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Everything posted by Yagoda

  1. Its hot bro. I have to sit in the pool all day.
  2. All those accents and slang make for fun conversations. I learn something new every day. Know what a Scrappy is?
  3. Most of my Friends overseas are Brits mostly Mancunians. So anything I understand about British English comes from them. My big problem with the Mancs is that they mumble with their heads down and a little turned away from you. They tell me thats a head butt (Glasgow kiss) defense. The dudes from London all sound like BBC presenters, my Manc friends tell me thats because they learned to speak English from a guy named Jimmy Saville. Plus, they remind me that lots of folks in London arent really human, like "Gooners" and "Hammers" and that there is an area in London called Millwall where all the bestial degenerates they forgot to ship to Australia have reproduced. I have always had a problem understanding the Welsh dudes, especially when drunk. My friends say thats because they learn to talk with sheep guiding them into manhood. And then there are Geordies? is it, and supposedly they are retarded. I have trouble with Scots too, I have to use subtitles when watching Trainspotting. My friends tell me Jocks havent been truly civilized yet. And then Liverpool. I listen to some of them on footy shows and I get lost. My Manc friend told me thats because they arent speaking English but instead, a language known as Scouse, which is a seperate language born in Council Houses. He said Liverpool is not really a part of England, for example they have their own holidays like Giro Day. I get ragged to death of course, if I say I have to take a p**s, they say, where ya taking it.
  4. I will laugh like a Banshee if Trump is aquitted. I will laugh more if he is convicted and its reveresed on appeal. Hint: Molineaux Rule. Ask Harvey
  5. Heat waves are what pools are designed for, although mine is about 80 degrees.
  6. Yes it ends when it's over
  7. You havent been to Cambodia. Thats where the folks they throw out of Thailand ,or those who cant get into Thailand go.
  8. It a fact that the anti Trump crowd that are either gun haters, or unarmed. I dont worry about folks who get their knowledge of firearms from Hollywood.
  9. Your lot should know. Consistency is not a virtue of the Trumpohobics.
  10. Really. All the cabs I have taken recently were propane. I cant comment on baht busses of course because I dont ride them. Why didnt propane work.
  11. When you talk about the usefulness of electric vehicles, this is the scenario where electrics will shine. The question is will it be any better overall than propane conversions.
  12. Removal of a Grateful Dead sticker is a crime against nature.
  13. Most of the people I hang with here in Cambodia are Brits so I do have to listen to them bitch about the Tories.
  14. Always good to see improvements. Id like to see some type of skywalk down Soi 4 so that if you strike out in your efforts or are too Cheap Charlie for Nana and its 4am, you can zip down the Soi for some African action on the corner of Soi 6 without getting molested by Ladyboys in front of 7-11. Also level out the sidewalk please in front of the Greenhouse weed shop right before Margarita storm, I frequently stumble there.
  15. Russians are scum, but their chicks are hot. Adds value to club crawls in Bangkok, altho most of them suffer from GPS.
  16. Nobody knows really who you are. So how does it feel that folks are looking at your hat and beleiving that you are a red neck, slack jawed, drooling, deplorable, neonazi jew loving criminal mouth breathing hate ridden rascist ignorant brainwashed fascist christian who is a danger to the entire world because you support the Great Orange Satan? Wonder how many folks are voting for Trump just a give a hearty fy to the media/gov complex.
  17. Exactly. Citing a source for stupidity doesnt make it less stupid.
  18. Up to you. Your money. You can pay for her lesson Me, I learned along time ago some addtional rules: Retreat is cool. A real man walks away, because when you can take a life as fast as you can snap your fingers, you are excersizing a power best left to God and you better be damn right about using that power. Regardless, I would expect answers sucj as yours from the lesser trained.
  19. Where your brother sticks his dick is not an issue to most normal westerners. However, in light of your neonazi antigay avatar, Im sure you will join the rest of your compatriots in throwing him off a rooftop.
  20. Basic rules: Anyone who touches me in anger is an imminent threat to my life and will be dealt with accordingly until he or she is no longer a threat. Remember (especially for when you are answering questions, with your attorney present, after you did a Rhodesian drill on some skell): Your actions are designed to STOP the threat, not murder, beat, shoot, teach a lesson. 1. Dude came at me with a knife. He slashed at me, then when he went to run away I shot him. Although in many jurisdictions you can shoot someone to STOP the commisiion of a designated felony or to PREVENT the commision of a felony, get ready to get indicted. 2. Dude came at me with a knife. He slashed at me even as I backed away telling him to stop. I then used my firearm to stop him. Get a medal. Applied to the video. Dude wasnt justified in smacking her.
  21. Cool. More real and ersatz slinky Slav sluts in Mixx! Before Covid that was the place!
  22. Coming from a guy illiterate in the language and culture who does nothiong but make wild speculations and accusations based on his own personal hardons with the PoPo and not based on any knowledge. Anything to do with the recent Police turmoil in Thailand can only be viewed in the context of other important published news and beyond that, arcane matters that arent subject to discussion here. So its basicly a situation on topics such as this where the blind screech in the dark about things they cant and dont understand and couldnt discuss anyway even if they did, Personally, I read these threada to reinforce my judgements as to the depth of ignorance on the part of some folks here.
  23. Life is simple. Dont start fights with anyone. If someone starts getting hostile or is drunk or acting irrational, leave the area. If someone assaults, or threatens to assault you, excersize your right to self defense to the extent necessary to protect yourself and others. The third scenario is unlikely if you follow the first two rules
  24. 90% of whatever that comes out of the UN is unmitigated cow faeces
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