Are you a grower too? Where do you get your numbers? What are your numbers based on? The cost of electric, seeeds, water, lights, bags, labor, hey dont forget all our cell phones and my Mercedes lease? I bet a lot of legit growers lose tons of money in the USA on each gram, especially the first few years when one expenses outright things like the Porsche with the weed patterned wrap (that the CPA peels off after he takes the photo to prove advertising cost).
I dont quite understand why folks are arguing here. Did I offend somebody's sensibilities because I know about 30b quality weed in kilo lots? Hell, Mr. Brit Man showed you 50baht weed and you dont need to buy kilos. Whats the response? Oh its not top shelf.. But I know him and he is a weed maven and himself grows excellent weed.
By the way, in determining "top shelf": How do you make your daily judgements in life, from pictures? If I did that, my fat ugly chick surprise ratio would be enormous. I recognize of course, that a picture of clear utter grossness is enough sometimes, one wouldnt send a message to a potential date that looked like Hillary Clinton would one? Just like one wouldnt even consider brick weed based on the picture of same.
So I inviter any of the experts here to look at these pics, tell me is it top shelf in your opinion? How much did I pay for it then? How much would you pay for it? Is it a Sativa, Indica or hybrid?
Crickets I bet.