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Everything posted by Yagoda

  1. Wow. That sounds hot! You must have found your soul mate in me. My place or yours big boy?
  2. Ive changed my mind. The bloodthisty Zionists, with their outsized bought and paid for influence on the West, especially the United States, the Great Oppressor of the legitimate aspirations of indiginous and other marginalized peoples, have brutally tortured the Palestinian people after stealing their land and making them serfs in their own country under fascist Jew overseers. The brave Martyrs of Ocober 7, legitmately enraged by the genocidal actions of the Jew torturers, struck out against their oppressors in self defense. In return, the Zionists began a campaign of terror against the innocent citizens of Gaza, specifically directed against women and children to break the morale of our brave fighters and allies who shall continue to seek liberation from the River to the Sea by eliminating genocidal Zionists and their illegitmate puppet colonialist state. Guess that sums it up from the good guys, right? Gimme a thumbs up if you agree.
  3. and anti semites.
  4. Well dude, when you hit my age (70s), and as an American, you continue your longstanding tradition of not caring about the background of your friends. After all, in my world, there are two types of folks, Yanks and Not Yanks. Now some of my best friends arent Yanks, but Im ecumenical. That being said, in this instance, there are two types of people in my world. Folks that stand with the good old USA against terrorism, antisemitism, neo nazism, anti Americanism and those that don't. Remember, this wasnt just an attack on Israel, but an attack on US citizens too
  5. I havent threatened you LOL. In my mileau, there arent threats. On the other hand, your ideology is a threat to my fellow Americans.
  6. Well you can see yourself as part of that, but many of us see you gleefully dancing on the graves of murdered jews. And hoping for more, like your "humanitarian" allies.
  7. No he means the terrorist support, Israel hating, America hating left wing socialist/communist/leninist west hating murderous antisemites that have rotted the Democrat Party from within. Not my Daddy's Democratic Party
  8. No, if you are an antisemite, I will out you. Others can decide whether I am right.
  9. Many a truth is said in jest.
  10. Nothing but intentional ignorance to cloud the discussion. Enjoy. Almost as antisemitic as Labour.
  11. Yeah. They did. Their reasons are generalized Jew Hatred and hatred of the West as well as the primitive barbarism of their culture. Islam has been at war against non Muslims since its inception.
  12. Some of my best friends......... Outed even more.
  13. The planet where he is carrying banners and shouting too.
  14. Well it isnt the Political right marching through the streets screaming kill the Jews. Looks like some of those preprinted signs are done up by such popular organizations as the "Democratic Socialists" and their Leninist ilk. So who is spouting nonsense now?
  15. I see that concepts like irony are beyond you. If you think the western press is totally pro Israel, you dont get out much.
  16. More anti western anti semitic propaganda from murderous terrorists. Its like getting information on current events in 1942 from the Volkischer Beobachter.
  17. Iran would last a week and other than the anti american, anti semitic left, America waould applaud.
  18. War is hell, dont start one. Could be worse, they could be fighting Russians.
  19. Sure they can. In fact, I give them points for patience.
  20. Damn. I Didnt know the outback was so full of Jew haters. Do you get upset when you see statues of Sir Jonh Monash?
  21. You both are also steeped in religious/cultural anti semitism
  22. LOL mate that wasnt directed at you LOL
  23. Soemone else briught up Donny. Im giving my opinion as an American, not a rant. But thanks for your jr. mod help.
  24. Not this American. Id bomb them all back into the stone age, starting with Tehran. Awww, what a war criminal yahoo barbaric etc American I am. Yep. But human life means nothing to these scumbags except a chance for them to whine about it when they get their butts kicked. Every civilian death is now on their heads. Surrender or die. No different than Germany or Japan. Folks dont like that, o well. And with that, back to your regularly scheduled Jew hating and terrorist supporting.
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