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Everything posted by Yagoda

  1. Sure they have enough women and children for human Shields.
  2. Waaaaah *sobsobsob*. War is hell, so dont start one. Oh btw, how do you know they are residential areas. How do you know there arent missles being fired from there? As everyone knows, your basic Jihadi is a coward who hides behind women and children and only likes targets that dont shoot back.
  3. It isnt. As far as I am concerned, Hamas is a terrorist organization that must be elimated by all means. Support, in any fashion whatsoever, means that one supports the terrorist organization whose avowed end is the murder of all jews. Thats fine with me. That allows me to guage, in some small part, the level of Jew hatred out there. Its funny that Hamas supporters dont have the cojones to just broadcast their hatred of Jews, even from the anonymity of Mommy's basement. Way to show courage. Like guys with AKs who shoot down harmless civilians and call themselves freedom fighters. So this thread has been instructive to all of us Im sure. The jew haters hide behind their selective interpretation of facts and history, intead of just bravely saying, Yeah, I hate the jews. Id respect them more if they said that. Me, I proudly voice my opinion. Hamas killed US citizens, therefore they should be wiped off the map. Send in US troops if necessary. Iran assisted them, the Mullahs and their military should be next. Its war and collateral damage happens. Its for the better good.
  4. The epithet Zionist is used by Jew Haters. Thanks for outing.
  5. He didn't call Arabs scum, he called terrorists scum.
  6. Arab terrorists are generally cowards who attack women and children, blow up passenger planes, rape and murder girls, etc. I'm sure some neo nazi here will dispute that.
  7. Any person dumb enough to throw rocks at armed soldiers...well..Darwin. I feel bad for Abdul's Nona, too bad Hamas killed her by putting their missles in the apartment across the hall. Bet the folks in Gaza will be glad when Hamas is gone. Keep trying though.
  8. No problem. Very sportsmanlike of you to acknowledge your defeat and I appreciate the compliment. So perhaps now we can discuss the future after Hamas is gone. Im sort of a modified Marshall plan dude myself. The Izzies will break it, so they need to fix it.. Feel free to contibute any ideas you have even if you feel they are intellectually insufficient.
  9. Guess I won.
  10. Have you to courage to admit that one has nothing to do with the other. Are you saying the world needs Hamas? Are you saying that opposing Hamas is bad? Are you one of the dudes jumping around and cheering videos of beheaded babies?
  11. We did it to the Japanese and Germans and I have no problem for the Izzys doing it to Gaza. We flattened Leipzig and Tokyo and the Germans learned their lesson. And no, the world would hitch indeed without those arrogant Izzies. Our military wouldnt be happy, nor would global science and medicine. And whos gonna turn Saudi Arabia into the Country of the Future? The Gazans? After Gaza gets flattened, turn to Iran. Bet Aliyev's Israeli advisors are happily pointing out the new borders of Azerbaijan, where gals dont need hijabs and you can buy beer. Personally, I get a kick out of how worked up folks get over Israel and the Joooos. Its an obsession.
  12. Well to some, beheading infants, taking hostages, and slaughtering unarmed civilians is acceptable as long as the victims are Jews. THe world will spin very nicely without Hamas, or even Gaza.
  13. Bye. Take it a step back further The Israelis put a stop to the Ottomans stealing Arab Land that was stolen from the Christians who inherited it after the Romans conquered it. The conquering of land is only bad if you dont like the folks doing it.
  14. Only 140? Have a ways to go then for payback. Nits make lice as the Jew haters say. Go Izzys go, whats good for the goose is good for the gander. Slaughter them until they cry Uncle like the USA did to the Japanese and Germans. They are good folks now aren't they, all the foolishness got beat out of them.
  15. Strain names are usually made up randomly, and folks in Great Britain don't know what good weed is unless they leave Great Britain.
  16. The problem is the naming conventions. I think all of these folks just pick names out of a hat, have AI write an effects blurb and make up a THC number. Further a lot depends on the smoker. I started in 1968 and have forotten more about weed that most people will ever know. It would be illegal in some states to cremate me because of peotential contact high. Like most Americans, I dont smoke mixed with tobacco, ever. If you are a mixer, your evaluation of effects will differ from mine. Recently had a fellow seeking our custom sample us with a few different strains. All were 100B (kilo lots). Half of them (like 5) were actually worth smoking in terms of colour, stickiness, moisure content and aroma. Of these, I found all of them to be adequate to give me a buzz (which means a decent THC content). On the other hand, I grabbed one of my Khmer boys who is a chronic mixer smoker and bonged him with one of the nice tasting ones and I made his eyeballs roll back. But the weed is nothing better that what can be obtained for 30B, to my eye and brain. Although I really dont have pay for weed myself, I do like to taste different things so spring here and there for a few grams. I generally look for a place that is off the beaten path a bit (cheaper overhead for the seller) and where a Yank or Thai stoner is involved as an owner. I need to sniff and smell and if you want me to come back, dont be jerking me off on a sample or a gram. I have my own one hitter at all times and if you think your <deleted> is special, give me a pinch and Ill suck it down. Some places I have been happy with: Fat Buds Weed Shop in Soi 65, Happy Cannabis in Bang Sue, Pepes Ganja Club in Makkasan and Neverland in Chatuchak. My mate has a place somewhere in On Nut that has some fabulous stuff at cheap prices, especially 'cuz its free for me when he buys it. The Nepalese kid on the corner of Soi Arab and Sukhumvit has decent Moon Rocks, you can deal with him he speaks English I wont buy sight unseen from anybody I havent dealt with before. I wont smoke anything that is not top shelf..to me. 250b per g in small quantities is what I pay for what I consider top shelf, retail, and .90-$2 wholesale. PS: there is a ton of Chagra being advertised, a lot of it is total <deleted>.
  17. Thanks for the link. Hes got some good stuff, but I like the understated Ooze line.....
  18. Trying to find any portable wax/dab vaporizer here is an excersize in futilty.
  19. Geez stoner, all that effort just for little old me. Now all the dab talk got me excited, time for the torch. Im old school in that regard. Incidently Mr. "Dab Artist", know where I can get Oooze 510 size quartz burners or some other portable dabber without paying some stupid price?
  20. I didnt know falang could own an agricultural company. Learn something new every day. Put it back in your pants mate, Im not interested in going into measurements over dabs now. What are you going to tell me from a pic anyway and what does it matter?
  21. Something was going on in the Nana Hotel. It was cool to be smoking a doobie and watching all the cops and ambulances fighting the traffic and crowds. Sex Touris heart attack?
  22. Dude saying you can tell how much THC is in a piece of weed by looking at a bad photo of a bud in a bag is like telling us that Joe Biden is honest. So how much would you pay for it? Thats a lovely photo. I see them all over the net, in fact it looks exactly like some big growers product. But hey, lets not get diverted with picture sources, neh. Anyway, with all due respect, I get the impression you are shoestring connected to some Thai who has a farm and you want to show us your expertise in order to drum up business. Thats fine, play the expert, but you arent fooling folks who are dedicated long term American stoners/growers. And its not "your" farm is it, that would be frowned upon. Your best bet in marketing is not diss other peoples choices. But hey no biggie to me, I'm not in the industry in the USA anymore. Im primarly a dabber on those days I need to be a sloth, and on the days I have to function I smoke whatever weed I can find that is cheap and tasty. Tasty is the key, since there is no weed in the world that will make me say, wow, thats good, Im so high, etc. It has to taste right to my palate. In fact, these days, I am mostly smoking Nepalese Hash just for the taste and nice relaxing high and because its sooo cheap for me. Im going to reiterate a point I may have made, if not, here it is: Top Shelf, Grade AAAA, THC 35%, body buzz, fruity taste, all of the marketing words and effects description are meaningless. You can knock a rookie out with bunk weed while an expert wont even catch more than a mild buzz. Some folks might taste the blueberries with notes of mung bean, others may choke. Im my prime, I could drink a whole bottle of vodka over the course of a night and not die, how about you. Nowadays, one drink makes me giggly. Its all about the consumer. Last week, I took a new dab strain that was quite potent (even to me) and put a semi rookie on the floor with it. He just slid off his seat. Me, I can still function. Is that top shelf dab then? Its a plant. Its like a BJ, some are better than others, but there aint no bad ones But here, enlighten us then as to the following picture of a bud in my hand. Just tell us about it. How much THC is in it? What grade is it? AA AAA A Mid, TopShelf, Exotic, Premium? Anyway, this is getting boring. Too much dick measuring over a plant. For newbies to the weed scene in Thailand, here is gratuitous advice from just a person with no chips in the game here. You should note that the industry is new, and many shops are simply arms of a big faceless corporation, think like MedMen in Cali. Others are fly by night Instagrammers or tourist tables selling crap to Asian weed tourists, although the Nepalese kid on the corner of Soi Arab has some nice Moon Rocks. If you are here as a tourist or even as a long termer and you are down in Falang-Land, try Fat Buds (?) in Ekkamai, there is an American dude there whose wife owns it. Thai Cannabis Club has decent pricing and lots of locations. Great for smoking and people watching. There is a place in Phra Kanong, that has quality product at a decent price. Happy Cannabis in Bang Pho has great deals and you deal with the owner, not an employee. But any independent shop off the main drag will work with you. Go in, buy a gram, you like it, cut a deal. Remember COGS, the fancier decorated shops charge more. When I see a shop I havent seen before, I walk in and check it out. Something looks and smells good, well buy a gram then. Ill do that even when I have a stash in my pocket (and the weed and dabs I smoke are usually free, I buy random anyway). Gram is good then cut a deal. No deal? Later bro. YMMV if you are from Europe where the quality is less and the costs are higher, and you mix it with tobacco, ugg, you can buy the table bricks ????
  23. Care to wager at that then? We can meet at a restaurant, with you having cash in hand, and you can pick a random person to test the frozen steak I provide. If the random person says it is good.... Would $1,000 USD be a fair bet? Why folks argue over things like steak and weed is beyond me.
  24. Are you a grower too? Where do you get your numbers? What are your numbers based on? The cost of electric, seeeds, water, lights, bags, labor, hey dont forget all our cell phones and my Mercedes lease? I bet a lot of legit growers lose tons of money in the USA on each gram, especially the first few years when one expenses outright things like the Porsche with the weed patterned wrap (that the CPA peels off after he takes the photo to prove advertising cost). I dont quite understand why folks are arguing here. Did I offend somebody's sensibilities because I know about 30b quality weed in kilo lots? Hell, Mr. Brit Man showed you 50baht weed and you dont need to buy kilos. Whats the response? Oh its not top shelf.. But I know him and he is a weed maven and himself grows excellent weed. By the way, in determining "top shelf": How do you make your daily judgements in life, from pictures? If I did that, my fat ugly chick surprise ratio would be enormous. I recognize of course, that a picture of clear utter grossness is enough sometimes, one wouldnt send a message to a potential date that looked like Hillary Clinton would one? Just like one wouldnt even consider brick weed based on the picture of same. So I inviter any of the experts here to look at these pics, tell me is it top shelf in your opinion? How much did I pay for it then? How much would you pay for it? Is it a Sativa, Indica or hybrid? Crickets I bet.
  25. Have you smoked it? If you havent, then how can you say that? Maybe its AAA or exotic or some other label some marketing guru made it. Each smoker decides whats top shelf. Who is a "master grower"? When some wierd stoner going for his Doc in plant genetics grows a five foot bud that is pretty and tasty and hardy, is he a "master grower"? How bout the Mexican dude grwing a commercial green house of Durban poison for 20 years, is he a Master? Is there like some Master Grower society we dont know about? It's A Plant. Not rocket science. A rose by any other name and all that.
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