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Everything posted by Yagoda

  1. Time for me to go full American war criminal here. Noone cares what Belgium thinks, not even the Belgians. Go make chocolate.
  2. What evidence do you need. When Hamas surrenders, no one else dies. But they wont because their Iranian paymasters wont let them. Dead Gazans are worth more to Iran than live ones.
  3. Well yeah, I hate terrorists and terrorist supporters so have no need to be nice. Besides, me and my peeps are war criminals.
  4. Nothing in that article supports the points you are making, but Im not here to educate you, nor are the likes of you amenable to education.
  5. Yeah, you can and do. Add that to your ignorance of military hardwear, tactics, the Laws of War and toss in a spice of Jew hating for your soup of hatred.
  6. Show us "the law" that supports your conclusion
  7. Illiterate is a tough one to respond to when screeched by a self styled moron. Got a legitimate source? Naw.
  8. Well Ill give you points Heinrich, you have the balls to come out with it. Note that my fellow Yanks, bumbling Joe Biden and our military are war criminals. I assume you want to eradicate all of us too.
  9. Where did you pull out that figure of 5,000 and the allegation of deliberately murdered from? I hope you wiped it off first.
  10. World opinion means nothing. Just a chance for the haters to screech
  11. Why? Pick on the Jews, but ya scared of America? Too many of us to march into gas chambers? WE sell Izrael the bombs and planes. We share targeting information. We know where their bombs are going and who the targets are. That means if the IDF is indisctimately carpet bombing innocent civilians, we are standing idly by and are letting it happen. What say you? Bet your definition of war crimes is flexible, huh
  12. We stand with Israel. What say you? Are we complicit in war crimes? Yes or no
  13. No dude I'm a bigot hater. I'm a proud American who you just accused of genocide along with our allies, the Israelis. Because, if they commit genocide, we would be complicit in it right? Now feel free to continue your goose stepping, but people will call you out for it.
  14. Do you have any reports that confirmed that the vehicle used for military purposes was in fact a civilian ambulance? Who has more of an incentive to lie? Those who fight for good or those who fight for evil? Those who is every bomb is electronically monitored, or those who blend in with the civilian population as a tactic, and sacrifice civilians as a goal? These questions are really rhetorical, since in your worldview, Jews are evil
  15. What are you the topic monitor?
  16. Sure Ill apologoze when you say you support the legimate state of Israels right to defend itself and that Hamas is a murderous terrorist organization and should be wiped out. Now if the shoe fits......
  17. Sounds like Soi Nana
  18. PP is a joke. Why go there if you can go to BKK? I have only gone there when I was forced to
  19. Why is my lifestyle a concern to you?
  20. Your terrorist supporting view is meaningless.
  21. More babies dead at the hands of Hamas. Sad. I wish the repulsive baby killing barbaric primitive women hating religious fanatic homicidal sadistic rapist terrorists would surrender, but they prefer death of even their own.
  22. Well in his mind, and the minds of his ilk, the State of Israel should be dissolved and all Jews marched into gas chambers. That stops future attacks. You can add the imposition of Sharia law throughtout the world.
  23. Technically, illegal combatants under International Law and subject to summary execution. Surrender or die, scumbags.
  24. Where does it say that? And what an I doing wrong?
  25. Bet ya dollars to donuts ya cant give us veriable IDF friendly fire casualties or anything other than minimal. But it doesnt matter to Jew/America Haters anyway
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