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Everything posted by Yagoda

  1. You are right. Hamas freedom fighters were merely acting in self defense and in the interests of their people. Guess you and your fellow Hamas lovers would agree that in light of history, each and every Jew has the right to slaughter Catholics, Germans, Egyptians (slaves in Egypt), Iranians and Hamas apologists. NOne of those self defense acts would not occur in a vacuum. From the Rivers to the Sea, Anti semites will die horribly!
  2. He wasnt. They have all outed thremselves here.
  3. Well since, unlike you, I am not supporter of murderous anti semitism, Ill jst call them terrorists.
  4. That includes convicted terrorists or murderers I assume?
  5. Wishful thinking then?
  6. One of your heroes, you share the same world view about the Jews
  7. Wow. Five ex cons having the guts to parade their hate openly in a well armed state loaded with armed Jews What a threat. The threat to Jews and indeed, to our Western life comes from the left. Remember it's National Socialism. And Trump never said that in the context you refer to, typical of your ilk in still repeating that he did.
  8. They can't help themselves. I'm sure that under different names, half of the anti-semites here, if not more, are out posting on other boards about evil Israel. It's an obsession and a mental illness. The best part is that a super computer in an anonymous windowless building somewhere is sorting through social media and message boards to keep tabs on the homicidal extremists. Outing is great.
  9. So you admit that Hamas is deliberately trying to increase their own civilian casualties, or that they don't care about it, it's all in their plan. Scumbags. Filthy, homicidal scumbags that need to be eradicated.
  10. "9/11 thing". Can't even bring yourself to call it what it was.
  11. Hamas supporters have a bad habit of admiring Hitler.
  12. To kill Jews. That's their stated goal. If I was back in the States and heard someone screaming pro Hamas anti semtic and anti American crap in my neighborhood, I'd grab my 1911 just in case. Because Hamas are dangerous murderers and folks that support them are dangerous as well.
  13. Where are the Jews running through the airport screaming for the heads of Random muslims? Where are the Jews parading through the streets calling for the death of muslims? Where are the Jewish college students screaming for their heads of their fellow Muslim Students? Where are the Americans dancing in the streets and cheering the death of muslims, like the poor innocent Gazans did after 9/11? My big biatch is that we, the USA, haven't been harsh enough on these terrorist scumbags and their apologists. At least the Izzys have some balls and never forget, as Herbie Cukurs realized at the last minute. Nothing stops antisemitism better than the defensive elimination of the antisemite.
  14. You are what you are, thats the substance. I dont really argue with your lot, other than to out them.
  15. Notice the combination of anti Semitism and anti americanism.
  16. Start a war, then whine about your opponents actions after you lose. But, but, but, but, what about this, what about that, you did it too,we were provoked, sob sob sob. My position as an American is easy and based on law and morals. Utilize or threaten deady force and I am entitled to use such force as I reasonably deem necessary to end the threat or actions. If you chose to involve innocents, like hiding behind them and they are accidently killed or injured, its your fault, not mine. Hamas started shooting, now they will pay the price. Easy solution to the unavoidable civilian casualties that Hamas apparently doesnt care about (even though their neo nazi and anti semitic allies harp on those) is unconditional surrender.
  17. 88 in the user name too. Outed.
  18. As many it takes. Square is not the goal. The goal is surrender.
  19. He cant quarrel with the fact that the "kid" with the stones brought it on himself, lawfully and morally.. Someone threatens me with a weapon? Race creed colour religion sex or age, bye.
  20. That's a young man with a sling. Every normal person knows that. Only jew haters dont.
  21. I don't deal in hypothetical scenarios cleverly worded to establish anti semitic propaganda. At least you agree that stone boy deserved his bullet.
  22. Well personally, if some homicidal genocidal misogynistic fanatic terrorist was getting ready to deploy a weapon at me, Id put one in his center of mass. I leave the Kumbayas to you.
  23. Because it wouldnt support your narrative. You were outed pages ago.
  24. Intellectual dishonesty.
  25. Then clearly you know nothing of Opsec. Even if you did you wouldnt mention it.
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