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Everything posted by Yagoda

  1. Yes I misphrased that. Its more like 60% are dilletantes, 40% are "pros". I just usually judge by how often I see them over the course of a year or so. Some of the girls I recognize as being there for more than 5 years. Here: If you go to Thermae, take your clockwise walk. On the RIGHT side as you enter (ie the end of your walk), across from the pole where you go into the middle bar, might be a short skinny girl with a tiny petite body, short blonde hair and a face that could scare her own mother. In fact, she looks like her mother who was a fixture in the Thermae for years. Turned her own kid out she did and they were doing mother daughter action. Her mother was very ugly, face like a deformed clown. Anyway daughter now is still there 7 years on and rumour has it that she is the best. Shes too ugly for me, even thoughn she is a total spinner, but I wish one of you would take one for the team and let me know.
  2. You need to stop getting your purported knowledge of world events and the USA from your Hamas Fanboy comic books.
  3. Here is a blast from the past. Anyone ever been to Woodstock, used to be in the top corner of Nana? How about Tahitian Queen in Pattaya?
  4. In your dreams . 70% of the worlds population LOL Doesnt matter, for, (and apologies to Hillaire Belloc) Whatever happens, we have got The B-52, and they have not.
  5. You Tube. Right. But there are 95% asian males. The girls however dont go there prior to hitting the clubs because there isnt any market in the clubs. They work even after closing. And when Thermae closes, you can pick one up outside as long as you are savvy enough to cull out the passable ladyboys (not allowed in bar though). And they dont ask 5,000 for a date. I daresay you have never been there. It used to have more of a party atmosphere. Its more staind now, but so am I. I was smashing 18 year olds there 30 years ago with a bellyfull a booze, now 30 years later Im still smashing 18 year olds out of there, but now Im sober. Time marches on. 30ish years as I recall, but when I go there next month Ill ask the Boss if he is there. For those of you who recall the place but havent been there in years, yes he is still there, in ill health a bit and always behind the desk, but he still comes in a few days a week.
  6. Didnt know they sold fakes in California dispensaries. I use the one by the airport, myself
  7. Cool. Drive it back underground so prices drop, although here in the KOW I am already smoking nice smooth Mandarin Cookies from Thailand at $2 a gram. I think Ill hit my Disposible vape from Cailifornia. Once the bell is rung, it cant be unrung.
  8. I hate folks that push past me, few years back a Chinaman try to shove past me on the ramp to the Orange Flag boat so I gva him a hip check and almost dumped him in the river. The Thais loved it.
  9. The rear entrance closed about 10 years ago. Its been known as Thermae for 40 years.
  10. Seems you dont know how this whorehouse works. When was the last time you graced the premises? I was there last month. But Im not going to argue with you, you probably are a Patts guy. For the culture of course. So note to newbies and researchers: Thermae is a Bar under the Ruamchitt hotel that has been present at its present location for just about 30 years. Before that it was at a different location during Viet Nam. The way it works is, you enter, turn left to buy a drink, then walk clockwise around the center bar where as many as 100 ladies stand around waiting for Mr. Right. About 60% are part timers or freelancers. They pay an entrance fee, and then a commision per customer. They have assigned areas in the bar. They come and go as they please. They get discounts on food and beverage, plus a few baht everytime a dude buys them a drink. You just approach a girl and work your wiles. Usually 2500 short time. Up till 2000 ish, it was a Western Playground, then it became a playground for the Japanese, now its Koreans and Chinese. Frequently, Im the only white guy in the place, which is good because if there are a load of Chinese, I stand out because the girls dont like on Chinese except as to how fast they can get rid of them after they collect double what they charge me. Drinks are cheap, the food is OK, the staff (towards me at least) are friendly and there are gals of all shapes, ages and sizes ready to make your night happy. Its not a "party" place anymore and thats because the Chinese dont party. The Japanese used to have some wild times in there. If you want to drink with gilrs, just buy them drinks. Black non Americans: you arent getting any, they are afraid of you. Black Americans: They will be nicer to you but not by much. Indians: a few girls will go with you, but a lot will just reject you. Essentially, the place is for Asian and White guys. Young Westerners may have trouble. I was there one night with a bunch of young Cowboys from the US who were getting rejected left and right and they were whining about their lack of success. My response: dudes you are 6 foot tall young muscleboys from the Dakotas, nonee of these girls want you wearing it out. So older guys and Asians who are perceived as being weak, rich and quick do best. Its a buyers market by the way. If you are white, dont waste your time on the girls dressed like K-pop girls, they are there for the Asian crowd. Its a fab place and an instituition. I was last there a month ago where I luckily grabbed Fa, a slinky 25 year old that was so.....never mind. Oh its a great place to watch football too.
  11. I think you are right. Dont forget the Grace Coffee shop.
  12. I've been going there since it moved to this location Going on 30 years now, but it's still fun for me. I score every time I go in and I get treated like a king, probably because the same guys have been seeing my ugly face for so long. Most of the westerners now avoid because of the unfounded rumors that it's been taken over by the asians. While they get the most attention from the girls because of the 3-3-3 rule, they don't ignore handsome, cute and sexy farang like me. To a great extent, the fear of the place on the part of westerners now only benefits guys like me. Stay away boys it's not for you
  13. We are all gonna die and I would rather go with a belly full of prime rib and fois gras while smashing a slinky 18 year old, vis a vis doing the chest clutch with a mouthful of kale slurpee while paying pickleball with my 65 year old wife whose ass reminds me of the cottage cheese I had for my last breakfast. After a certain age, the bowling ball under the golf shirt is a partying badge.
  14. He will be reelected. Then what ya gonna do
  15. I sort of figured there was an issue involved
  16. Dude its a unique style brothel from the days of Vietnam. Why do folks go to brothels?
  17. Ditch your Thai Visa. Buy a Cambodian Visa. Go back and forth as you chose. My plan is to spend prime time in Thailand (Nov and December) then coma and go as I feel like it the rest of the year.
  18. I forgot to mention, I think its the Sheraton that has the little fancy puddings and such like in little like little drinking glasses, so you can take one of those mini spoons and tilt your head back and launch a hunk of mousse right down your gob. Easy to eat.
  19. I only Buffet via Eatigo and I only go to one that has the stuff I want (red, dripping high quality US beef, Oysters, Crab Legs, lamb, lobster) and I do it on a whim too, so I dont want to schlep far from my hotel. I dont do any of those "Taste of China" nonsense promos, Ill go buy that crap on the street. Give me high quality Western food, with some Gourmet Options, last month I buried my face in a bowl of pork vindaloo as an appetizer to kill any vibrio the Oysters might give me. Last 5x in BKK this year it was either Sheraton or Westin in Asoke. They never have disapointed and Ill be there in about 3 weeks at one of them for the 6th time this year. As to others, go on Eatigo and anything rated 4.5 and above Ive probably been there too. (absent like Seacon Square etc)
  20. Yeah but its full of Africans with AK47s
  21. Solo rates for a typical day/night. Rounded/converted/averaged Decent hotel in a touristy area $40 Average Taxi ride $3 Skytrain/ MRT Ride $2 Pad Krapow on the Street $2 Coffee/ Smoothies $2 Random Mall Food $4 Hotel Buffet with Discount $50 (go for the ones with loads of seafood and meat to increase value) Chinatown Food $10 Tourist Boat $1 Admissions (Wat Arun, Grand Palace etc) $3 a venue People watching free Promo Doobie $7 Gram of the finest (yes I actually saw this in MBK) $30 Gram of US quality $15 Barfine in Nana $17-35 depending on venue I havent given a cost for beer because I dont drink. You can get beat up on booze so be careful. Same with weed, if you are a heavy smoker arrange some in advance. Wholesale is $1-5 a gram, dont buy it outside a store. Girl costs depend on you. Buying lady drinks is a waste. Some folks end up cutting their trip short because some Thai gilr got her claws in the wallet. I gave $40 for a hotel because thats what I pay for my usual. My kid pays $30 over in Silom. I dont lay my head in slums, I have a need for some luxury. When I come in from Cambodia once a month, I budget about $150 a day cash over and above my room. Important tip: Get a room with free breakfast. Dont pay any attention to breakfast critics. The $5 extra a breakfast may cost is PRICELESS when you wake up hungover and ashamed of yourself. All decent hotel breakfasts have a grill station, eggs are eggs and eating a dozen wont hurt even if the steam tray of stir fry for the Chinese looks like puke. Always make sure the breakfast includes the grill station for eggs and omelets, its key. No grill, no stay. If you are really a Cheap Charlie, stuff yourslef at breakfast and you can go all day without food until your paid girlfriend has you sitting on a plastic chair across from Nana Plaza having Pad Thai, probably with the same oil they have been using for the past 30 years. I want a Nana Burger.
  22. Exactly, look at the Biden family. Remember the apple does not fall very far from the tree
  23. Unlike your lot, who look down at them and do nothing for them, except as is needed to retain power
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