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Everything posted by Yagoda

  1. Are you a grower too? Where do you get your numbers? What are your numbers based on? The cost of electric, seeeds, water, lights, bags, labor, hey dont forget all our cell phones and my Mercedes lease? I bet a lot of legit growers lose tons of money in the USA on each gram, especially the first few years when one expenses outright things like the Porsche with the weed patterned wrap (that the CPA peels off after he takes the photo to prove advertising cost). I dont quite understand why folks are arguing here. Did I offend somebody's sensibilities because I know about 30b quality weed in kilo lots? Hell, Mr. Brit Man showed you 50baht weed and you dont need to buy kilos. Whats the response? Oh its not top shelf.. But I know him and he is a weed maven and himself grows excellent weed. By the way, in determining "top shelf": How do you make your daily judgements in life, from pictures? If I did that, my fat ugly chick surprise ratio would be enormous. I recognize of course, that a picture of clear utter grossness is enough sometimes, one wouldnt send a message to a potential date that looked like Hillary Clinton would one? Just like one wouldnt even consider brick weed based on the picture of same. So I inviter any of the experts here to look at these pics, tell me is it top shelf in your opinion? How much did I pay for it then? How much would you pay for it? Is it a Sativa, Indica or hybrid? Crickets I bet.
  2. Have you smoked it? If you havent, then how can you say that? Maybe its AAA or exotic or some other label some marketing guru made it. Each smoker decides whats top shelf. Who is a "master grower"? When some wierd stoner going for his Doc in plant genetics grows a five foot bud that is pretty and tasty and hardy, is he a "master grower"? How bout the Mexican dude grwing a commercial green house of Durban poison for 20 years, is he a Master? Is there like some Master Grower society we dont know about? It's A Plant. Not rocket science. A rose by any other name and all that.
  3. Yes and its all good mate, but hey, back to retail: FatBoys down in Ekkamai has great prices on weed in 25g quantities, good place. Maybe 200g? Talk to the dude from Chicago.. The White Wedding was a nice smoke. Happy Cannabis in Bang Pho has great pricing. You can work the woner there and he gets some decent strains. The young man on the corner of Soi Arab and Sukhumvit has Moon Rocks at like 150B.
  4. Post a pic? What are you looking for, tight buds, frosties, macro photos? It looks like that posed by BritMan. Its all about the smoke tho, innit? And how do you know the grower is barely breaking even? If you are an established, experienced and set up grower and not making a profit at 30B then maybe you need to evaluate your operation. As to top shelf, I should have clarified my original post. Top grade flower is a marketing tool. In the states, they run the lab tests and whatever shows the most THC is marketed as top shelf. But its a plant. Yes, THC levels are important but at the amounts in flower its the entire chemical profile combined with the users experience level for one to really evaluate "top shelf". However, the production of "top shelf" (high THC levels) will entail higher production costs for reasons that all growers know, which adds to the wholesale costs of "top shelf", where the only difference is newness, fancy names, and a few points of THC percentage. Thats in the States. They don't do lab tests here. They make up names. They use autoflower. So who is to consider what is "topshelf"? I have been smoking weed since 1968. I have run through every Weed shop up and down Sukhumvit and Khao San and elsewhere. I have had "topshelf" experiences on cheap weed and meh on expensive and not to often vice versa. My fav strains in the USA arent considered "topshelf" to the marketing gurus, but I smoke 24/7 and my user experience is different than yours. The only thing that anchors me to the couch anymore are the pure Rosins we get in Cambodia. The best analogy for weed is vodka. You got rot gut (compressed brick) and everything else. Its all good.
  5. Yes I do. Thats the fresh harvest wholesale cost for regular high grade, two kilo lots. Genetic exotics will be more, but for what I want, the .regular high grade is fine. Cured it is an excellent smoke, processed correctly its paralyzing. By high grade I mean the USA dispensary strains that retail in the $10 ish gram range. I can get local indoor grown equivalent here retail for $6 ish by the gram (150B). The folks in my world arent ayone and we all do fine.
  6. Top shelf should be around 30 baht a gram wholesale.
  7. No decent dab is made of brick weed. Most dab mavens I know wont even smoke chemical extractions. I know I wont.
  8. I got a sample of Tropical Punch from the Brit Man, along with a sample of Bubble Gummer. Looking first at the Tropical Punch, let me note that I have 50 plus years of a relationship with the Devils Lettuce, and at this point in my life, there is a note in my med file warning aginst cremation for non smokers. The buds Brit send are nicely coloured and have a sweeter, non dank aroma. Under magnification, it shows nice crystals. One hitting it in my clean bong with water on arising in the morning gives me a nice mellow buzz with far less choking than say, for example, Moon Rocks. Two hits give me a nice mellow, almost on the edge of couch potato. I would rank this bud to be a honest equivalent to the basic old reliable daily use strains in the USA which sell for in and $200 oz in an East Coast legal store. Its tasty and nicely cured. Good job Mate
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