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Everything posted by Yagoda

  1. You mean there are fine people on both sides?
  2. You should be. I commute back and forth between Siem and BKK. How about you?
  3. Wonder how many demonstraters will be calling out to kill Jews. Thank God the USA has the 2nd Amendment
  4. I dont understand. If the Izzies are committing genocide, why arent the jets turning that line of civilians into hamburger?
  5. I knew it. Filthy Zionists inflating death counts to make the frredom loving Hamas martyrs look bad. Irony off.
  6. Bye. Another source of drivel leaving. Guess its tough when your antisemitic, anti american terrorist supporting posts dont quite make it with the crowd.
  7. I tried to respond but your point is nonsensical and indecipherable.
  8. I made my point. It works that way. Israel is using F35s btw
  9. One of my fav hangouts. Brit Man turned me on to that place a few years back and Im there a few days every week. Great place to chill and smoke some. See you there. The best High Grade smokable vegetation can be obtained at Lunar Park Bar off Concrete Road. They even have Dabs
  10. Thats a fire map, not a pollution map. Let me make it easy for you. Last February, I left my crib in Bangkok on a heavy smog day in the morning and a few hours later was enjoying blue skies in Siem Reap. Having lived in Siem during Covid, I can assure you the air is far better there. Thats one of the reasons I am moving back.
  11. Yanks support your right to babble your ignorant tripe. We reserve the right to call you out for it. Killing pesky Muslims? Well they need to : Surrender or die. Surrender? Well then the killing stops.
  12. Oh I need to reiterate something I alluded to earlier in this thread but is important for my American brothers: Israel uses US military technology including Smart Bombs. Smart bombs use loads of targeting technology. That technology means that the IDF, and the US Centcom, and the bomb manufacturer, know the target that each and every bomb is launched towards and each target hit. Thus, when the Hamas supporters here screech about genocide (with little knowledge of what the term means under International Law) because of "indiscriminate bombing" they are accusing me and you, my American brothers, of that crime too. Our boys know where the bombs are going and surely share and are involved in targeting intelligence. Thats how the US and the IDF roll. So remember that American dudes, Hamas brutally rapes, murders (including babies) and kidnaps AMERICAN CITIZENS but we are the ones guilty of genocide. Got that? Surrender or die Hamas scumbags
  13. Islamaphobia? Is this it? Hamas is a brutal, serial killing mysoginistic rapist baby killing cowardly genocidal Islamofascist terrorist organization that deserves to be wiped off the face of the earth.
  14. Far better than Thailand
  15. I dont know what the numbers are right now, Im still in Bangkok. When I was there in September, it wasnt crowded at all. The whole place was empty during Covid. That was fab. Nothing beats having Bayon to yourself.
  16. Not that this makes any difference to the anti-semitic and anti-american terrorist supporters here (a banner which they should wear proudly if they truly believed it themselves or were willing to stand proud despite the moral opprobriam their thoughts deserve), but I thought some of the more reasonable posters here would find this interesting. Its nice to see that the brutally oppressed Arab 2nd class citizens of the colonialist, fascist, neo-nazi Zionist apartheid illegitimate US Jew puppet state occupiers of Palestine have a voice. https://freebeacon.com/national-security/from-the-river-to-the-sea-arab-citizens-of-israel-say-no-thanks-to-liberation/
  17. Woke Marxist gobbledegook from some suckhole faceless apparatchik working for one of the most useless organizations ever created. Like anyone other than an antisemitic terrosit supporter cares what they say. Surrender or die, scumbags.
  18. Assuming Mossad doesnt get them. They are dead men walking.
  19. Well that's not it exactly. The exact concept is don't throw rocks at people with guns. As Hamas training provides for, it is okay to throw rocks at unarmed civilians, especially toddlers. Civilians don't shoot back, and that's a necessity
  20. Well the IDF decides haha.
  21. Well I would love to respond, but Google translate or your English teacher has made a mishmash of whatever you are trying to say. And its probably off topic anyway.
  22. 4,000 kids would be alive if the white flag went up. PS: You forgot the words "with knowledge and complicity of the United States". That makes your terrorist supporting drivel complete..
  23. Im saved, thanks, and you are American I assume, since you know whats in our minds. Your political assessment is waaaay off topic so I wont address it. Surrender or die. Save yourselves, wave the white flag.
  24. Guess it depends where you are from Mr. English Police
  25. We support surrender or die. You can call it anything you want but we and the Izzies are making the rules, and the rule is easy: Surrender or die. Easy.
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