on appeal
  3. Nice uplifting story of a decent dude doing charity being shat on by miserable misanthophic trolls who would be happy to exploit a Thai girl. The internet truly is the sewer of humanity.
  4. No, just practical. I had no problem paying 2500 for Grab, so why should I dick the dude, I made his life better at no cost to me. There is no Grab driver alive that wont take a fat fare in cash. They wont ask though. Easiest way to get a long ride. Even better, get the luxury quote and negotiate down depending on the whip. Thus: 3500 baht? Maybe for the Benz, Ill give you 1000 dude for your Toyota, thats not luxury.
  5. Yep. Especially when fare itslef is peanuts. I recently rode a nice new Grab car to Aranyaphrayet. The way I did it was I took a 100 baht ride and once I scoped out the driver, offered him the Grab fare of 2500 cash "off the books". I was at the border 3.5 hours later, and he let us smoke weed on the way, so he had a 3000 baht ride. Plus whatever he snagged on the way back.
  6. Well there ya go. Your policy is open borders. If the policy of a closed border is a cult, what is your policy?
  7. The Welsh just gobble up faggots dont they?
  8. Better check some polls. Build that Wall. No Trannies in Womens Sports. More cops. Highjly unpopular lol
  9. MAGA is not a cult, its a set of policy proposals that most Americans agree with. Check your polls. Check your priviledge too Karen, the People will speak and you can join the resistance then
  10. If you allow only some folks to have guns, you cant stop them when they abuse their power.
  11. Dont make fun of British food, Im about to source an almost real Slappy here in Cambodia. Gods gift to cuisine
  12. Not true I love Mancunians, they say they are the only really British people anyway.
  13. In my personal ratings, Thai is at the bottom near Southwest and Jetblue. But those two daily flights to Frankfurt? 11 hours direct? Priceless for me. Get off the plane, get a room, go to an FKK, then next morning 9 hours to the USA via Iceland Air (loads of hot blondes there)
  14. You mean the most watched cable shows on the telly? Screeching and spit slobberring your side's supposed virtues does not mean you have any. Howling like an enraged hyena about your opponents unrepairable evil does not mean he is Satan. Clearly, at least as to the boob tube, there are more of them than you.
  15. They key is to not sit down in the corner and open the door of the cooler.
  16. Kazack Muslims are a different breed. They are like Azeris the Russians beat the fanatacism out of most of them. and they are Turks besides, which means they wont drink vodka during Ramadan. And they got Mongol and Slavic blood too so the babes are hot.
  17. Not silly advice. Here in Siem Reap, its very "outdoor" style in the restaurants, which means I look for the A/C places. More expensive of course.
  18. Couple of good bong rips tend to cool me down
  19. Other than Covid time, that was my rule. Until this year where I get June and July out of here.
  20. A days worth of electric is at most $5. Forgo a beer or two you sodden yobs and quit complaining you could be in Manchester, Helsinki, Minneapolis or ugggggggg *keelover* Fairbanks
  21. I have had one taxi problem in 30 plus years, sucks to be you guys
  22. I only use Samsung. IM sure they have a model
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