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Everything posted by Yagoda
Depends. How old? Armed or not? Kids can kill quite well, so ID the target and evaluate the threat. Bet there are a ton of "kids" getting shot lawfully and morally under the Laws of War. Rules of Life 33.5 (a). Carrying weapons in war zones can get ya shot.
LOL....look who is taking the moral high ground. Im just an everyday Yank, kill one of us and as far as I am concerned, turn the perps base of operations into a glass parking lot. Bomb them back into the stone age. Peace through Superior Firepower. You think I give a hoot about being called names by you lot?
As if the Israelis care. Haters will hate, we in the USA will cheer israel on
Sorry. Technicly it is English, albiet legal English. Here is a summary, its a bit more complex but for a definition... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tu_quoque_defense#:~:text=The tu quoque defense (Latin,an eye for an eye".
Tu quoque has been a specialty of certain political stripe since the IMT.
Tough to make profound and thought provoking contributions to folk whose raison d'etre is generally a hate ridden stew of Islamofascism, The Protocols, Ostara and fashionable so called anti rascist and anticolonial theories seasoned with a soupcon of US hating (thats very fashionable) and Marxism. Its like a Flat Earth folks party. Dont even think about discussing astronomy with them. Or even better, it would be like talking to Greta Thunberg about climate
How about this evaluation. Puts it all in perspective. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12629243/raised-curse-israel-pray-destruction-jews-AYAAN-HIRSI-ALI-Hamas-ISIS.html
The stated goal of Hamas is the extermination of the jews. What say you to that? Have any Palestinian leaders a disavowed that goal? What say you to that? Outing in progress.
Im not debating anything with Jew Haters and could care less what he says. And you too for that matter. You were outed pages ago. Better the Israelis take the casualties than us. Go boys go!
There are American dead and American hostages. The USA gets its money worth out of Israel. Ask any Fighter pilot.
PS: Hamas killed your fellow Americans and are holding a Utahan hostage. Care about that? Naw, lets speculate on dual loyalty. Outed, outed, outed. Ill take this one step further: If you are an American and you arent applauding the Izzies, you are a Jew hater. Real Americans stand with their own. Dont kill our citizens. Lets thank the IDF for doing our light work.
Nope. We don't.
Thats the Rules of War, its splitting hairs I agree but war is hell.. Don't start wars, especially one you cant win. And I am only discounting babies as collateral damage because unfortunately, they have been placed in the field of fire by Hamas. Im sure we will have pages now discussing that fact. PS: 25 Americans dead, clearly you arent a Yank. Go Israel go.
And Americans too. Never forget that. They will kill us with glee. They have.
No you proved one of mine. The mere fact that a person may have a Jewish name doesnt mean that he or she is working for Israel against the world. The fact that you even suspect that proves my point. They all dont stick together against the goyim, depsite what you may read.
Unfortunately, the psychological (they are set forth in the DSM) and intellectual deficiencies of the Jew Hater are beyond the scope of this topic. Wherever you find a thread in a discussion board about Israel, they pop up because thats their life, got to broadcast that Jew hatred. Comments on News Articles are just as bad, with all the coded words gleaned from 100 years of conspiracy theory and Stormfront. Politics make it worse, because Israel is a symbol of the capitalist west, an alliance of two of the most murderous ideologies (Marxism/Naziism) with Islamonaziis. The anonymous nature of the net permits this, because in polite society one generally keeps ones mouth shut, unless one doesnt care what normal, decent human beings think. Here in the USA, blatant Jew Hating is like 11 losers standing around Siegheiling, or convicts with Swastika, or privileged students shocking Mommy and Daddy, or the Islamonazis spitting in the face of the country that lets them act like fools. Im a good old American boy. Jew haters or indeed any criminals don't scare me, thats what carry permits are for. To me, I could care less what the Izzies do, thats not my country or my people. On the other hand, 25 Americans are dead and a bunch are being held hostages. I myself, a person that lives most of the time in SE Asia, wants to know my government will protect me. I dont want to be fair game. Thus, as far as I am concerned, we, the USA, should send in the Marines so to speak. That includes Iran. End this bull<deleted> in this part of the world. You don't mess with American citizens. The Shores of Tripoli, redux War is hell. Don't start one. PS: Ask the Terrorist apologists here if they think the Jews have too much influence in the world, not that they would answer honestly since your basic Jew Hater is usually a coward.
None of those posts call for killing ALL Muslims, just some of them. The ones in Gaza. Even if they are atheist. I wouldn't want that for my Muslim family members who live elsewhere.
Geopoliticaly, Syria is nothing a few airstrikes cant fix. Saudia Arabia will pay lip service, they need Israel more than Hamas. Egypt is a basket case. So is Iraq. Turkiye? Can you say Pan Turkism? 1/3 of Iran becomes part of Azerbaijan, the rump Persian part is defanged. Then the Turks can solve the Kurdish problem as part of Iran becomes autonomous Kurdish. The key to Middle East peace is Turkiye, Israel, Azerbaijan, Saudis and the Kurds. Unfortunately, Arab civilians are gonna take the hit as the Izraeli clean out the terrorists. Dont be surprised if Dubai cleans out their Hamas. They are bad for business.
More like something that comes from someone completely clueless as to history and international relations, but hey YMMV.
That statement is so nonsensical as to render me speechless.
The title under your username
Sure they have enough women and children for human Shields.
Waaaaah *sobsobsob*. War is hell, so dont start one. Oh btw, how do you know they are residential areas. How do you know there arent missles being fired from there? As everyone knows, your basic Jihadi is a coward who hides behind women and children and only likes targets that dont shoot back.